Jupiter Games NELCQ (12/03/2011) — Finals

At 7:30AM my alarm goes off and I prepare for another Jupiter Games event. When I arrive to the store, I get dragged into a debate on whether or not Preordain or Ponder is better in combo, it’s essentially card quality versus quantity. My issue is that, in combo, there is no such thing as...
Read MoreJupiter Games NELCQ (11/05/2011) — Top 8

The morning of the event had arrived! I woke up at 7:30AM, put on my Jupiter Games shirt, grabbed a jacket, picked up my backpack, and was out the door. In Syracuse, people have adjusted to grey skies, cold weather, and warming up cars in the morning. I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy ...
Read MoreLiam Kane vs. Caleb Neufeld with Dredge

Liam Kane vs. Caleb Neufeld with Dredge at StarCityGames: Las Vegas, NV
Read MoreJupiter Games NELCQ (10/15/2011) — Top 16

An early start to the day has me on the road by 7:30AM for the trip down to Jupiter Games in Binghamton, NY. When I get to Jupiter Games, I decide do some trading with the store and then begin to scout the competition and realize there are a lot of inexperienced The EPIC Storm...
Read MoreJason Golembiewski vs. Chris Anderson with Elves

Jason Golembiewski vs. Chris Anderson with Elves at StarCityGames: Indianapolis, IN
Read MoreLiam Kane vs. Joe Lossett with Elves

Liam Kane vs. Joe Lossett with Elves at StarCityGames: Seattle, WA
Read MoreStar City Games: Baltimore, MD (07/03/2011) — 11th Place

This tournament report really starts with getting picked up by my good friend, Dan Walton — our driver for the weekend. We make a pit-stop to buy some sleeves and Commander decks then head out to pick everyone else up. The trip down to Baltimore, MD felt pretty fast, I think it’s ...
Read MoreAJ Kerrigan vs. James Rynkiewicz with NO-Bant

AJ Kerrigan vs. James Rynkiewicz with NO-Bant at StarCityGames: Edison, NJ
Read MoreJupiter Games Invitational (06/11/2011) — Top 8

This tournament report really starts here where I began to qualify for the Jupiter Games Invitational event. After this I top 8’d Grand Prix Columbus but because of college I’ve barely been able to play and when I have been able to play, I’ve been cold. Luckily I graduated with ...
Read MoreGrand Prix: Providence, RI (05/28/2011) — Day 2

Our car to Providence, RI was Adam Barnello (Nightmare), Alex Artese (Munkie), and myself. We left early Friday morning and it was mostly talking about music, movies, and nerd stuff — who would’ve guessed? We eventually arrived at the event site, first person we see is Chuck (CDR) and ...
Read MoreLiam Kane vs. Patrick Sullivan with Burn

Liam Kane vs. Patrick Sullivan with Burn at StarCityGames: Los Angeles, CA
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