the epic Storm
Main Deck
- 4 [[Burning Wish]]
- 4 [[Infernal Tutor]]
- 4 [[Brainstorm]]
- 4 [[Ponder]]
- 4 [[Gitaxian Probe]]
- 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
- 1 [[Past in Flames]]
- 1 [[Ad Nauseam]]
- 4 [[Cabal Therapy]]
- 2 [[Duress]]
- 4 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
- 4 [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]
- 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
- 3 [[Chrome Mox]]
- 4 [[Polluted Delta]]
- 3 [[Bloodstained Mire]]
- 2 [[Underground Sea]]
- 1 [[Volcanic Island]]
- 1 [[Badlands]]
- 1 [[Bayou]]
- 1 [[Swamp]]
- 4 [[Abrupt Decay]]
- 2 [[Hurkyl’s Recall]]
- 2 [[Thoughtseize]]
- 2 [[Past in Flames]]
- 1 [[Grapeshot]]
- 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
- 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
- 1 [[Massacre]]
- 1 [[Dark Petition]]
What changed?
Between the MTGthesource user FinalFortune and Caleb Scherer, I had a slightly newer strategy. Caleb has been trying [[Chrome Mox]] in his sideboard to become more like TES in post-board games and FinalFortune has been playing a sideboard with two copies of [[Tendrils of Agony]] and two [[Past in Flames]] to become more like ANT post-board against blue decks. I liked the concept, but I think it was slightly off. In my games of testing, I never actually needed a second copy of [[Tendrils of Agony]]. My initial plan was to side in all four copies of the cards and go into full "Grinding " mode against blue-based decks, this wasn't really working for me. Due to that, the new plan just became to side in one [[Past in Flames]] and the single [[Tendrils of Agony]].Other than that, the only other change was bringing back Massacre.Grand Prix: Columbus
Round One & Two - **BYE**
Round Three - Khrystian Wildes with 4c Chalice Loam
Game One:
Khrystian wins the die roll and starts with [[Taiga]] and then casts [[Green Sun's Zenith]] for [[Dryad Arbor]]. I begin the event with a [[Gitaxian Probe]] revealing: [[Liliana of the Veil]], [[Wasteland]], [[Scavenging Ooze]], and a pair of [[Mox Diamond]]. I follow this with a [[Polluted Delta]] to find basic [[Swamp]] and a [[Cabal Therapy]] on [[Mox Diamond]]. Khrystian draws, plays [[Wasteland]], attacks with [[Dryad Arbor]] and plays [[Scavenging Ooze]]. I draw, play a [[Bloodstained Mire]], and pass. Khrystian attacks me and misses a land drop. I play a third land, [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Burning Wish]]) and then cast [[Burning Wish]] for [[Grapeshot]], then use it to clear the board of creatures. My hand is now [[Ad Nauseam]] and non-mana cards. Khrystian lays a [[Forest]]. I don't draw a fifth mana for [[Ad Nauseam]], Khrystian draws [[Green Sun's Zenith]] for [[Gaddock Teeg]]. While shuffling the deck, I notice there's sideboard cards face up in the library and going the opposite direction. The judges rule that it's a loss for an illegal deck.Sideboarding: -2 [[Ponder]], -2 [[Cabal Therapy]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], -1 [[Empty the Warrens]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]], +2 [[Thoughtseize]]
Game Two:
Khrystian starts with a pair of [[Mox Diamond]], a [[Wasteland]], and [[Gaddock Teeg]]. I play [[Underground Sea]] and [[Ponder]]. Khrystian plays another land and [[Knight of the Reliquary]] before using the [[Wasteland]], I quickly lose after this.Game Three:
I start the third game of the day with [[Bloodstained Mire]] finding [[Underground Sea]] and casting [[Ponder]] into [[Brainstorm]], [[Empty the Warrens]], and [[Burning Wish]]. Draw [[Brainstorm]]. [[Lotus Petal]], [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Brainstorm]]), [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and then cast [[Brainstorm]]. In response, add and then cast [[Burning Wish]] into [[Empty the Warrens]] for 16 [[Goblin Token]]s. Khrystian concedes on the spot.I felt very badly about taking the game win in the first game when I was completely locked out by [[Gaddock Teeg]], but this is a Grand Prix. No excuses for things like that.Round Four - Sean O'Neal with Stoneblade
Game One:
Sean mulligans, plays [[Underground Sea]], and passes. My initial thought was that I must've been wrong about [[Stoneforge Mystic]]. I play a [[Polluted Delta]] and cast [[Ponder]], which is immediately hit by [[Spell Pierce]]. I am then hit by a [[Thoughtseize]] on my [[Ad Nauseam]]. Due to this, I use [[Burning Wish]] to retrieve [[Past in Flames]]. Sean plays [[Stoneforge Mystic]]. I play a few ritual effects into [[Past in Flames]], that then Flashback [[Ad Nauseam]].I tell Sean that I put them on [[Stoneforge Mystic]] and explain why. I then told Sean I got very nervous after the initial [[Underground Sea]], I was worried that they might be playing Reanimator. Then went on to explain why Reanimator is very bad for Storm combo. The match going on next to us apparently had a Reanimator deck in it, their opponent snaps at us for making small talk about Reanimator. Neither of us had any clue about the games next to us. I understand why, but a kinder request would've been appreciated.Sideboarding: -1 [[Empty the Warrens]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +1 [[Tendrils of Agony]], +1 [[Past in Flames]]
Game Two:
I mulligan. This is a very long game with [[Meddling Mage]] on [[Burning Wish]] and [[Pithing Needle]] on [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], I cast [[Past in Flames]] that is countered by Sean's draw step [[Spell Pierce]]. I have to use [[Dark Ritual]] to cast [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. I eventually find the [[Tendrils of Agony]] but am forced to use [[Brainstorm]]. In order to win the game, I have to hit one of the remaining two copies of [[Dark Ritual]], I do not.Game Three:
Sean mulligans and starts with a [[Tundra]] into a [[Ponder]]. On the second turn, I play [[Burning Wish]] for [[Massacre]] preemptively to avoid a [[Meddling Mage]], I also still have a [[Burning Wish]] and [[Infernal Tutor]] in hand. On the third turn, Sean casts a [[Brainstorm]], shuffles with a fetch land, and casts [[Rest in Peace]]. I play another [[Burning Wish]] for [[Empty the Warrens]], three [[Lotus Petal]], and then lay a land. [[Empty the Warrens]] for ten [[Goblin Token]]s. I attack through a [[True-Name Nemesis]] twice, Sean starts counting, but has to use a fetch land to drop down to two before casting [[Batterskull]]. I have exactly lethal. Although, I had the mana to [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Burning Wish]] for [[Grapeshot]]!A tight match!Round Five - Joe Lossett with Miracles
Game One:
I win the die roll and hit a [[Counterbalance]] early with [[Gitaxian Probe]] into [[Cabal Therapy]] on [[Counterbalance]]. This is a long game where because of the [[Cabal Therapy]], I've spent most of it being beaten by a [[Snapcaster Mage]] and a [[Vendilion Clique]] after a poor [[Ad Nauseam]]. There's a pivotal moment where Joe decides to use the [[Vendilion Clique]] main phase, which is the proper play. But of the two unknown cards in my hand, one of them is a [[Brainstorm]]. I'm able to leverage this into a [[Past in Flames]], but I'm short a post-[[Past in Flames]]. I'm actually one Storm short of just killing Joe with [[Grapeshot]]. I have to kill the two creatures and leave Joe at three life. My hand is a [[Bloodstained Mire]] that I can't use and a [[Brainstorm]]. Joe draws and passes. I draw [[Dark Ritual]], then cast [[Brainstorm]] into another [[Dark Ritual]] and [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. I Flashback [[Past in Flames]] and [[Grapeshot]].During my [[Past in Flames]], a judge walks by and Joe asks them how long is acceptable on a turn/decision. I felt like this was an attempt to make me slip up. I was definitely playing at a reasonable pace and the judge agreed. I don't hold anything against Joe, but it seemed like a trick — I wasn't having it.Sideboarding: -3 [[Chrome Mox]], -1 [[Lotus Petal]], -1 [[Swamp]], -1 [[Empty the Warrens]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Tendrils of Agony]], +1 [[Past in Flames]]
Game Two:
Joe just demolishes be with a [[Sensei's Divining Top]] and a pair of [[Counterbalance]] in the first five turns.Game Three:
I keep a hand of: [[Burning Wish]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Abrupt Decay]], [[Badlands]], [[Gitaxian Probe]], [[Ponder]], and [[Duress]]. It's definitely not ideal, but it has a lot of potential. I never hit a second land before Joe kills me with [[Snapcaster Mage]], [[Vendilion Clique]], and later a [[Venser, Shaper Savant]]. I use [[Rite of Flame]] for [[Burning Wish]] and grab [[Massacre]] on turn 0 of turns. I cast it, Joe tanks for a minute. Casts [[Brainstorm]] and then activates [[Sensei's Divining Top]] to look at a third card. Joe finds [[Force of Will]] to stop my attempt of drawing the round.It was a great match, I still think the third hand might've been a keep. Congrats to Joe for making the top 8, Joe was a solid opponent.Round Six - Daniel Buzzie with Miracles
Game One:
Dan wins the die roll and starts with [[Island]] into [[Sensei's Divining Top]]. I have the option of [[Volcanic Island]] into [[Ponder]] to look for a [[Gitaxian Probe]] and more business or just jam my [[Polluted Delta]] for a [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Cabal Therapy]] blind on [[Counterbalance]]. I opted for [[Ponder]] — I was punished. I concede the game on turn four after only playing the blue spells.Dan makes a comment on how beautiful my deck is and how they can't wait to see if I have EMA Japanese foil [[Force of Will]] yet. Then goes on to talk about the Grixis Delver match-up.Sideboarding: -3 [[Chrome Mox]], -1 [[Lotus Petal]], -1 [[Swamp]], -1 [[Empty the Warrens]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Tendrils of Agony]], +1 [[Past in Flames]]
Game Two:
I play a blind [[Cabal Therapy]] on [[Counterbalance]] on the first turn and hit. Leaving Dan with a [[Sensei's Divining Top]], [[Terminus]], and lands. I later [[Gitaxian Probe]] and see [[Flusterstorm]], I play another [[Cabal Therapy]]. Turns out Dan's draw step was [[Brainstorm]], after it's cast I name [[Force of Will]] and hit a pair. No other blue cards. On Dan's end step I play a pair of [[Dark Ritual]] into [[Ad Nauseam]] with [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] and an open land. Daniel flops top and uses [[Force of Will]] pitching [[Flusterstorm]]. The [[Brainstorm]] was THREE [[Force of Will]]! It doesn't matter much as I draw [[Burning Wish]] for [[Past in Flames]].Dan says how they couldn't believe that they fell for me not being Storm, Dan immediately grans their sideboard.Game Three:
On turn two, Dan slams a [[Counterbalance]]. On turn three, a [[Rest in Peace]], which is fine — I [[Abrupt Decay]] the [[Counterbalance]] on the end-step. I then cast [[Gitaxian Probe]] and then a pair of [[Cabal Therapy]] discarding [[Vendilion Clique]] and [[Monastery Mentor]] leaving them with only a [[Karakas]]. On my next draw step, I draw a [[Dark Ritual]] which allows me to [[Rite of Flame]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Burning Wish]], and then cast [[Empty the Warrens]]. The [[Goblin Token]]s got there!Round Seven - Conner Oakes with Eldrazi
Game One:
I play a first turn basic [[Swamp]] into [[Duress]], stripping away the [[Chalice of the Void]]. Leaving Conner with: [[Umezawa's Jitte]], [[Eldrazi Mimic]], [[Endbringer]], [[Thought-Knot Seer]], [[Reality Smasher]], and [[Ancient Tomb]]. Conner plays the [[Eldrazi Mimic]] falling to 18 life. I play a [[Cabal Therapy]] discarding the [[Umezawa's Jitte]] and then follow that play up with 14 [[Goblin Token]]s. Which was too much for Conner.Sideboarding: -4 [[Ponder]], -4 [[Cabal Therapy]], -2 [[Duress]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]], +2 Hurkyl's Recall, +2 [[Thoughtseize]]
Game Two:
Conner is having a rough time as they shuffle down to four starting cards on the game. They play a land that only produces one mana and pass. I put 14 [[Goblin Token]]s into play on the first turn and Connor does not find a [[Ratchet Bomb]].Round Eight - Darren Smith with Eldrazi
Game One:
Darren mulligans and plays a first turn [[Eldrazi Mimic]], second turn [[Thought-Knot Seer]], and a third turn [[Reality Smasher]] on cue. I don't stand a chance with the cards my cantrips found.Sideboarding: -4 [[Ponder]], -4 [[Cabal Therapy]], -2 [[Duress]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]], +2 Hurkyl's Recall, +2 [[Thoughtseize]]
Game Two:
I play 10 [[Goblin Token]]s on turn 1, Darren draws, and then plays [[Ancient Tomb]] into [[Chalice of the Void]] for 1. I attack. He peels [[Ratchet Bomb]] and activates it, I should've caught this but Darren left the [[Chalice of the Void]] on the table. I might've actually been able to win this game if I was paying close enough attention.I tell Darren as we're putting things away and I could tell that they were shaken up about it. I told them not to worry about it as it's my fault for not noticing, I wish Darren the best of luck in day two.Round Nine - Robert Connolly with Burn
Game One:
I am in a weird spot against a pair of [[Monastery Swiftspear]] at 13 life and I previously just made 12 [[Goblin Token]]s. Sacrificing one to Flashback a [[Cabal Therapy]]. I can attack all in against two [[Monastery Swiftspear]] and an unknown card or leave one back. I opted to leave one back. Robert then proceeded to keep drawing blockers until I was just one damage short of winning the game. If I had attacked all in, I would've won.Sideboarding: +4 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Past in Flames]], +1 [[Tendrils of Agony]], -4 [[Gitaxian Probe]], -2 [[Duress]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]]
Game Two:
I have a first turn [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Burning Wish]], [[Dark Petition]], and [[Empty the Warrens]].Game Three:
Robert starts with a [[Bloodstained Mire]] digging up a classic [[Mountain]] into [[Lava Spike]]. I draw and cast [[Brainstorm]], putting [[Empty the Warrens]] on top. [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Chrome Mox]], [[Ponder]] (sacrificing [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]), and cast [[Empty the Warrens]]. Rob's burn spells aren't enough in time.Round Ten - William Craddock with Sneak & Show
Game One:
William starts with a [[Volcanic Island]] and a [[Gitaxian Probe]]. My initial thought was a [[Delver of Secrets]] variant. I take my turn and play my own [[Volcanic Island]] and cast [[Ponder]]. On William's turn, they play [[City of Traitors]] and my chest sinks. [[Show and Tell]]? [[Griselbrand]]. I put in a land, on my turn I go all in on a [[Burning Wish]] after a [[Gitaxian Probe]] revealing three lands. William draws seven, says there's not even a blue card. The next seven provide William with both the [[Force of Will]] and the card to remove.Sideboarding: -1 [[Empty the Warrens]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +2 [[Thoughtseize]]
Game Two:
I use the common strategy that Storm does best against Sneak & Show, three discard spells in the first three turns. One of which hits an [[Emrakul, the Aeons Torn]] to force a trigger after William kept on [[Ponder]]. After the third discard spell. I safely resolve [[Ad Nauseam]] from 14 life.Game Three:
William says they'll keep but has a question for the judge. This immediately tips me off that they have a [[Leyline of Sanctity]] in their hand. I then immediately ask the judge when the [[Leyline of Sanctity]] would come into play, before or after scrys? The answer is after. I scry and see a [[Thoughtseize]], immediately bottom. Although, this might've actually have been questionable. My hand was: [[Burning Wish]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Chrome Mox]] and a pair of lands. Any color card would allow me to make [[Goblin Token]]s on the first turn. William plays [[Ponder]] on the first turn. I go all in, William reveals a [[Force of Will]] exiling a [[Force of Will]].My next three draw steps are [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Infernal Tutor]]... My [[Ad Nauseam]] resolves! I end up storming for longer than I needed to as I was setting up a way that if William had [[Kozilek's Return]] that I could make a horde of [[Goblin Token]]s again on the following turn. I also wanted to make sure that a blocking [[Griselbrand]] wouldn't keep William alive. I cross my fingers hoping that William doesn't kill me.Round Eleven - Matthew Severa with Eldrazi
Game One:
On the play, I cast [[Lotus Petal]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Infernal Tutor]]), [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and cast [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Empty the Warrens]]. Matthew concedes before I can see what they're playing.Sideboarding: -2 [[Ponder]], -2 [[Duress]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
Matt shuffles down to five and starts with turn one [[Eldrazi Mimic]], turn two [[Thought-Knot Seer]], and turn three [[Reality Smasher]]. I can't compete.Sideboarding: -4 [[Ponder]], -4 [[Cabal Therapy]], -2 [[Duress]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]], +2 Hurkyl's Recall, +2 [[Thoughtseize]]
Game Three:
I'm on the play for our third game and my starting seven is: [[Gitaxian Probe]], [[Bloodstained Mire]], [[Underground Sea]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. Matt lays a [[Leyline of the Void]] on the table. I start off with a [[Gitaxian Probe]] and see: [[Ancient Tomb]], [[Mishra's Factory]], [[City of Traitors]], [[Warping Wail]], [[Ratchet Bomb]], and [[Thought-Knot Seer]]. I really need to draw a [[Lotus Petal]] or [[Chrome Mox]]... [[Rite of Flame]]. I play [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] as a trick to get Matthew to play and use [[Ratchet Bomb]], but Matt doesn't bite. Matt leaves open [[Ancient Tomb]] for [[Warping Wail]]. I continue to draw blanks, Matt takes my [[Infernal Tutor]] with [[Thought-Knot Seer]].I have a window to draw something, I draw a [[Ponder]]. Cast it, shuffle, and draw [[Gitaxian Probe]]. Cast it, draw [[Empty the Warrens]]... I draw a [[Burning Wish]] later and try to get Matt to use [[Ratchet Bomb]] in response before I'm too dead to [[Empty the Warrens]] — once again Matt doesn't fall for my tricks. I lose.Round Twelve - Tyler Mollenkopf with Elves
Game One:
I mulligan and lead off with basic [[Swamp]] into [[Duress]]. I miss. On turn two, I play [[Underground Sea]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Ad Nauseam]].Sideboarding: -2 [[Duress]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Empty the Warrens]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
My opening hand on the draw is: [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Bloodstained Mire]]. I'm ready to win as long as Tyler doesn't play a discard spell. Tyler plays a [[Bayou]] and a [[Green Sun's Zenith]] for [[Dryad Arbor]]. I draw... [[Abrupt Decay]], no! I play [[Lotus Petal]] and [[Bloodstained Mire]]. Tyler passes and then upkeep kills my [[Lotus Petal]] with [[Abrupt Decay]]. I draw another [[Bloodstained Mire]] and lay it on the battlefield. Tyler then plays a [[Birchlore Ranger]] and then a [[Heritage Druid]]. I make a misplay of not using [[Abrupt Decay]] in response - because of this, I am hit by a [[Cabal Therapy]] naming [[Infernal Tutor]]. Tyler flashes back on [[Dark Ritual]]. We spend the next few turns drawing and attacking, in the mean time Tyler shows me that they do not have [[Gaddock Teeg]] as an option for [[Green Sun's Zenith]]. I draw [[Burning Wish]], I'm at 11 life. I play all of my mana into [[Burning Wish]], [[Dark Petition]], and [[Ad Nauseam]] ( floating and an untapped land). I lose a total of two life before stopping my [[Ad Nauseam]] — it was nuts.Round Thirteen - David Jimenez with 12 Post
Game One:
I win the die roll and cast [[Duress]] hitting David's [[Brainstorm]]. Leaving behind: [[Crop Rotation]], [[Pithing Needle]], a pair of [[Repeal]] and two lands. David plays a [[Pithing Needle]] on [[Polluted Delta]]. I have one of each fetch land in hand. I purposely play [[Polluted Delta]] and then [[Cabal Therapy]] (another in hand) to hit [[Crop Rotation]]. On the following turn, I use the other to discard [[Repeal]], David opts not to respond. David is left with only lands in hand. On my next turn, I draw a [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] that allows me to become Hellbent for [[Infernal Tutor]]. [[Ad Nauseam]].Sideboarding: -2 [[Cabal Therapy]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Empty the Warrens]], +4 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
I open with a pair of discard spells in the first few turns and then [[Burning Wish]] for [[Dark Petition]]. On David's turn, David plays [[Show and Tell]] into [[Emrakul, the Aeons Torn]]. On my turn, I put [[Ad Nauseam]] on the stack.Round Fourteen - Greg Dougan with Grixis Delver
Game One:
Greg has a second turn [[Young Pyromancer]] and a third turn [[Gurmag Angler]]. I [[Burning Wish]] for [[Tendrils of Agony]]. On the following turn, I do the classic, tons of mana and then cast [[Burning Wish]] (I think they were afraid of adding to my storm count so it resolved) for [[Grapeshot]]. [[Grapeshot]] you. [[Tendrils of Agony]] you.Sideboarding: none
Game Two:
We end up at a point where I've discarded Greg's hand down quite a bit, I'm ready to go in for the kill. Knowing Greg's draw step would've had to have saved them, I get hit hard by an [[Invasive Surgery]].Game Three:
I'm on the play and play [[Lotus Petal]], [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Burning Wish]]), [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Burning Wish]] for [[Empty the Warrens]]. Greg draws and extends their hand!Round Fifteen - Paul Cheon with ANT
Game One:
I win the die roll with a pair of box cars, this set the tone of the rest of the match — that was huge! My initial hand is: [[Lotus Petal]], [[Swamp]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Ponder]], and [[Cabal Therapy]]. Not a bad hand! If my [[Ponder]] finds [[Infernal Tutor]] Paul is just dead. I begin the last round of the event with [[Lotus Petal]] into [[Ponder]], which sees: [[Burning Wish]], [[Empty the Warrens]], and [[Ponder]] — I quickly shuffle and draw another [[Ponder]]. I lay my [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], play [[Swamp]], and [[Cabal Therapy]] naming [[Dark Ritual]]. A pair go to Paul's graveyard and it's clear Paul is not happy about me knowing the match-up. Paul draws, plays a [[Ponder]], and then follows up with a [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. Looks familiar!I draw for turn... IT'S [[Ad Nauseam]]! [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], and [[Ad Nauseam]]. In response, I add . At this point, Paul makes a comment about how I'm going to make [[Goblin Token]]s and pass, which makes me believe Pauk doesn't really understand the differences between the decks. The game ends with a [[Tendrils of Agony]].Sideboarding: -1 [[Empty the Warrens]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +2 [[Thoughtseize]]
Game Two:
I keep a hand of: [[Ponder]], [[Ponder]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Underground Sea]] and [[Bloodstained Mire]]. Paul starts with a [[Gitaxian Probe]] into a [[Ponder]]. I use my own [[Ponder]], shuffle, and draw [[Gitaxian Probe]]. Paul's hand was actually discard proof if I had one, I pass and die to a [[Past in Flames]] loop.Game Three:
Paul mulligans and then does so again. I kept a weaker hand, but it had a [[Duress]] and a pair of [[Ponder]]. I end up playing three discard spells, shredding his hand before I make twelve [[Goblin Token]]s and Flashback a [[Cabal Therapy]]. This renders Paul's hand useless — the game doesn't last much longer.Paul was a great opponent, our banter was fun, and it was an intense match.Totals & Stats
- Games & Record: 22-13 | 12-3
- The Die Roll: 6-7
- Mulligans: 5
- Turn One Combos: 5
- Ad Nauseam Wins: 8
- Past in Flames Wins: 3
- Empty the Warrens Wins: 10
- Natural Tendrils of Agony Wins: 1