Jupiter Games NELCQ (12/03/2011) — Finals

At 7:30AM my alarm goes off and I prepare for another Jupiter Games event. When I arrive to the store, I get dragged into a debate on whether or not [[Preordain]] or [[Ponder]] is better in combo, it's essentially card quality versus quantity.

My issue is that, in combo, there is no such thing as card quality — it's really a bunch of synergy-based cards that aren't overly-powerful on their own. Because of this, [[Preordain]] isn't as good as [[Ponder]]. Not to mention, [[Ponder]]'s ability to see one card deeper has much more value in finding the broken or powerful effects the deck does have.

the epic Storm

Main Deck

  • 4 [[Burning Wish]]
  • 4 [[Infernal Tutor]]
  • 4 [[Brainstorm]]
  • 4 [[Ponder]]
  • 2 [[Ad Nauseam]]
  • 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
  • 4 [[Duress]]
  • 3 [[Orim's Chant]]
  • 1 [[Silence]]
  • 4 [[Rite of Flame]]
  • 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
  • 4 [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]
  • 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
  • 4 [[Chrome Mox]]
  • 4 [[Gemstone Mine]]
  • 2 [[City of Brass]]
  • 2 [[Underground Sea]]
  • 1 [[Volcanic Island]]
  • 2 [[Scalding Tarn]]
  • 1 [[Polluted Delta]]
  • 1 [[Bloodstained Mire]]


  • 3 [[Pyroblast]]
  • 2 [[Echoing Truth]]
  • 1 [[Wipe Away]]
  • 1 [[Silent Departure]]
  • 1 [[Thoughtseize]]
  • 1 [[Shattering Spree]]
  • 1 [[Grapeshot]]
  • 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
  • 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
  • 1 [[Ill-Gotten Gains]]
  • 1 [[Past in Flames]]
  • 1 [[Diminishing Returns]]

Jupiter Games NELCQ

Round One - Jarod Flanagan with Burn

[[Past in Flames|]]
[[Goblin Guide|]]
[[Diminishing Returns|]]

Game One:

Jarod wins the die roll and begins with [[Mountain]] into [[Lava Spike]]. I play an [[Underground Sea]] into [[Ponder]]. Jarod then plays [[Mountain]] and [[Keldon Marauders]]. I untap, put a [[Gemstone Mine]] onto the table, and cast an [[Infernal Tutor]] revealing a [[Dark Ritual]]. [[Keldon Marauders]] attacks and I take a [[Chain Lightning]] to the face. I draw [[Dark Ritual]], cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Burning Wish]], [[Past in Flames]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Tendrils of Agony]].

Sideboarding: None

Game Two:

Jarod plays [[Mountain]] into [[Goblin Guide]], attacks, and passes. I put a [[Gemstone Mine]] into play and [[Ponder]]. [[Mountain]], [[Hellspark Elemental]]. I cast [[Brainstorm]], play [[Scalding Tarn]], search out an [[Underground Sea]], and [[Ponder]]. [[Lotus Petal]], use it for a red, [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Duress]]), [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Burning Wish]], and [[Diminishing Returns]] (floating ). My new hand is: [[Brainstorm]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Scalding Tarn]], [[Polluted Delta]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Burning Wish]], and [[Orim's Chant]]. [[Brainstorm]] into [[Chrome Mox]], [[Rite of Flame]], and [[Tendrils of Agony]] — put the two lands on top of the Library. Play [[Dark Ritual]], [[Rite of Flame]], and [[Tendrils of Agony]].

2-0 | 1-0

Round Two - Carson Yeager with Imperial Painter

[[Past in Flames|]]
[[Painter's Servant|]]
[[Wipe Away|]]

Game One:

I win the die roll and begin the round with [[Volcanic Island]] into [[Ponder]]. My hand is now: [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Dark Ritual]]. Draw [[Lotus Petal]] for the following turn, then play [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Burning Wish]], [[Past in Flames]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Tendrils of Agony]].

Sideboarding: -3 [[Orim's Chant]], -1 [[Silence]], +2 [[Echoing Truth]], +1 [[Wipe Away]], +1 [[Thoughtseize]]

Game Two:

Carson plays a turn one [[Thorn of Amethyst]], turn two [[Painter's Servant]], turn three [[Grindstone]], and wins on turn four.

Game Three:

[[Gemstone Mine]], [[City of Brass]], [[Polluted Delta]], [[Wipe Away]], [[Duress]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Dark Ritual]] is my starting seven cards. I play [[Duress]] and then we play "land, go" for a turn or two. Carson begins to set up their combo, playing [Painter's Servant]] (Blue), and I know they have a [[Red Elemental Blast]] in hand. I draw [[Infernal Tutor]] but need to [[Wipe Away]] the [Painter's Servant]] so that they can't counter the [[Infernal Tutor]] with [[Red Elemental Blast]] (since [[Painter's Servant]] makes [[Infernal Tutor]] blue). Carson plays [[Grindstone]] and activates it. Carson then attempts to goes to [[Red Elemental Blast]] my [[Wipe Away]] but is reminded that they cannot. I untap and play out my hand into [[Ad Nauseam]].

4-1 | 2-0

Round Three - Eric English with RUG Control

[[Orim's Chant|]]
[[Vendilion Clique|]]
[[Past in Flames|]]

Game One:

Eric wins the die roll and is on the play. Eric mulligans twice and then leads with [[Volcanic Island]] into [[Grim Lavamancer]]. I use [[Scalding Tarn]] for [[Underground Sea]] and play [[Duress]]. I look at: [[Force of Will]], [[Brainstorm]], and [[Dismember]]. I discard [[Brainstorm]]. Eric plays a second land and attacks. I play a land and [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Rite of Flame]]. Eric draws and passes. I play a [[Gemstone Mine]] and [[Orim's Chant]], it resolves. I cast [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Burning Wish]], [[Past in Flames]], and [[Ponder]] into [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. Sacrifice [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] for and Eric picks up the cards.

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Tutor]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +3 [[Pyroblast]]

Game Two:

I keep a weird hand of: [[Orim's Chant]], [[Orim's Chant]], [[Orim's Chant]], [[Gemstone Mine]], [[City of Brass]], [[Polluted Delta]], and [[Dark Ritual]]. Eric and I play a game of "land, go" for the first five or six turns involving [[Wasteland]]. I play [[Orim's Chant]] and Eric takes my [[Burning Wish]] with [[Vendilion Clique]] in response. I sit there while Eric beats me down to seven life. I haven't drawn any action spells since the [[Vendilion Clique]] — just mana. I take my turn and draw [[Brainstorm]]. I [[Orim's Chant]] targeting Eric again going to six. Eric casts [[Lightning Bolt]] on the [[Vendilion Clique]] and then casts another [[Vendilion Clique]]. I [[Brainstorm]] in response. The only way I can win this game is if I hit two business spells. I draw into [[Infernal Tutor]] AND [[Ad Nauseam]]. I put [[Infernal Tutor]] on top along with a [[Chrome Mox]]. I reveal a hand of: [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lotus Petal]], and [[Ad Nauseam]] to the [[Vendilion Clique]]. No matter what Eric does, I win this game. If Eric leaves everything, forcing me to cast [[Ad Nauseam]] from six life I can play [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Ad Nauseam]], sacrificing the pair of [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] for . I can reveal [[Infernal Tutor]] and stop, then use [[Infernal Tutor]] to search for [[Tendrils of Agony]]. That or [[Ad Nauseam]] to the bottom of the library and I draw [[Infernal Tutor]] for an easier win.

6-1 | 3-0

Round Four - Robert Greene with UWR Painter

[[Lion's Eye Diamond|]]
[[Force of Will|]]
[[Painter's Servant|]]

Game One:

I keep a hand with a couple [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], cantrips, and lands. My cantrips don't find anything relevant before Robert combos me out.

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Tutor]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +3 [[Pyroblast]]

Game Two:

Rob wrecks me. I don't really remember what happened, but involved two copies of [[Force of Will]] and Robert winning on turn 4 or 5.

6-3 | 3-1

Round Five - Will Bamann with RUG Delver

[[Snapcaster Mage|]]
[[Spell Pierce|]]

Game One:

I win the die roll and start with [[Underground Sea]] followed by [[Duress]]. Will's hand consists of: [[Misty Rainforest]], [[Delver of Secrets]], [[Dismember]], [[Tarmogoyf]], [[Snapcaster Mage]], [[Tropical Island]], and [[Spell Snare]]. [[Spell Snare]] out! Will plays [[Tropical Island]] and [[Delver of Secrets]]. We play "draw, go" a bit, I play a [[Burning Wish]] hoping to draw out the [[Snapcaster Mage]]. My plan works, tapping Will out. I then play [[Silence]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Ad Nauseam]].

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Tutor]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +3 [[Pyroblast]]

Game Two:

Will and I both take mulligans. Will leads off with [[Misty Rainforest]]. I play [[Gemstone Mine]] into [[Duress]]. Discarding [[Force of Will]] but leaving [[Spell Pierce]], [[Spell Snare]], [[Wasteland]], and [[Brainstorm]]. [[Wasteland]] destroys [[Gemstone Mine]]. We continue to play "draw, land, and go". Will with two lands in play casts a [[Delver of Secrets]]. I play a [[Brainstorm]] drawing out the [[Spell Pierce]] from Will. I then play [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Rite of Flame]], and [[Ad Nauseam]]. Will didn't draw the [[Force of Will]]!

8-3 | 4-1

Round Six - Paul Lake with UWR Stoneblade

[[Vendilion Clique|]]
[[Force of Will|]]
[[Orim's Chant|]]

Game One:

Paul wins the die roll and leads with a [[Tundra]]. My hand is: [[Underground Sea]], [[Gemstone Mine]], [[Scalding Tarn]], [[Tendrils of Agony]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Lotus Petal]]. We pass back and forth to the point where I have four lands in play and Paul has five. At the end of my turn [[Vendilion Clique]] targets me and decides not to bottom anything. I decide that I'm going to “old school [[Tendrils of Agony]]” Paul. I draw [[Ponder]] and it looks at [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Duress]], and [[City of Brass]]. I think about it for awhile and take [[Duress]]. I cast [[Duress]] and Paul plays [[Counterspell]]. I then play out the rest of the seven cards in my hand into [[Tendrils of Agony]].

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Tutor]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +3 [[Pyroblast]]

Game Two:

Paul Mulligans, I do not. Paul taps out on turn two for [[Stoneforge Mystic]] for [[Batterskull]] with five cards in his hand. I play a [[Gemstone Mine]] and cast [[Orim's Chant]], Paul plays [[Force of Will]]. I decide to go all-in and cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Ad Nauseam]]? [[Force of Will]].

Game Three:

Paul lets out an “ummm… I guess I'll keep.” I lead off with [[Polluted Delta]], [[Underground Sea]], and [[Duress]]. I look at [[Mishra's Factory]], [[Plains]], [[Force of Will]], [[Spell Snare]], [[Flusterstorm]], [[Brainstorm]], and a [[Spell Pierce]]. I discard [[Force of Will]]. Paul doesn't draw an [[Island]] by the time I win on turn four with [[Orim's Chant]] back-up.

10-4 | 5-1

Round Seven - Michael Caffrey with Thopter Control

[[Chrome Mox|]]
[[Ethersworn Canonist|]]
[[Meddling Mage|]]

Mike and I unfortunately don't have better tie-breakers than the other X-1's and have to play it out.

Game One:

Mike wins the die roll and begins with [[Ancient Den]], [[Mox Opal]], into [[Sensei's Divining Top]]. I play [[Volcanic Island]]. Mike plays [[Thopter Foundry]]. I play [[Bloodstained Mire]]. Mike plays [[Tezzeret the Seeker]], makes an artifact creature, and attacks. I play [[Dark Ritual]], [[Duress]] ([[Force of Will]]), [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Chrome Mox]], [[Ad Nauseam]] in response to the [[Chrome Mox]] imprint trigger, and in response to that sacrifice [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] for ! First time that I've ever done the [[Chrome Mox]] trick and it's for a spot in the top 8!

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Tutor]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +3 [[Pyroblast]]

Game Two:

Mike casts [[Enlightened Tutor]] for [[Ethersworn Canonist]]. Backs it with counter-magic.

Sideboarding: -1 [[Silence]], -1 [[Rite of Flame]], +2 [[Echoing Truth]]

Game Three:

The beginning few turns were [[Duress]] and [[Meddling Mage]] naming [[Dark Ritual]]. [[Meddling Mage]] attacks and I draw [[Pyroblast]] to kill the [[Meddling Mage]]. I follow up with an [[Orim's Chant]] on the next turn with [[Rite of Flame]], [[Dark Ritual]], and [[Ad Nauseam]].

12-5 | 6-1

First place after swiss felt pretty good! Back-to-back top 8's at Jupiter Games felt even better.

Top Eight - Amin Younes with RUG Delver

[[Delver of Secrets|]]
[[Orim's Chant|]]

Game One:

I win the die roll and begin the game with the classic [[Scalding Tarn]] into [[Underground Sea]] followed by [[Duress]]. Amin plays [[Delver of Secrets]]. I play a [[City of Brass]] and pass the turn. Amin attacks and plays another land. On my turn, I play [[City of Brass]], I go to sixteen from [[City of Brass]] and cast [[Orim's Chant]]. It resolves, [[Lotus Petal]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Ad Nauseam]].

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Tutor]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +3 [[Pyroblast]]

Game Two:

My opening hand is three lands, [[Rite of Flame]], [[Ponder]], [[Burning Wish]], and [[Pyroblast]]. Amin and I play "land, go" with [[Wasteland]] and land drops for the first few turns. I end up drawing five lands total, but I've also drawn a lot of [[Dark Ritual]] and [[Rite of Flame]] — I decide to go for it. I cast [[Orim's Chant]] which meets [[Force of Will]]. I then play [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Burning Wish]] ([[Force of Will]]), I [[Pyroblast]], and [[Tendrils of Agony]].

14-5 | 7-1

Top Four - Brian Thomas with Goblins

[[Dark Ritual|]]
[[Chalice of the Void|]]

Game One:

I win the die roll and begin with [[Volcanic Island]] and [[Ponder]]. [[Mountain]] and [[Mogg Fanatic]] from Brian. I [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Dark Ritual]]. Brian attacks and plays a [[Goblin Piledriver]]. I then play [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Burning Wish]], [[Past in Flames]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Tendrils of Agony]].

Sideboarding: -2 [[Orim's Chant]], -1 [[Silence]], +2 [[Echoing Truth]], +1 [[Wipe Away]]

Game Two:

Brian mulligans to five and opens with another [[Mogg Fanatic]]. I play [[Polluted Delta]]. Brian plays a [[Chalice of the Void]] on one. Luckily, I have [[Burning Wish]]. Someone watching says, “Brian may have a chance!” and they were right, it was enough to steal this game.

Game Three:

I say, "I haven't had a turn one kill all day, I could really use one right now." I open with: [[Gemstone Mine]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Ad Nauseam]]! I draw over twenty-five cards and can't win. I have to stop and play [[Brainstorm]], but it misses on a "tutor-effect". I'm forced to go all-in on [[Ponder]], sacrificing a pair of [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] in response, and pray. I shuffle, draw, and... the card is [[Burning Wish]]!!! The crowd watching went absolutely wild.

16-6 | 8-1

Finals - Adam Najman with RUG Delver

[[Force of Will|]]

Adam was watching my match against Michael Caffrey and congratulated me on my victory, I'm glad he made it as far as he did. I always make small talk with my opponents — it's interesting finding things out about people. Adam tells me this is his first top eight ever, good for him. I remember my first big Top 8 at the Big Arse back in the day, it felt fantastic.

Game One:

I open with [[Underground Sea]] into [[Duress]]. Adam kept basically a hand that did nothing against me besides [[Daze]]. I then proceed to cast multiple copies of [[Dark Ritual]] into [[Infernal Tutor]] finding [[Ad Nauseam]].

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Tutor]], -1 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +3 [[Pyroblast]]

Game Two:

Adam does that thing RUG does with [[Wasteland]], [[Stifle]], and cheap, efficient counterspells.

Game Three:

Adam mulligans to five and has one of the best five-card hands that I've ever had against me: [[Wasteland]], [[Volcanic Island]], [[Spell Pierce]], [[Force of Will]], and [[Force of Will]]. I'm stuck the entire game trying to find a way to play around Adam's counters, unfortunately, I couldn't find enough protection.

17-8 | 8-2

Closing & General Thoughts

I lose to Adam, which is fine in my book. First top eight, followed by a first victory — what a great story! Adam was a fun opponent to play against and seemed like a great person.

Until next time, keep storming!