TES Infernal Tutoring #32

Since our last Infernal Tutoring, the Legacy metagame has continued to evolve and adapt to the chaos that Wizards of the Coast created when they decided to print so many Legacy playable cards in such a short amount of time. Alex McKinley recently wrote a wonderful article that goes into more ...
Read MoreAdapting to Modern Horizons & M20

New cards entering Legacy used to be rare, possibly just one or two in a set. In just War of the Spark and Modern Horizons, there have been about 25 playable cards added to the format. Add in an impactful rules change in the London Mulligan, and that is quite the disruption! Personally, I have...
Read MoreThrough the Looking Glass: 4C Snow Control with Rugved Karhade

Special Guest A few words on Rugved Karhade (VedX or dystopiaa): Rugved “Ved” Karhade is an MTGO grinder and a constant player of all things “blu”, though he tends to prefer UWx Miracles. One of the recent innovators for Miracles, Ved constantly posts unique lists ...
Read MoreTES Matchup Battles: Ad Nauseam Tendrils

Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT) is a combo deck that focuses on breaking the Storm mechanic to cast a game-winning Tendrils of Agony. This is done by combining mana rituals, tutors, and engines, such as Past in Flames and Ad Nauseam, to cast 10 spells in a single turn. Because ANT is a ...
Read MoreTES Infernal Tutoring #31

Since our last article, the Legacy meta has continued to evolve. In the last few months, there have been multiple sets that have printed legacy playable cards, and people have been experimenting like crazy. It seems that the meta is going more and more towards greedy Four-Color (4C) Delver and ...
Read MoreThrough the Looking Glass: Maverick with Dan Neeley

Special Guest A few words on Dan Neeley (DNEELEY on MTGO, @danneeley1 on Twitter): Dan Neeley is a legacy player known for being a Maverick and four-color Loam player. Dan has one SCG Legacy Open Top 8. Two MTGO Challenge Wins and other smaller achievements. Dan is a father of three ...
Read MoreTES Matchup Battles: 4c Control II

4c Control is a control deck that’s trying to use all of the best disruptive cards like Thoughtseize, Force of Will, Snapcaster Mage, and planeswalkers. There are many flavors of 4c Control, but with the recent printing of Wrenn and Six most are traditional Grixis Control decks, but ...
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