TES Matchup Battles: 4c Control II

4c Control is a control deck that’s trying to use all of the best disruptive cards like Thoughtseize, Force of Will, Snapcaster Mage, and planeswalkers. There are many flavors of 4c Control, but with the recent printing of Wrenn and Six most are traditional Grixis Control decks, but ...
Read MoreTES Infernal Tutoring #30

Hello Legacy Storm Players! We are back with our 30th Infernal Tutoring article! Since our last article, there have been some serious changes in the Legacy Meta. In my last article, I went over some of the impacts that War of the Spark had on Legacy, and it looks like Modern Horizons has had a...
Read MoreTES Matchup Battles: Grixis Delver II

Grixis Delver’s primary game plan is to stick an early threat, such as Delver of Secrets or Young Pyromancer, and use cards like Daze and Wasteland to disrupt the opponent’s initial development while killing the opponent quickly. There are, and have been, many different flavors of Delver ...
Read MoreThrough the Looking Glass: Miracles II with Lawrence Harmon

Special Guest A few words on Lawrence Harmon (@LawrenceHarmon on Twitter): He is known for frequenting the MODO Legacy queues with various Brainstorm shells. Known as the progenitor of Accumulated Knowledge Miracles, he loves tuning and finding edges in deck building.Lawrence does some ...
Read MoreSurviving the Karnpocalypse

Hello everyone, I have finished up school and I will hopefully be back on a more regular schedule! Since the release of War of the Spark, Legacy has changed quite a bit and with a new set on the horizon, it looks like it will be in flux for a while yet. With all of...
Read MoreTES Infernal Tutoring #29

Hello Legacy Storm Players! Since our last Infernal Tutoring, Wizards released their latest limited set War of the Sparks. War of the Sparks has already made a huge impact on Legacy by printing some incredibly powerful planeswalkers; Karn, The Great Creator, Ugin, The Ineffable, Narset, Parter ...
Read MoreCard Review: Echo of Eons

Echo of EonsSorceryEach player shuffles their hand and graveyard into their library, then draws seven cards.Flashback (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its Flashback cost. Then exile it.) Initial Thoughts Right off the bat, it’s very obvious that Echo of Eons has a great ...
Read MoreBolas’s Citadel — a Deep Dive for Legacy

War of the Spark has been out for less than three weeks and already we are seeing a heavy impact of the set in all formats. From Neoform breaking Allosaurus Rider in Modern to Karn, The Great Creator finding Mycosynth Lattice to lock opponents out in Legacy and Vintage, there is no question ...
Read MoreThrough the Looking Glass: Humans with Eddie Zamora

Special Guest A few words on Eddie Zamora (Yosoyez on MTGO): Eddie Zamora is a SoCal human who’s favorite past times include jamming a turn one Noble Hierarch and having a pint with friends. Though he has his best results in Standard and Modern, he is commonly known as the ...
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