
Looking for some of the best Legacy storm content on the web? Look no further. The EPIC Storm has great content brought to you by a wide range of players from all over the world. If you’re looking for beginner content, we recommend the “Infernal Tutoring” or “The ABCs of TES” series.

Josh Hughes

TES Infernal Tutoring #28

Hello Legacy Storm Players! Since our last Infernal Tutoring, there have been two major Legacy events, GP Niagara Falls, and the Leaving a Legacy Open III. The deck lists for GP Niagara Falls can be found here, but the top 8 consisted of Stoneblade, two copies of Death & Taxes, Grixis ...

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Bryant Cook

Matchup Mulligan: UW Stoneblade

UR Delver Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Keep Most people correctly answered this scenario. With a scry and being on the draw, your odds of finding a red source are much better than your odds of winning the game on five cards. It’s difficult to ask for more than a first...

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Alex Poling

TES Matchup Battles: Death & Taxes II

Death & Taxes looks a lot like white weenie to the casual observer. In reality, D&T is a creature-based control deck that focuses on invalidating the opposing deck. The goal is to aggressively land creatures while creating a difficult time for the opponent to execute their game plan. ...

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