
Looking for some of the best Legacy storm content on the web? Look no further. The EPIC Storm has great content brought to you by a wide range of players from all over the world. If you’re looking for beginner content, we recommend the “Infernal Tutoring” or “The ABCs of TES” series.

Josh Hughes

TES Infernal Tutoring #44

With all of the struggles and challenges that the year 2020 has forced on the world, it is nice to see some positivity come in the form of The EPIC Storm (TES) winning two major events this past month! In a format dominated by RUG Delver, it is a huge bright spot to see our...

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Alex Poling

TES Matchup Battles: BUG Ninjas

BUG Ninjas is a fairly new deck that takes advantage the Ninjutsu ability, using Yuriko, the Tiger’s Shadow and Ingenious Infiltrator. This allows the deck to draw multiple cards a turn to overwhelm the opponent in card advantage. In order to do this as early as possible, they play cards ...

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Alex McKinley

Set Review: Zendikar Rising

Zendikar Rising might be one of the least impactful sets for The EPIC Storm in years. There are a few cards that merit discussion, but none of them end up playable. Despite not having a card worth playing in TES, Zendikar Rising will likely impact Legacy as a whole, with cards to improve ...

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