Nicklas Lallo vs. Hannes Eriksson with Jeskai Delver
Nicklas Lallo vs. Hannes Eriksson with Jeskai Delver at Scandinavian Open #5
Read MoreNicklas Lallo vs. Hannes Eriksson with Jeskai Delver at Scandinavian Open #5
Read MoreNicklas Lallo vs. Mikael Johansson with Omnitell at Scandinavian Open #5
Read MoreMagic: The Gathering has graced us with some fantastic cards from the new set – Magic Origins! These two hot previews are prime for the breaking. The first being a functional reprint of the classic Demonic Tutor, while the second is essentially Time Twister. Both of these cards have ...
Read MoreThis article marks the first entry to an upcoming series to bring you closer to TES fundamentals in terms of deckbuilding and strategy. Look forward to in-depth looks at cantrip sequencing, manabases, managing of options, seizing opportunities, match psychology, board organisation, mulligan ...
Read MoreSince StarCityGames: Worcester I’ve been evaluating each card in the sideboard meticulously trying to find the most value out of the fifteen slots that we have. Earlier today I posted a theoretical sideboard on social media, I’m here to give some more in depth reasonings to my card choices. ...
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