
Looking for some of the best Legacy storm content on the web? Look no further. The EPIC Storm has great content brought to you by a wide range of players from all over the world. If you’re looking for beginner content, we recommend the “Infernal Tutoring” or “The ABCs of TES” series.

Alex McKinley

Card Review: Wish

Wish Burning Wish Wish Death Wish Wish is a flexible new take on the ability to fetch cards from outside the game. Its text has a lot of subtleties that grant it some extra power. By using the word “play”,  Wish allows its caster to play lands in addition to spells from their ...

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Bryant Cook

Matchup Mulligan: UR Delver II

Final GW Depths Hand Answer Hand No. 10: (on the play — mulliganed twice) Burning Wish Dark Ritual Mishra’s Bauble Mishra’s Bauble Mox Opal Ponder Brainstorm Keep or Mulligan? Keep Honestly, I’m not sure how much better a four-card hand would be outside of having exactly the ...

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Alex Poling

TES Matchup Battles: UR Delver III

UR Delver is made up of cantrips, burn spells, aggressive creatures, and counterspells. Its game plan is to try to and play an early aggressive creature and then use counterspells and burn spells to disrupt the opponent enough to end the game quickly. Dragon’s Rage Channeler, Ragavan, ...

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Alex McKinley

Card Review: Modern Horizons 2

Modern Horizons 2 was a set that I was a little bit terrified for, especially after how the original Modern Horizons influenced Legacy. Fortunately, Modern Horizons 2 seems to have provided many new options for The EPIC Storm! Cards For the EPIC Storm Aeve, Progenitor Ooze Aeve, Progenitor Ooze ...

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