Deck List Updates – EE7

Hey everyone! Here to provide some insight on some of the deck changes over the last few months. If you follow my spreadsheet you’ll know that I test different things quite frequently, always trying to find the best list for the metagame. Since I track deck versions and all of the ...
Read MoreThe Times They Are A-Changin

I am always trying to find a way to innovate and make The EPIC Storm a better deck, it never ends. I mentioned at the end of my Grand Prix: Louisville article that I felt the deck needed to move the Bayou from the main deck to the sideboard for increased mana stability. I had...
Read MoreTime & Mistakes

It’s been a few months since the release of Conspiracy: Take the Crown and to be quite frank, the printings of Sanctum Prelate and Recruiter of the Guard haven’t effected the metagame as we predicted. 10/22 Milwaukee Classic 10/16 Baltimore, Eternal Extravaganza 5 10/01 ...
Read MoreA Storm Hybrid

Over the last few weeks I’ve been testing a hybrid storm list, a mix between The EPIC Storm (TES) and Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT). Basically, TES with a Past in Flames engine built in. I’ve been receiving a lot of questions from individuals who’ve caught my sporadic games on ...

The September 28, 2015 B&R Announcement can be found here, for Legacy it says that Dig Through Time is banned and Black Vise is unbanned. If you came here looking for some sweet discussion on Black Vise, I apologize, there will be none – the card is unplayable. Moving on, the banning of Dig ...
Read MoreHeart of the Storm – September 2015 B&R Update

Announcement Date: September 28, 2015 Effective Date: October 2, 2015 Magic Online Effective Date: October 7, 2015 Legacy: Dig Through Time is banned. Black Vise is unbanned. There it is: The big restriction everyone was expecting beforehand and it’s a good one for the format, which ...
Read MoreXantid Swarm Vs. The Metagame

No one needs to sell me on why Xantid Swarm is a terrific Magic: The Gathering card. Trust me, I get it, I’ve been playing the card since 2006 and back then it was in my main deck! But with the metagame being as aggressive as it is, I don’t believe our bug friend is...
Read MoreHeart of the Storm – The “Vancouver” Mulligan

It’s been two weeks since Bryant has dropped his article on the matter and I delayed mine until I made up my mind and listened to some arguments. To be honest with you, I had a very bad feeling about this change in the first place and it still has not vanished. Here is the...
Read MoreNew Mulligan Rules for Battle for Zendikar

Aaron Forsythe just published this on the Wizards website. It explains the new mulligan rule that will be introduced with the release of Battle for Zendikar. This new style of mulligan was previously used at the latest Pro Tour in Vancouver, CA. Here’s the actual wording of the new ...
Read MoreMagic Origins – Combo Spoiler

Magic: The Gathering has graced us with some fantastic cards from the new set – Magic Origins! These two hot previews are prime for the breaking. The first being a functional reprint of the classic Demonic Tutor, while the second is essentially Time Twister. Both of these cards have ...
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