
Looking for some of the best Legacy storm content on the web? Look no further. The EPIC Storm has great content brought to you by a wide range of players from all over the world. If you’re looking for beginner content, we recommend the “Infernal Tutoring” or “The ABCs of TES” series.

Bryant Cook

UR Modern Storm – GP: Hartford Deck List

Deck List Main Deck 4 Baral, Chief of Compliance 2 Goblin Electromancer 4 Pyretic Ritual 4 Desperate Ritual 4 Manamorphose 4 Serum Visions 4 Sleight of Hand 3 Opt 3 Remand 1 Repeal 4 Gifts Ungiven 2 Past in Flames 2 Grapeshot 1 Empty the Warrens 1 Noxious Revival 4 Scalding Tarn 1 Polluted Delta...

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Bryant Cook

Matchup Mulligan: Elves

Eldrazi Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan The crowd seemed to be split 50/50 on this decision, which is good, it means people are thinking about these! That said, to me, it’s a Mulligan. If you were to keep this hand, the correct line of play would be to ...

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Bryant Cook

TES Wins March Madness!

The voting took place in the Leaving A Legacy Facebook Group and was run by Warren Connell. These were the rules: You should be able to view the bracket in Google Sheets. Make a copy of it and you should then be able to make predictions on your local copy of the bracket. Ship me...

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Anthony LaVerde

TES Infernal Tutoring #15

Since our last Infernal Tutoring session, we’ve had a couple minor tweaks to our deck list. We cut the copy of Telemin Performance in our sideboard for a fourth copy of Empty the Warrens. This decision was brought upon by the fact that Grixis Delver is the best deck in the format, and ...

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Bryant Cook

TES Mailbox #12

Hi everyone! We’re back with the mailbox, here are some more Q&A’s: How do you know when to go for Empty the Warrens or Ad Nauseam? There are no defined rules. Everything is based on game states: Whats our life total? What does our hand consist of? Whats the match-up? What is ...

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Alex Poling

TES Matchup Battles: Eldrazi

Eldrazi is a fairly new deck thanks to the recent Eldrazi additions from Oath of the Gatewatch. The “Stompy” archetype itself has been around for a very long time and its plan is to use fast mana to accelerate out lock pieces, and then follow them up with a fast clock to pressure ...

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