Matchup Mulligan: Grixis Phoenix

Matchup Mulligan

Turbo Depths Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan Yes, we’re on the draw and have roughly 17 live draws (9 that flat out win the game), which is about 33% to win the game for every draw step. The big issue here is that we’re on the draw and that discard...

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Matchup Mulligan: Turbo Depths

Matchup Mulligan

4c Loam Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Keep I’m a little shocked by the number of people that thought this hand was a mulligan. Burning Wish represents both an answer to Chalice of the Void (assuming you draw another Mountain or fetchland) as well as an answer ...

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Through the Looking Glass: Dredge (Mana) with Patrick Schuster

Through the Looking Glass

Special thanks to Patrick Schuster for his contributions to today’s article. Since the metagame has settled after the bannings of Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe, graveyard decks such as Dredge have started to become very strong in the Legacy metagame. A lot of this has to do with the ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Landstill

Matchup Battles

UX Landstill has been one of the older decks of the Legacy format. Being around for nearly two decades, older than many players, but has been getting less popular over the past several years. Landstill is a blue-based control deck that gets its name from the combination of Standstill and ...

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Matchup Mulligan: 4c Loam

Matchup Mulligan

Dredge Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Keep This isn’t a fast hand, which is an issue. That said, you’re on the play with a discard spell on the first turn which should buy you a little bit of time. What’s interesting with this hand to me is that it ...

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