Deck List
Main Deck
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Ponder
- 4 Gitaxian Probe
- 4 Duress
- 3 Cabal Therapy
What changed?
I played the list that is on the website with one change to the sideboard: -1 Cabal Therapy, +1 Thoughtseize. This change is just a personal preference, and I don't necessarily recommend it for other players, but it's just what I like. In the main deck we have 4 Duress and 3 Cabal Therapy because we need our discard spells to always be able to take a card, and a lot of the blue decks play many 1 of's or 2 of's and it makes it harder to predict with a Cabal Therapy. I just took this same concept and theory when wanting to play Thoughtseize in the sideboard.
Getting There & Playing
The weekend before the event I started arranging hotels and the trip from Columbus, OH to Pittsburgh, PA with my good friend Alex. It usually takes me about three hours to get there, so no big deal just needed a hotel. I ask him what's his price range for the hotel, and he said he had been talking to another group that was going down there who suggested us grab an Airbnb. I've never done it before, so figured I may as well try it. I make an account and start searching and sure enough it looks pretty good so I request a booking with someone and wait and see if they respond. 24 hours later they message me saying "something came up, sorry we're busy that weekend now." This happened to me twice, so come Tuesday before the event and I finally got some place booked and when it's accepted I read the instructions and goes something like, "Go down the alley behind a couple bars and you'll see a staircase." That does not sound good, but I am thankful I got something booked.
Friday before the event I pickup my friend Alex and we are on our way. The goal was to get there before the trial started in the afternoon, so we could try to earn a bye, but instead we drove around Pittsburgh for probably an hour looking for parking and walking around lost and end up missing the trial. All is good. I prefer playing on hard mode anyway. So, the rest of Friday we go to vendors, watch some vintage, and talk with a bunch of people we know and just have a good time.
About 6:00 we decide to head to our Airbnb about 20 minutes away and finally find the pitch black alley we need to go down and up the rickety staircase to what looked like the most sketchy set of apartments I'd ever seen, but outside our window was a college block party. Alex knew a group of non-magic friends near Pittsburgh, so they hit is up and wanted to go out for a drink and some dinner since they hadn't seen each other in a while. At first I wasn't going to go. We had a very busy day and I was exhausted and we have a big tournament in the morning, but I caved and said I'd go if we only had one drink and were back by 11, and everyone agreed so I'm in.
Four long islands, one shot of tequila and a glass of gin later and we are walking back into the apartment about 1:30. Eh close enough to my original rules. We pass out and rush to the convention center in the morning with a minor hangover and we are ready to start our tournament!
Round One - TES
Main Deck
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Ponder
- 4 Gitaxian Probe
- 4 Duress
- 3 Cabal Therapy