A lot like the Leaving A Legacy Open V, the From the Vault Games crew decided to leave Syracuse, N.Y. at 4:30 a.m. in order to get to Acton, Mass. in time for the main event. The six of us that were sponsored by our favorite local game store knew it was going to be a long day — especially if one of us made top eight again (I also did well at the previous LAL Open).
The five weeks have been good to me while playing The EPIC Storm:
- Top 8 — Legacy Challenge
- Top 8 — Legacy Challenge
- Top 4 — From the Vault Games 2K
- 9th Place — Legacy Showcase Challenge
- Top 4 — Leaving A Legacy 5k
While this seems great, it hasn’t been easy. Miracles and Death & Taxes both adopted [[Deafening Silence]] and [[Underworld Breach]] was printed in Theros Beyond Death. These were major factors that were contributing to my anxiety over my deck list for the weekend. Never in my life have I been so restless over the seventy-five cards I would select to play.
Deck Lists
The EPIC Storm (v8.5)Main Deck
- 4 [[Burning Wish]]
- 4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]]
- 4 [[Brainstorm]]
- 4 [[Ponder]]
- 1 [[Ad Nauseam]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 4 [[Veil of Summer]]
- 2 [[Defense Grid]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 3 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
- 4 [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]
- 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
- 4 [[Mox Opal]]
- 3 [[Chrome Mox]]
- 4 [[Polluted Delta]]
- 4 [[Bloodstained Mire]]
- 1 [[Underground Sea]]
- 1 [[Volcanic Island]]
- 1 [[Badlands]]
- 1 [[Bayou]]
- 1 [[Swamp]]
- 3 [[Hope of Ghirapur]]
- 2 [[Crash]]
- 1 [[Abrupt Decay]]
- 1 [[Echoing Truth]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 1 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
- 1 [[Grapeshot]]
- 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
- 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 1 [[Pulverize]]
Main Deck
- 4 [[Burning Wish]]
- 4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]]
- 4 [[Brainstorm]]
- 4 [[Ponder]]
- 1 [[Ad Nauseam]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 4 [[Veil of Summer]]
- 2 [[Defense Grid]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 3 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
- 4 [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]
- 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
- 4 [[Mox Opal]]
- 3 [[Chrome Mox]]
- 4 [[Polluted Delta]]
- 4 [[Bloodstained Mire]]
- 1 [[Underground Sea]]
- 1 [[Volcanic Island]]
- 1 [[Badlands]]
- 1 [[Bayou]]
- 1 [[Swamp]]
- 3 [[Hope of Ghirapur]]
- 2 [[Crash]]
- 1 [[Abrupt Decay]]
- 1 [[Echoing Truth]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 1 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
- 1 [[Grapeshot]]
- 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
- 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 1 [[Pulverize]]
The EPIC Storm (v9.0)Main Deck
- 4 [[Burning Wish]]
- 4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]]
- 4 [[Brainstorm]]
- 4 [[Ponder]]
- 1 [[Ad Nauseam]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 4 [[Veil of Summer]]
- 2 [[Defense Grid]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 4 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
- 4 [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]
- 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
- 3 [[Mox Opal]]
- 3 [[Chrome Mox]]
- 4 [[Polluted Delta]]
- 4 [[Scalding Tarn]]
- 1 [[Badlands]]
- 1 [[Underground Sea]]
- 1 [[Volcanic Island]]
- 1 [[Tropical Island]]
- 1 [[Island]]
- 3 [[Tormod’s Crypt]]
- 2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
- 1 [[Grapeshot]]
- 4 [[Empty the Warrens]]
- 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 1 [[Pulverize]]
Main Deck
- 4 [[Burning Wish]]
- 4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]]
- 4 [[Brainstorm]]
- 4 [[Ponder]]
- 1 [[Ad Nauseam]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 4 [[Veil of Summer]]
- 2 [[Defense Grid]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 4 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
- 4 [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]
- 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
- 3 [[Mox Opal]]
- 3 [[Chrome Mox]]
- 4 [[Polluted Delta]]
- 4 [[Scalding Tarn]]
- 1 [[Badlands]]
- 1 [[Underground Sea]]
- 1 [[Volcanic Island]]
- 1 [[Tropical Island]]
- 1 [[Island]]
- 3 [[Tormod’s Crypt]]
- 2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
- 1 [[Grapeshot]]
- 4 [[Empty the Warrens]]
- 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 1 [[Pulverize]]
What changed?
I was pretty nervous leading up to the Leaving A Legacy Open VI because Jeskai Breach decks became rampant online and they’re a miserable matchup for The EPIC Storm between at least five main-deck counterspell as well as effects like [[Silence]] and [[Orim’s Chant]]. On top of that, I was trying to ensure my Miracles matchup stayed solid with more and more lists picking up permanent-based disruption. There was also [[Delver of Secrets]] decks adopting [[Null Rod]] which made an already close matchup somewhat miserable.
Part of being able to play “King of the Hill” so to speak is being able to adapt to how people are going to try and knock you off. If you become stagnant, you’re going to be sitting on your butt looking up very quickly. When you look at the Legacy metagame according to MTGgoldfish, it’s been shifting very rapidly over the previous three weeks where if you haven’t been paying attention, you’re very far behind. If you know anything about me, I’m very competitive, I like to win, and I’m very analytical.
I haven’t been able to solve this metagame to my liking. I just don’t think there’s a way of truly solving the Jeskai Breach matchup. I found ways to improve it, but it was still not terrific. Part of why I was going insane Thursday night into Friday morning is I was trying to fit a third copy of [[Defense Grid]] into the deck as well as a third copy of [[Tormod’s Crypt]]. These cards really swing the matchup, [[Defense Grid]] shuts down all of the [[Silence]] and [[Orim’s Chant]] effects which is amazing and is obviously great against any copies of [[Force of Will]] drawn after it resolves. [[Tormod’s Crypt]] isn’t a close the door “I win” card, it’s a stall method. Jeskai Breach is a very fast and consistent deck, but if you’re able to slow them down, you may be able to fight through their hate long enough to resolve [[Defense Grid]]. This seems easy then right? Just add them in? That’s not how good deck construction works.
I struggled trying to find room because something had to give. I considered a number of things such as three copies of [[Veil of Summer]] and three [[Defense Grid]], no main deck [[Chain of Vapor]], only three copies of [[Rite of Flame]] in the 75, and a slightly crazier idea of only three copies of [[Ponder]]. Ultimately, I decided that I just couldn’t afford to fit the third [[Defense Grid]] into the main deck. This meant either a third [[Tormod’s Crypt]] or [[Defense Grid]] would fit in the sideboard, I remembered there being a large number of RB Reanimator pilots at the previous event as well as a few Dredge players. I decided to lean into the [[Tormod’s Crypt]].
For an actual breakdown of the metagame, click here.
Please Note: This is not my spreadsheet, I am not responsible for this if its altered or deleted.
The main difference between the [[Tormod’s Crypt]] and the [[Defense Grid]] is flexibility, I could sideboard in [[Defense Grid]] for the [[Delver of Secrets]] decks as well. The issue is how does this actually play out? The current sideboarding plan is as follows: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]. How does adding another [[Defense Grid]] play into this? You probably have to sideboard out the main deck copy of [[Chain of Vapor]] against the person that is likely siding in one to two copies of [[Null Rod]] against you. This doesn’t seem ideal.
Against Miracles, we typically sideboard out four copies of [[Rite of Flame]] for the pair of [[Abrupt Decay]], [[Chain of Vapor]], and a main deck win condition to not lose to [[Surgical Extraction]]. There just isn’t room for another [[Defense Grid]] to bring in. Thanks a lot [[Deafening Silence]]!
Opinion: This game did not need a one mana [[Rule of Law]].
A major change that happened somewhere shortly after the release of v8.5 was adopting the four copies of [[Empty the Warrens]] to combat [[Delver of Secrets]] decks again. This immediately increased the match win percentage much closer to even to even favored in some of the variants.
The last major change has been kept somewhat hidden the last week or so, The EPIC Storm has swapped it’s manabase! When we originally put together v8.5, we recognized that the basic [[Swamp]] was less important due to not having discard spells such as [[Thoughtseize]] or [[Duress]], but we still valued the ability to search for our basic land, play [[Chrome Mox]], and then cast our [[Wishclaw Talisman]] in the face of [[Wasteland]]. The truth of the matter is that this play doesn’t come up nearly enough to justify the inconsistencies in the manabase when you’re playing eight cantrips ([[Brainstorm]] and [[Ponder]]) and then two copies of [[Chain of Vapor]] that all want to be cast on the first turn more often. One of the biggest things with out manabase is that every fetchland gets very land in the deck, once you start swapping or mixing in [[Bayou]] or [[Bloodstained Mire]] you lose this which leads to less consistent mana overall.
While I do think the [[Island]] manabase is an upgrade over the [[Swamp]] manabase, it isn’t crucial or necessary. It’s a few small percentage points here and there. I have had a few opponents think that I switched off storm when they saw that I searched up [[Tropical Island]] and [[Volcanic Island]] before killing them.
In my opinion, the biggest negative to the [[Island]] manabase is that you have two lands that don’t make combo-colored mana. Because of this, you need to use your fetchlands differently. Don’t needlessly search out your combo colored dual lands until you need them (this can change based on circumstances), I’m mostly just saying that you should be mindful of your deck construction.
Leaving A Legacy Open VIRound One — Dave Mondore with Infect [[Force of Will|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Chain of Vapor|]]
Game One:
I face Dave or as he prefers to be called, “Noodle Dave” pretty much every Monday night at From the Vault Games. Being in an unfavored matchup in the first round isn’t exactly what I wanted. Dave wins the die roll and just plays a [[Misty Rainforest]] and passes.
My opening hand was:
[[Dark Ritual|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Ponder|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Underground Sea|]] [[Polluted Delta|]]I knew it was a little slow, but maybe it’s fine? My draw for turn was another [[Rite of Flame]]. I lay [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Ponder]].
[[Lotus Petal|]] [[Ad Nauseam|]] [[Polluted Delta|]]Maybe we have a shot! I draw the [[Ad Nauseam]] and pass. At this point my notes say, “Noodles taps out”.
I untap, play a fetchland, grab [[Badlands]], cast [[Lotus Petal]], tap the [[Badlands]] and then cast the two copies of [[Rite of Flame]]. [[Dark Ritual]] and [[Ad Nauseam]]. We had the [[Veil of Summer]] backup, but it turns out Dave didn’t have anything.
Sideboarding: -1 [[Rite of Flame]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
Game Two:
I’m sorry, I don’t have good notes on this game. I remember that Noodle Dave had paid 16 life off of [[Sylvan Library]] while I sat there on just [[Tropical Island]] and a [[Lotus Petal]] with a clunky hand. The [[Brainstorm]] I had cast on the second turn really didn’t pan out. Dave is feeling confident and moves in for the kill with his [[Glistener Elf]], casts a bunch of green instants only to see my [[Chain of Vapor]]. Dave casts [[Force of Will]]. I play [[Veil of Summer]], and to my surprise, it resolves! I draw another Brainstorm. I untap, draw [[Polluted Delta]] and cast [[Brainstorm]] into a second copy of [[Rite of Flame]] and [[Burning Wish]]. I check Dave’s life total, he’s at three. Noodles enjoys some [[Grapeshot]]s.
2-0 | 1-0Round Two — Josh Kibbe with Naya Midrange [[Echo of Eons|]] [[Ancient Grudge|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]]
Game One:
Josh wins the die roll and starts off on beta [[Plains]] and passes. Flares go into the sky that I’m facing Death & Taxes. I actually mulliganed and bottomed a land, hoping to draw a card I could imprint onto [[Chrome Mox]]. This way I could [[Echo of Eons]] with a mana open. I’m lucky enough to draw [[Dark Ritual]], [[Ad Nauseam]], and [[Chain of Vapor]] in our new seven-card hands. Unfortunately, I have to pass. Josh draws, plays a… [[Taiga]]? Before passing the turn back. I cast [[Ad Nauseam]].
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
Game Two:
Josh plays a [[Windswept Heath]] and passes. I attempt to [[Ponder]] on my turn but am hit by [[Pyroblast]]. Josh on his next turn lays [[Savannah]] and passes again. I can’t figure out what is going on. I play [[Defense Grid]] on my second turn. Josh just keeps playing lands and passing. Using my expert skills in deduction, I conclude that Josh must have [[Mindbreak Trap]] in hand (this is very far from true). I am trying to battle through it, but my entire hand is mana and an [[Echo of Eons]]. At some point, I honestly believe that Josh just got bored of playing “draw, go.” and casts a pair of [[Blessed Alliance]]. What? I have an opening for [[Echo of Eons]] now. I cast my hand into it, but it’s fairly underwhelming. I play a few copies of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and activate one for [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] to Flashback [[Echo of Eons]]. The new seven isn’t great either, but if I can untap (a tall ask after giving them a [[Wishclaw Talisman]]), I get to [[Ad Nauseam]].
Josh tanks for awhile, I expect to get hit by [[Collector Ouphe]] here off of the [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. Josh taps four lands and now I’m thinking, “main-phase [[Force of Vigor]]?” he pauses. Eventually he activates [[Wishclaw Talisman]] for [[Ancient Grudge]]. I expect to lose both of my copies of [[Wishclaw Talisman]], instead Josh goes after my mana. I untap and cast [[Ad Nauseam]].
4-0 | 2-0Round Three — Noah Rabin with Grixis Delver [[Defense Grid|]] [[Empty the Warrens|]] [[Daze|]]
Game One:
Noah starts the match off with a [[Thoughtseize]] and says out-loud what all of the cards are as he writes them down.
[[Dark Ritual|]] [[Ad Nauseam|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Defense Grid|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Ponder|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]] …and then my singleton [[Ad Nauseam]] is discarded. I search up the basic [[Island]] and cast [[Ponder]] into a two lands and a the main deck copy of [[Echo of Eons]]. Noah thinks for a moment and casts [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]]. I play a land and pass back. Noah decides to make me burn the copy of [[Veil of Summer]] in my hand to protect myself from [[Thoughtseize]]. I draw the [[Echo of Eons]], play the third land, and cast [[Defense Grid]]. To my surprise it resolves.
On Noah’s next turn, he plays a pair of [[Brainstorm]] (using [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]]), uses a [[Wasteland]], and casts a [[Delver of Secrets]].
I draw [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for turn, cast [[Dark Ritual]], play [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], discard my hand, and then Flashback [[Echo of Eons]] all while Noah only has two lands untapped. Noah attempts to [[Daze]], I tell him that he can’t. He says he’ll pay the for [[Defense Grid]], I inform him that it’s . He muffles something about my cards being in Japanese and we call for a judge. For what it’s worth, the on the card is still in English.
After the [[Echo of Eons]] resolves, my hand is nuts. I have enough resources to cast [[Veil of Summer]] into a lethal [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
One again, Noah leads off on a patented [[Thoughtseize]], discarding my [[Burning Wish]]. This leaves me with [[Defense Grid]] and a whole lot of mana in my hand. Fortunately for me, I immediately draw [[Empty the Warrens]] for my turn. I play a [[Polluted Delta]] and pass. Noah follows up with a second land and a [[Delver of Secrets]].
I draw a [[Rite of Flame]] for turn and decide that the [[Defense Grid]] in my hand doesn’t really matter in this game and decide to jam it into a likely [[Daze]]. I’m a little shocked when it resolves. [[Delver of Secrets]] doesn’t flip on Noah’s upkeep, he misses a land drop, attacks me with the [[Delver of Secrets]], and then uses the [[Petty Theft]] half of [[Brazen Borrower]] on my [[Defense Grid]].
I draw for turn and it is [[Brainstorm]]! Good draw. I cast it and it’s more mana, which isn’t awful, but I don’t have enough mana to cast [[Defense Grid]] and then [[Empty the Warrens]].
I end up casting a few [[Rite of Flame]]s, [[Mox Opal]], [[Chrome Mox]], and a [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] before I play the [[Empty the Warrens]]. Noah allows them all to resolve and I end up with 12 [[Goblin Token]]s in play.
[[Delver of Secrets]] doesn’t flip again, and Noah now makes his third land drop. I’m nervous, but Noah passes the turn back to me and I cast [[Defense Grid]]. He responds by casting [[Brazen Borrower]]. I attack and am left with 10 [[Goblin Token]]s. Noah draws his card for turn and concedes.
6-0 | 3-0Round Four — Freya Sanford with Lands [[Dark Depths|]] [[Mox Diamond|]] [[Brainstorm|]]
Game One:
As we sit down, I’m actually pretty happy about the matchup. I know what they’re on and we’re favored. Freya wins the die roll and starts off on [[Exploration]] into a fetchland. Fairly innocent.
My hand after my draw step is…
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Tropical Island|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Ad Nauseam|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Defense Grid|]] [[Defense Grid|]] [[Burning Wish|]]I play [[Scalding Tarn]] and pass. Meanwhile, Freya cannot wait to put [[Dark Depths]] and [[Thespian’s Stage]] into play. We’re on a clock!
I draw and it’s [[Brainstorm]].
[[Polluted Delta|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Mox Opal|]]This isn’t good enough. I figure I’ll play it strong and maybe Freya will respect the main deck copy of [[Chain of Vapor]]. They do not and our hero dies.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Two:
I keep a six card hand that is lands, mana acceleration, and [[Brainstorm]] plus [[Ponder]]. On the first turn I play [[Lotus Petal]], [[Brainstorm]], and use a [[Polluted Delta]] before I cast [[Ponder]]. This is all I do before I die on turn four to a [[Marit Lage Token]].
I never drew anything, Freya doesn’t even have hate pieces in their deck, we just drew dead. Wump.
6-2 | 3-1Round Five — Tom Smiley with Death & Taxes [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben|]] [[Empty the Warrens|]] [[Phyrexian Revoker|]]
Game One:
I finally win a die roll on the day! It’s also in a matchup where I know that I need it. This hand is painted in my brain as went back and forth on if I should keep it:
[[Volcanic Island|]] [[Tropical Island|]] [[Island|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Ponder|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Dark Ritual|]]This hand is really punished by the [[Island]] manabase over the [[Swamp]]. I ultimately decide to keep the hand against better judgment, cast [[Ponder]] off of the [[Volcanic Island]]. I look at:
[[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]]This doesn’t quite do it. We have no way of generating black mana. That said, we do have a guaranteed [[Echo of Eons]] with a [[Mox Opal]] in play as long as we aren’t hit by [[Wasteland]]. I decide this is probably better than shuffling praying to hit something miraculous.
Tom casts [[Mother of Runes]] before shipping it back to me. I take the line as described above. My seven cards are:
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Polluted Delta|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Brainstorm|]]I’m forced to pass the turn back as Tom is very eager to slam Thalia, Guardian of Thraben on the table. I try to battle back using [[Burning Wish]] to grab [[Grapeshot]]. I cast about four cantrips over the next few turns looking for [[Chain of Vapor]], but never find it.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], -2 [[Defense Grid]], +2 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Two:
I mulligan and my six cards are:
[[Island|]] [[Chain of Vapor|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]]I’m thinking to myself, “Dammit, first you fail me against Lands and now this?!” I play my [[Island]] and pass. Tom plays a [[Plains]] and I draw a [[Rite of Flame]] for turn and pass. On Tom’s second turn, he casts [[Phyrexian Revoker]] naming [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. I knock on my deck… [[Infernal Tutor]]!!!
I cast [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], and then [[Chain of Vapor]] targeting my own [[Lotus Petal]]. Sacrifice [[Island]], copy it, and return [[Phyrexian Revoker]] to Tom’s hand. Play [[Lotus Petal]], cast [[Infernal Tutor]], retrieve [[Burning Wish]], and cast [[Empty the Warrens]] for 18 [[Goblin Token]]s.
Game Three:
I mulligan, Tom plays a [[Plains]] before passing the turn. After my draw-step, my hand consists of:
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Brainstorm|]] [[Island|]] [[Abrupt Decay|]]I cast the pair of [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and then [[Mox Opal]]. At this point, I think to myself on if I want to risk losing the mana source of any color to cast [[Brainstorm]] or cast it off of the basic [[Island]]. I decide on tapping [[Mox Opal]].
[[Ponder|]] [[Brainstorm|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]These are pretty good cards to draw off of [[Brainstorm]]. I put back the [[Island]] and [[Abrupt Decay]] and use [[Scalding Tarn]] to grab the [[Island]] again. At this point, I cast [[Ponder]] looking at three cards I don’t want. Shuffle. Unfortunately, I drew [[Ad Nauseam]]. Knowing what’s about to happen, I’m wishing this card was on top of my library.
I’m going to pull a “Sworts.”
For those of you unfamiliar, there’s little in this world that makes Landon Sworts as happy as going all in on a cantrip.
I sacrifice the [[Lotus Petal]] and cast [[Brainstorm]], in response, sacrifice both [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for . As I do this, I say to Tom, “Landon would be so proud right now.”
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Empty the Warrens|]]Cast [[Burning Wish]] for [[Empty the Warrens]], creating 18 [[Goblin Token]]s.
I had some people much better at math than I am take the liberty of figuring out the probability that I hit. With 51 cards in the deck and seven outs (4 [[Burning Wish]], 2 [[Empty the Warrens]], and 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]) the odds are roughly 36.4 percent or #neverdidnthaveit at 100 percent.
8-3 | 4-1Round Six — Brett Spinelli with Golgari Depths [[Collector Ouphe|]] [[Force of Vigor|]] [[Echo of Eons|]]
Game One:
Brett kicks off round six with a [[Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth]] and passes. Unfortunately for him, my hand is bonkers.
[[Underground Sea|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]I play the cards as listed, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to find [[Ad Nauseam]] and cast it. For safe measures, I decide to storm up to 20 for [[Grapeshot]] to play around [[Elvish Spirit Guide]] onto an opposing [[Veil of Summer]].
Sideboarding: -2 [[Defense Grid]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
Game Two:
Brett shuffles down to four cards, I tell him, “I’ve lost to a number of mulligans to four online recently”. I should really learn how to shut my mouth and stop jinxing myself. Brett plays a first turn [[Thoughtseize]] discarding my [[Chain of Vapor]]. I play my hand onto the table that can possibly be a second turn [[Ad Nauseam]] if I draw anything, including a land, that makes mana. Brett quickly puts [[Collector Ouphe]] into play. I die from a whole lot of attack steps.
Sideboarding: -2 [[Veil of Summer]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Three:[[Polluted Delta|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]
One mana off of [[Ad Nauseam]]! In theory, we can [[Echo of Eons]] but I don’t want to risk it. I decide that I want to empty my hand onto the battlefield and then [[Ad Nauseam]] on the next turn. Accepting losing to [[Force of Vigor]] or [[Pithing Needle]]. Brett searches up a [[Bayou]] and casts [[Thoughtseize]]. I’m feeling pretty good about this…
Brett stops me on my upkeep and casts [[Force of Vigor]] on a copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. I sacrifice the [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and activate the [[Wishclaw Talisman]] that Brett is targeting. I get another copy of [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. If I draw [[Dark Ritual]] here we win… It’s [[Mox Opal]] which isn’t bad. I play the artifacts into a Flashback [[Echo of Eons]].
My seven cards isn’t good enough to win, I cast [[Brainstorm]].
[[Lotus Petal|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Abrupt Decay|]]Finding both [[Lotus Petal]] and [[Burning Wish]] allow me to sequence into a [[Tendrils of Agony]] out of the sideboard.
10-4 | 5-1Round Seven — Evan Flynn with UR Delver
Game One:
It’s a long game where I allow myself to take some hits from Evan’s [[Delver of Secrets]] as I develop lands, protection, and getting [[Wishclaw Talisman]] onto the battlefield. We get to a crucial turn where I have all five of my searchable lands in play, and I decide I may be dead on the next turn, I make my move.
The turn before I want to go off, I cast a [[Defense Grid]] which is met by Evan’s [[Force of Negation]]. On the next turn, I cast another copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and then a [[Burning Wish]] for [[Echo of Eons]]. I take a hit from Evan’s creatures on his turn. At this point, I decide I need to go for it — my life total is getting low and Evan has already used two “Force” effects. I cast [[Echo of Eons]] the hard way which is the target of [[Force of Will]]. But not before Evan casts a [[Brainstorm]] in an attempt to find his third [[Force of Will]].
I’m reading Evan’s body language, and I think he’s trying to bait me into using [[Wishclaw Talisman]] for [[Veil of Summer]]. This way, [[Daze]] would effectively counter both of my spells. Instead, I allow [[Echo of Eons]] to be countered, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to get [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and Flashback [[Echo of Eons]]. In response to this, Evan casts a [[Daze]].
[[Echo of Eons]] resolves and my hand is awful, I die.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
I’m never really in this game. I had a window on the second turn but I stacked my [[Ponder]] poorly so that I didn’t have double [[Burning Wish]] in hand, but instead three copies of [[Rite of Flame]]. This makes the [[Surgical Extraction]] Evan casts very embarrassing on my [[Ponder]]. I sit there for a few turns while [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]] is sealing the game up for Evan. As I’m about to lose, a judge runs up to the table and pauses us.
They ask me to step away from the table, I assume it’s because I forgot to exile my [[Defense Grid]] in game one and then got [[Echo of Eons]] which wasn’t intentional (it was corrected before it mattered). They begin to ask me questions about Evan’s sequencing and announcing of cards cast/cards drawn. I answer the questions honestly, he was very clear and deliberate.
They talk to Evan for about 10 minutes and come back. Evan has been disqualified from the event and the judge leaves the choice to Evan if he wants to tell me why. Evan tells me he didn’t realize he drew four off of the [[Brainstorm]] in the first game. I tell him that I had no chance of winning the second game and I’m sorry this has happened. Evan reveals his hand of all counterspells and a [[Blazing Volley]] for any possible [[Goblin Token]]s. He apologizes and then has to fill out the disqualification paperwork. I honestly don’t believe it was malicious, accidents happen. I’ve faced Evan a number of times and he’s always been very clear, honest, and up-standing.
10-5 | 6-1Round Eight — Louis Gentile with UG OmnitellI sat next to Louis throughout the day, he had quite a number of spectacular draws. I didn’t want to force a playoff against him knowing that he’s been drawing hot all day. I also knew that Freya was going to be playing out the last round. I did not know that Matthew Orfanellow would be doing the same. I accepted the draw offer from Louis knowing that I could possibly be drawing myself into ninth place if everything went the wrong way.
Fortunately for me, both Freya Sanford and Matthew Orfanellow won as did a few of my other opponents. This solidified me in fifth place. With Louis in fourth, it meant we would face each other to start off the top eight…
10-5 | 6-1-1Top Eight — Louis Gentile with UG Omnitell [[Force of Will|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Grapeshot|]]
Game One:
Louis mulligans to five and is on the play. Louis plays a [[Misty Rainforest]] and passes. I play an [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Ponder]]. On Louis’s turn, he plays a second land and passes. I decide I’m going to move in.
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], and [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. At this point, Louis stops me to cast [[Force of Will]], but I’m sitting on [[Veil of Summer]]. Louis casts [[Impulse]] in response to my green instant. All I have to do from here is cast [[Burning Wish]] into [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
Game Two:
Once again, Louis mulligans very low and I begin to wonder if he’s just digging for a [[Force of Will]] or not. I cast a bait [[Wishclaw Talisman]] on the second turn, which is countered by [[Force of Will]]. Louis then promptly casts [[Surgical Extraction]] on the [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. He’s a bit shocked that I sideboarded in [[Grapeshot]], but I had a gut feeling that Louis would bring in his singleton [[Surgical Extraction]]. On my next turn, I [[Burning Wish]] for [[Infernal Tutor]]. Louis isn’t really doing anything which signals to me that his hand is clunky or full of [[Veil of Summer]]. I cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Veil of Summer]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Ad Nauseam]], and a lot of spells into [[Grapeshot]]. On to top four!
12-5 | 7-1-1Top Four — Matthew Orfanello with UG Omnitell
These games aren’t super interesting, there was a brief moment where I thought I had a chance of stealing game one. I mostly just get crushed in an embarrassing fashion. Congratulations to both Matthew Orfanello and Freya Sanford for making the finals!
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
12-7 | 7-2-1 Totals & Stats
- Games & Record: 12-7 | 7-2-1
- The Die Roll: 2-5
- Mulligans: 6
- Turn One Combos: 3
- Ad Nauseam Wins: 6
- Echo of Eons Wins: 2
- Empty the Warrens Wins: 3
- Natural Grapeshot Wins: 1
Closing & General Thoughts
This puts me at 4-of-6 Leaving A Legacy Open Top 8’s (I’ve played in five, I didn’t attend the one that Gerald James Mee III decided to schedule on the same day as a Star City Games open in the northeast…)! I’ll admit, this one feels less earned than the others due to the disqualification. That said, it’s something I can’t control. The turnout for the event was terrific at 145 players and the GamingEtc is a fantastic location despite someone propping open the door every other round in the dead of winter in Boston.
All of that paranoid over Jeskai Breach and I didn’t face any of the five pilots in the room. I actually never used [[Tormod’s Crypt]] a single time either. That said, I’d probably register the same list all over again if I had to play the event again tomorrow.
The trip back to Syracuse, N.Y. was pretty easy on me, but I imagine much tough on everyone else. I filled up on ribs and fell asleep five minutes after we left the barbecue place and woke up as we were arriving in Syracuse at 3 a.m.. Almost a full 24-hour trip!
Until next time, keep storming!
Game One:
I face Dave or as he prefers to be called, “Noodle Dave” pretty much every Monday night at From the Vault Games. Being in an unfavored matchup in the first round isn’t exactly what I wanted. Dave wins the die roll and just plays a [[Misty Rainforest]] and passes.
My opening hand was:
I knew it was a little slow, but maybe it’s fine? My draw for turn was another [[Rite of Flame]]. I lay [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Ponder]].
Maybe we have a shot! I draw the [[Ad Nauseam]] and pass. At this point my notes say, “Noodles taps out”.
I untap, play a fetchland, grab [[Badlands]], cast [[Lotus Petal]], tap the [[Badlands]] and then cast the two copies of [[Rite of Flame]]. [[Dark Ritual]] and [[Ad Nauseam]]. We had the [[Veil of Summer]] backup, but it turns out Dave didn’t have anything.
Sideboarding: -1 [[Rite of Flame]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
Game Two:
I’m sorry, I don’t have good notes on this game. I remember that Noodle Dave had paid 16 life off of [[Sylvan Library]] while I sat there on just [[Tropical Island]] and a [[Lotus Petal]] with a clunky hand. The [[Brainstorm]] I had cast on the second turn really didn’t pan out. Dave is feeling confident and moves in for the kill with his [[Glistener Elf]], casts a bunch of green instants only to see my [[Chain of Vapor]]. Dave casts [[Force of Will]]. I play [[Veil of Summer]], and to my surprise, it resolves! I draw another Brainstorm. I untap, draw [[Polluted Delta]] and cast [[Brainstorm]] into a second copy of [[Rite of Flame]] and [[Burning Wish]]. I check Dave’s life total, he’s at three. Noodles enjoys some [[Grapeshot]]s.
Round Two — Josh Kibbe with Naya Midrange [[Echo of Eons|]] [[Ancient Grudge|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]]
Game One:
Josh wins the die roll and starts off on beta [[Plains]] and passes. Flares go into the sky that I’m facing Death & Taxes. I actually mulliganed and bottomed a land, hoping to draw a card I could imprint onto [[Chrome Mox]]. This way I could [[Echo of Eons]] with a mana open. I’m lucky enough to draw [[Dark Ritual]], [[Ad Nauseam]], and [[Chain of Vapor]] in our new seven-card hands. Unfortunately, I have to pass. Josh draws, plays a… [[Taiga]]? Before passing the turn back. I cast [[Ad Nauseam]].
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
Game Two:
Josh plays a [[Windswept Heath]] and passes. I attempt to [[Ponder]] on my turn but am hit by [[Pyroblast]]. Josh on his next turn lays [[Savannah]] and passes again. I can’t figure out what is going on. I play [[Defense Grid]] on my second turn. Josh just keeps playing lands and passing. Using my expert skills in deduction, I conclude that Josh must have [[Mindbreak Trap]] in hand (this is very far from true). I am trying to battle through it, but my entire hand is mana and an [[Echo of Eons]]. At some point, I honestly believe that Josh just got bored of playing “draw, go.” and casts a pair of [[Blessed Alliance]]. What? I have an opening for [[Echo of Eons]] now. I cast my hand into it, but it’s fairly underwhelming. I play a few copies of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and activate one for [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] to Flashback [[Echo of Eons]]. The new seven isn’t great either, but if I can untap (a tall ask after giving them a [[Wishclaw Talisman]]), I get to [[Ad Nauseam]].
Josh tanks for awhile, I expect to get hit by [[Collector Ouphe]] here off of the [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. Josh taps four lands and now I’m thinking, “main-phase [[Force of Vigor]]?” he pauses. Eventually he activates [[Wishclaw Talisman]] for [[Ancient Grudge]]. I expect to lose both of my copies of [[Wishclaw Talisman]], instead Josh goes after my mana. I untap and cast [[Ad Nauseam]].
4-0 | 2-0Round Three — Noah Rabin with Grixis Delver [[Defense Grid|]] [[Empty the Warrens|]] [[Daze|]]
Game One:
Noah starts the match off with a [[Thoughtseize]] and says out-loud what all of the cards are as he writes them down.
[[Dark Ritual|]] [[Ad Nauseam|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Defense Grid|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Ponder|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]] …and then my singleton [[Ad Nauseam]] is discarded. I search up the basic [[Island]] and cast [[Ponder]] into a two lands and a the main deck copy of [[Echo of Eons]]. Noah thinks for a moment and casts [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]]. I play a land and pass back. Noah decides to make me burn the copy of [[Veil of Summer]] in my hand to protect myself from [[Thoughtseize]]. I draw the [[Echo of Eons]], play the third land, and cast [[Defense Grid]]. To my surprise it resolves.
On Noah’s next turn, he plays a pair of [[Brainstorm]] (using [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]]), uses a [[Wasteland]], and casts a [[Delver of Secrets]].
I draw [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for turn, cast [[Dark Ritual]], play [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], discard my hand, and then Flashback [[Echo of Eons]] all while Noah only has two lands untapped. Noah attempts to [[Daze]], I tell him that he can’t. He says he’ll pay the for [[Defense Grid]], I inform him that it’s . He muffles something about my cards being in Japanese and we call for a judge. For what it’s worth, the on the card is still in English.
After the [[Echo of Eons]] resolves, my hand is nuts. I have enough resources to cast [[Veil of Summer]] into a lethal [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
One again, Noah leads off on a patented [[Thoughtseize]], discarding my [[Burning Wish]]. This leaves me with [[Defense Grid]] and a whole lot of mana in my hand. Fortunately for me, I immediately draw [[Empty the Warrens]] for my turn. I play a [[Polluted Delta]] and pass. Noah follows up with a second land and a [[Delver of Secrets]].
I draw a [[Rite of Flame]] for turn and decide that the [[Defense Grid]] in my hand doesn’t really matter in this game and decide to jam it into a likely [[Daze]]. I’m a little shocked when it resolves. [[Delver of Secrets]] doesn’t flip on Noah’s upkeep, he misses a land drop, attacks me with the [[Delver of Secrets]], and then uses the [[Petty Theft]] half of [[Brazen Borrower]] on my [[Defense Grid]].
I draw for turn and it is [[Brainstorm]]! Good draw. I cast it and it’s more mana, which isn’t awful, but I don’t have enough mana to cast [[Defense Grid]] and then [[Empty the Warrens]].
I end up casting a few [[Rite of Flame]]s, [[Mox Opal]], [[Chrome Mox]], and a [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] before I play the [[Empty the Warrens]]. Noah allows them all to resolve and I end up with 12 [[Goblin Token]]s in play.
[[Delver of Secrets]] doesn’t flip again, and Noah now makes his third land drop. I’m nervous, but Noah passes the turn back to me and I cast [[Defense Grid]]. He responds by casting [[Brazen Borrower]]. I attack and am left with 10 [[Goblin Token]]s. Noah draws his card for turn and concedes.
6-0 | 3-0Round Four — Freya Sanford with Lands [[Dark Depths|]] [[Mox Diamond|]] [[Brainstorm|]]
Game One:
As we sit down, I’m actually pretty happy about the matchup. I know what they’re on and we’re favored. Freya wins the die roll and starts off on [[Exploration]] into a fetchland. Fairly innocent.
My hand after my draw step is…
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Tropical Island|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Ad Nauseam|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Defense Grid|]] [[Defense Grid|]] [[Burning Wish|]]I play [[Scalding Tarn]] and pass. Meanwhile, Freya cannot wait to put [[Dark Depths]] and [[Thespian’s Stage]] into play. We’re on a clock!
I draw and it’s [[Brainstorm]].
[[Polluted Delta|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Mox Opal|]]This isn’t good enough. I figure I’ll play it strong and maybe Freya will respect the main deck copy of [[Chain of Vapor]]. They do not and our hero dies.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Two:
I keep a six card hand that is lands, mana acceleration, and [[Brainstorm]] plus [[Ponder]]. On the first turn I play [[Lotus Petal]], [[Brainstorm]], and use a [[Polluted Delta]] before I cast [[Ponder]]. This is all I do before I die on turn four to a [[Marit Lage Token]].
I never drew anything, Freya doesn’t even have hate pieces in their deck, we just drew dead. Wump.
6-2 | 3-1Round Five — Tom Smiley with Death & Taxes [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben|]] [[Empty the Warrens|]] [[Phyrexian Revoker|]]
Game One:
I finally win a die roll on the day! It’s also in a matchup where I know that I need it. This hand is painted in my brain as went back and forth on if I should keep it:
[[Volcanic Island|]] [[Tropical Island|]] [[Island|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Ponder|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Dark Ritual|]]This hand is really punished by the [[Island]] manabase over the [[Swamp]]. I ultimately decide to keep the hand against better judgment, cast [[Ponder]] off of the [[Volcanic Island]]. I look at:
[[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]]This doesn’t quite do it. We have no way of generating black mana. That said, we do have a guaranteed [[Echo of Eons]] with a [[Mox Opal]] in play as long as we aren’t hit by [[Wasteland]]. I decide this is probably better than shuffling praying to hit something miraculous.
Tom casts [[Mother of Runes]] before shipping it back to me. I take the line as described above. My seven cards are:
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Polluted Delta|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Brainstorm|]]I’m forced to pass the turn back as Tom is very eager to slam Thalia, Guardian of Thraben on the table. I try to battle back using [[Burning Wish]] to grab [[Grapeshot]]. I cast about four cantrips over the next few turns looking for [[Chain of Vapor]], but never find it.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], -2 [[Defense Grid]], +2 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Two:
I mulligan and my six cards are:
[[Island|]] [[Chain of Vapor|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]]I’m thinking to myself, “Dammit, first you fail me against Lands and now this?!” I play my [[Island]] and pass. Tom plays a [[Plains]] and I draw a [[Rite of Flame]] for turn and pass. On Tom’s second turn, he casts [[Phyrexian Revoker]] naming [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. I knock on my deck… [[Infernal Tutor]]!!!
I cast [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], and then [[Chain of Vapor]] targeting my own [[Lotus Petal]]. Sacrifice [[Island]], copy it, and return [[Phyrexian Revoker]] to Tom’s hand. Play [[Lotus Petal]], cast [[Infernal Tutor]], retrieve [[Burning Wish]], and cast [[Empty the Warrens]] for 18 [[Goblin Token]]s.
Game Three:
I mulligan, Tom plays a [[Plains]] before passing the turn. After my draw-step, my hand consists of:
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Brainstorm|]] [[Island|]] [[Abrupt Decay|]]I cast the pair of [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and then [[Mox Opal]]. At this point, I think to myself on if I want to risk losing the mana source of any color to cast [[Brainstorm]] or cast it off of the basic [[Island]]. I decide on tapping [[Mox Opal]].
[[Ponder|]] [[Brainstorm|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]These are pretty good cards to draw off of [[Brainstorm]]. I put back the [[Island]] and [[Abrupt Decay]] and use [[Scalding Tarn]] to grab the [[Island]] again. At this point, I cast [[Ponder]] looking at three cards I don’t want. Shuffle. Unfortunately, I drew [[Ad Nauseam]]. Knowing what’s about to happen, I’m wishing this card was on top of my library.
I’m going to pull a “Sworts.”
For those of you unfamiliar, there’s little in this world that makes Landon Sworts as happy as going all in on a cantrip.
I sacrifice the [[Lotus Petal]] and cast [[Brainstorm]], in response, sacrifice both [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for . As I do this, I say to Tom, “Landon would be so proud right now.”
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Empty the Warrens|]]Cast [[Burning Wish]] for [[Empty the Warrens]], creating 18 [[Goblin Token]]s.
I had some people much better at math than I am take the liberty of figuring out the probability that I hit. With 51 cards in the deck and seven outs (4 [[Burning Wish]], 2 [[Empty the Warrens]], and 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]) the odds are roughly 36.4 percent or #neverdidnthaveit at 100 percent.
8-3 | 4-1Round Six — Brett Spinelli with Golgari Depths [[Collector Ouphe|]] [[Force of Vigor|]] [[Echo of Eons|]]
Game One:
Brett kicks off round six with a [[Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth]] and passes. Unfortunately for him, my hand is bonkers.
[[Underground Sea|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]I play the cards as listed, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to find [[Ad Nauseam]] and cast it. For safe measures, I decide to storm up to 20 for [[Grapeshot]] to play around [[Elvish Spirit Guide]] onto an opposing [[Veil of Summer]].
Sideboarding: -2 [[Defense Grid]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
Game Two:
Brett shuffles down to four cards, I tell him, “I’ve lost to a number of mulligans to four online recently”. I should really learn how to shut my mouth and stop jinxing myself. Brett plays a first turn [[Thoughtseize]] discarding my [[Chain of Vapor]]. I play my hand onto the table that can possibly be a second turn [[Ad Nauseam]] if I draw anything, including a land, that makes mana. Brett quickly puts [[Collector Ouphe]] into play. I die from a whole lot of attack steps.
Sideboarding: -2 [[Veil of Summer]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Three:[[Polluted Delta|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]
One mana off of [[Ad Nauseam]]! In theory, we can [[Echo of Eons]] but I don’t want to risk it. I decide that I want to empty my hand onto the battlefield and then [[Ad Nauseam]] on the next turn. Accepting losing to [[Force of Vigor]] or [[Pithing Needle]]. Brett searches up a [[Bayou]] and casts [[Thoughtseize]]. I’m feeling pretty good about this…
Brett stops me on my upkeep and casts [[Force of Vigor]] on a copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. I sacrifice the [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and activate the [[Wishclaw Talisman]] that Brett is targeting. I get another copy of [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. If I draw [[Dark Ritual]] here we win… It’s [[Mox Opal]] which isn’t bad. I play the artifacts into a Flashback [[Echo of Eons]].
My seven cards isn’t good enough to win, I cast [[Brainstorm]].
[[Lotus Petal|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Abrupt Decay|]]Finding both [[Lotus Petal]] and [[Burning Wish]] allow me to sequence into a [[Tendrils of Agony]] out of the sideboard.
10-4 | 5-1Round Seven — Evan Flynn with UR Delver
Game One:
It’s a long game where I allow myself to take some hits from Evan’s [[Delver of Secrets]] as I develop lands, protection, and getting [[Wishclaw Talisman]] onto the battlefield. We get to a crucial turn where I have all five of my searchable lands in play, and I decide I may be dead on the next turn, I make my move.
The turn before I want to go off, I cast a [[Defense Grid]] which is met by Evan’s [[Force of Negation]]. On the next turn, I cast another copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and then a [[Burning Wish]] for [[Echo of Eons]]. I take a hit from Evan’s creatures on his turn. At this point, I decide I need to go for it — my life total is getting low and Evan has already used two “Force” effects. I cast [[Echo of Eons]] the hard way which is the target of [[Force of Will]]. But not before Evan casts a [[Brainstorm]] in an attempt to find his third [[Force of Will]].
I’m reading Evan’s body language, and I think he’s trying to bait me into using [[Wishclaw Talisman]] for [[Veil of Summer]]. This way, [[Daze]] would effectively counter both of my spells. Instead, I allow [[Echo of Eons]] to be countered, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to get [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and Flashback [[Echo of Eons]]. In response to this, Evan casts a [[Daze]].
[[Echo of Eons]] resolves and my hand is awful, I die.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
I’m never really in this game. I had a window on the second turn but I stacked my [[Ponder]] poorly so that I didn’t have double [[Burning Wish]] in hand, but instead three copies of [[Rite of Flame]]. This makes the [[Surgical Extraction]] Evan casts very embarrassing on my [[Ponder]]. I sit there for a few turns while [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]] is sealing the game up for Evan. As I’m about to lose, a judge runs up to the table and pauses us.
They ask me to step away from the table, I assume it’s because I forgot to exile my [[Defense Grid]] in game one and then got [[Echo of Eons]] which wasn’t intentional (it was corrected before it mattered). They begin to ask me questions about Evan’s sequencing and announcing of cards cast/cards drawn. I answer the questions honestly, he was very clear and deliberate.
They talk to Evan for about 10 minutes and come back. Evan has been disqualified from the event and the judge leaves the choice to Evan if he wants to tell me why. Evan tells me he didn’t realize he drew four off of the [[Brainstorm]] in the first game. I tell him that I had no chance of winning the second game and I’m sorry this has happened. Evan reveals his hand of all counterspells and a [[Blazing Volley]] for any possible [[Goblin Token]]s. He apologizes and then has to fill out the disqualification paperwork. I honestly don’t believe it was malicious, accidents happen. I’ve faced Evan a number of times and he’s always been very clear, honest, and up-standing.
10-5 | 6-1Round Eight — Louis Gentile with UG OmnitellI sat next to Louis throughout the day, he had quite a number of spectacular draws. I didn’t want to force a playoff against him knowing that he’s been drawing hot all day. I also knew that Freya was going to be playing out the last round. I did not know that Matthew Orfanellow would be doing the same. I accepted the draw offer from Louis knowing that I could possibly be drawing myself into ninth place if everything went the wrong way.
Fortunately for me, both Freya Sanford and Matthew Orfanellow won as did a few of my other opponents. This solidified me in fifth place. With Louis in fourth, it meant we would face each other to start off the top eight…
10-5 | 6-1-1Top Eight — Louis Gentile with UG Omnitell [[Force of Will|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Grapeshot|]]
Game One:
Louis mulligans to five and is on the play. Louis plays a [[Misty Rainforest]] and passes. I play an [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Ponder]]. On Louis’s turn, he plays a second land and passes. I decide I’m going to move in.
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], and [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. At this point, Louis stops me to cast [[Force of Will]], but I’m sitting on [[Veil of Summer]]. Louis casts [[Impulse]] in response to my green instant. All I have to do from here is cast [[Burning Wish]] into [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
Game Two:
Once again, Louis mulligans very low and I begin to wonder if he’s just digging for a [[Force of Will]] or not. I cast a bait [[Wishclaw Talisman]] on the second turn, which is countered by [[Force of Will]]. Louis then promptly casts [[Surgical Extraction]] on the [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. He’s a bit shocked that I sideboarded in [[Grapeshot]], but I had a gut feeling that Louis would bring in his singleton [[Surgical Extraction]]. On my next turn, I [[Burning Wish]] for [[Infernal Tutor]]. Louis isn’t really doing anything which signals to me that his hand is clunky or full of [[Veil of Summer]]. I cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Veil of Summer]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Ad Nauseam]], and a lot of spells into [[Grapeshot]]. On to top four!
12-5 | 7-1-1Top Four — Matthew Orfanello with UG Omnitell
These games aren’t super interesting, there was a brief moment where I thought I had a chance of stealing game one. I mostly just get crushed in an embarrassing fashion. Congratulations to both Matthew Orfanello and Freya Sanford for making the finals!
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
12-7 | 7-2-1 Totals & Stats
- Games & Record: 12-7 | 7-2-1
- The Die Roll: 2-5
- Mulligans: 6
- Turn One Combos: 3
- Ad Nauseam Wins: 6
- Echo of Eons Wins: 2
- Empty the Warrens Wins: 3
- Natural Grapeshot Wins: 1
Closing & General Thoughts
This puts me at 4-of-6 Leaving A Legacy Open Top 8’s (I’ve played in five, I didn’t attend the one that Gerald James Mee III decided to schedule on the same day as a Star City Games open in the northeast…)! I’ll admit, this one feels less earned than the others due to the disqualification. That said, it’s something I can’t control. The turnout for the event was terrific at 145 players and the GamingEtc is a fantastic location despite someone propping open the door every other round in the dead of winter in Boston.
All of that paranoid over Jeskai Breach and I didn’t face any of the five pilots in the room. I actually never used [[Tormod’s Crypt]] a single time either. That said, I’d probably register the same list all over again if I had to play the event again tomorrow.
The trip back to Syracuse, N.Y. was pretty easy on me, but I imagine much tough on everyone else. I filled up on ribs and fell asleep five minutes after we left the barbecue place and woke up as we were arriving in Syracuse at 3 a.m.. Almost a full 24-hour trip!
Until next time, keep storming!
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
Game One:
Noah starts the match off with a [[Thoughtseize]] and says out-loud what all of the cards are as he writes them down.
…and then my singleton [[Ad Nauseam]] is discarded. I search up the basic [[Island]] and cast [[Ponder]] into a two lands and a the main deck copy of [[Echo of Eons]]. Noah thinks for a moment and casts [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]]. I play a land and pass back. Noah decides to make me burn the copy of [[Veil of Summer]] in my hand to protect myself from [[Thoughtseize]]. I draw the [[Echo of Eons]], play the third land, and cast [[Defense Grid]]. To my surprise it resolves.
On Noah’s next turn, he plays a pair of [[Brainstorm]] (using [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]]), uses a [[Wasteland]], and casts a [[Delver of Secrets]].
I draw [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for turn, cast [[Dark Ritual]], play [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], discard my hand, and then Flashback [[Echo of Eons]] all while Noah only has two lands untapped. Noah attempts to [[Daze]], I tell him that he can’t. He says he’ll pay the for [[Defense Grid]], I inform him that it’s . He muffles something about my cards being in Japanese and we call for a judge. For what it’s worth, the on the card is still in English.
After the [[Echo of Eons]] resolves, my hand is nuts. I have enough resources to cast [[Veil of Summer]] into a lethal [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
One again, Noah leads off on a patented [[Thoughtseize]], discarding my [[Burning Wish]]. This leaves me with [[Defense Grid]] and a whole lot of mana in my hand. Fortunately for me, I immediately draw [[Empty the Warrens]] for my turn. I play a [[Polluted Delta]] and pass. Noah follows up with a second land and a [[Delver of Secrets]].
I draw a [[Rite of Flame]] for turn and decide that the [[Defense Grid]] in my hand doesn’t really matter in this game and decide to jam it into a likely [[Daze]]. I’m a little shocked when it resolves. [[Delver of Secrets]] doesn’t flip on Noah’s upkeep, he misses a land drop, attacks me with the [[Delver of Secrets]], and then uses the [[Petty Theft]] half of [[Brazen Borrower]] on my [[Defense Grid]].
I draw for turn and it is [[Brainstorm]]! Good draw. I cast it and it’s more mana, which isn’t awful, but I don’t have enough mana to cast [[Defense Grid]] and then [[Empty the Warrens]].
I end up casting a few [[Rite of Flame]]s, [[Mox Opal]], [[Chrome Mox]], and a [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] before I play the [[Empty the Warrens]]. Noah allows them all to resolve and I end up with 12 [[Goblin Token]]s in play.
[[Delver of Secrets]] doesn’t flip again, and Noah now makes his third land drop. I’m nervous, but Noah passes the turn back to me and I cast [[Defense Grid]]. He responds by casting [[Brazen Borrower]]. I attack and am left with 10 [[Goblin Token]]s. Noah draws his card for turn and concedes.
Round Four — Freya Sanford with Lands [[Dark Depths|]] [[Mox Diamond|]] [[Brainstorm|]]
Game One:
As we sit down, I’m actually pretty happy about the matchup. I know what they’re on and we’re favored. Freya wins the die roll and starts off on [[Exploration]] into a fetchland. Fairly innocent.
My hand after my draw step is…
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Tropical Island|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Ad Nauseam|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Defense Grid|]] [[Defense Grid|]] [[Burning Wish|]]I play [[Scalding Tarn]] and pass. Meanwhile, Freya cannot wait to put [[Dark Depths]] and [[Thespian’s Stage]] into play. We’re on a clock!
I draw and it’s [[Brainstorm]].
[[Polluted Delta|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Mox Opal|]]This isn’t good enough. I figure I’ll play it strong and maybe Freya will respect the main deck copy of [[Chain of Vapor]]. They do not and our hero dies.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Two:
I keep a six card hand that is lands, mana acceleration, and [[Brainstorm]] plus [[Ponder]]. On the first turn I play [[Lotus Petal]], [[Brainstorm]], and use a [[Polluted Delta]] before I cast [[Ponder]]. This is all I do before I die on turn four to a [[Marit Lage Token]].
I never drew anything, Freya doesn’t even have hate pieces in their deck, we just drew dead. Wump.
6-2 | 3-1Round Five — Tom Smiley with Death & Taxes [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben|]] [[Empty the Warrens|]] [[Phyrexian Revoker|]]
Game One:
I finally win a die roll on the day! It’s also in a matchup where I know that I need it. This hand is painted in my brain as went back and forth on if I should keep it:
[[Volcanic Island|]] [[Tropical Island|]] [[Island|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Ponder|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Dark Ritual|]]This hand is really punished by the [[Island]] manabase over the [[Swamp]]. I ultimately decide to keep the hand against better judgment, cast [[Ponder]] off of the [[Volcanic Island]]. I look at:
[[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]]This doesn’t quite do it. We have no way of generating black mana. That said, we do have a guaranteed [[Echo of Eons]] with a [[Mox Opal]] in play as long as we aren’t hit by [[Wasteland]]. I decide this is probably better than shuffling praying to hit something miraculous.
Tom casts [[Mother of Runes]] before shipping it back to me. I take the line as described above. My seven cards are:
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Polluted Delta|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Brainstorm|]]I’m forced to pass the turn back as Tom is very eager to slam Thalia, Guardian of Thraben on the table. I try to battle back using [[Burning Wish]] to grab [[Grapeshot]]. I cast about four cantrips over the next few turns looking for [[Chain of Vapor]], but never find it.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], -2 [[Defense Grid]], +2 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Two:
I mulligan and my six cards are:
[[Island|]] [[Chain of Vapor|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]]I’m thinking to myself, “Dammit, first you fail me against Lands and now this?!” I play my [[Island]] and pass. Tom plays a [[Plains]] and I draw a [[Rite of Flame]] for turn and pass. On Tom’s second turn, he casts [[Phyrexian Revoker]] naming [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. I knock on my deck… [[Infernal Tutor]]!!!
I cast [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], and then [[Chain of Vapor]] targeting my own [[Lotus Petal]]. Sacrifice [[Island]], copy it, and return [[Phyrexian Revoker]] to Tom’s hand. Play [[Lotus Petal]], cast [[Infernal Tutor]], retrieve [[Burning Wish]], and cast [[Empty the Warrens]] for 18 [[Goblin Token]]s.
Game Three:
I mulligan, Tom plays a [[Plains]] before passing the turn. After my draw-step, my hand consists of:
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Mox Opal|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Brainstorm|]] [[Island|]] [[Abrupt Decay|]]I cast the pair of [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and then [[Mox Opal]]. At this point, I think to myself on if I want to risk losing the mana source of any color to cast [[Brainstorm]] or cast it off of the basic [[Island]]. I decide on tapping [[Mox Opal]].
[[Ponder|]] [[Brainstorm|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]These are pretty good cards to draw off of [[Brainstorm]]. I put back the [[Island]] and [[Abrupt Decay]] and use [[Scalding Tarn]] to grab the [[Island]] again. At this point, I cast [[Ponder]] looking at three cards I don’t want. Shuffle. Unfortunately, I drew [[Ad Nauseam]]. Knowing what’s about to happen, I’m wishing this card was on top of my library.
I’m going to pull a “Sworts.”
For those of you unfamiliar, there’s little in this world that makes Landon Sworts as happy as going all in on a cantrip.
I sacrifice the [[Lotus Petal]] and cast [[Brainstorm]], in response, sacrifice both [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for . As I do this, I say to Tom, “Landon would be so proud right now.”
[[Scalding Tarn|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Empty the Warrens|]]Cast [[Burning Wish]] for [[Empty the Warrens]], creating 18 [[Goblin Token]]s.
I had some people much better at math than I am take the liberty of figuring out the probability that I hit. With 51 cards in the deck and seven outs (4 [[Burning Wish]], 2 [[Empty the Warrens]], and 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]) the odds are roughly 36.4 percent or #neverdidnthaveit at 100 percent.
8-3 | 4-1Round Six — Brett Spinelli with Golgari Depths [[Collector Ouphe|]] [[Force of Vigor|]] [[Echo of Eons|]]
Game One:
Brett kicks off round six with a [[Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth]] and passes. Unfortunately for him, my hand is bonkers.
[[Underground Sea|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]I play the cards as listed, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to find [[Ad Nauseam]] and cast it. For safe measures, I decide to storm up to 20 for [[Grapeshot]] to play around [[Elvish Spirit Guide]] onto an opposing [[Veil of Summer]].
Sideboarding: -2 [[Defense Grid]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
Game Two:
Brett shuffles down to four cards, I tell him, “I’ve lost to a number of mulligans to four online recently”. I should really learn how to shut my mouth and stop jinxing myself. Brett plays a first turn [[Thoughtseize]] discarding my [[Chain of Vapor]]. I play my hand onto the table that can possibly be a second turn [[Ad Nauseam]] if I draw anything, including a land, that makes mana. Brett quickly puts [[Collector Ouphe]] into play. I die from a whole lot of attack steps.
Sideboarding: -2 [[Veil of Summer]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Three:[[Polluted Delta|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]
One mana off of [[Ad Nauseam]]! In theory, we can [[Echo of Eons]] but I don’t want to risk it. I decide that I want to empty my hand onto the battlefield and then [[Ad Nauseam]] on the next turn. Accepting losing to [[Force of Vigor]] or [[Pithing Needle]]. Brett searches up a [[Bayou]] and casts [[Thoughtseize]]. I’m feeling pretty good about this…
Brett stops me on my upkeep and casts [[Force of Vigor]] on a copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. I sacrifice the [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and activate the [[Wishclaw Talisman]] that Brett is targeting. I get another copy of [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. If I draw [[Dark Ritual]] here we win… It’s [[Mox Opal]] which isn’t bad. I play the artifacts into a Flashback [[Echo of Eons]].
My seven cards isn’t good enough to win, I cast [[Brainstorm]].
[[Lotus Petal|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Abrupt Decay|]]Finding both [[Lotus Petal]] and [[Burning Wish]] allow me to sequence into a [[Tendrils of Agony]] out of the sideboard.
10-4 | 5-1Round Seven — Evan Flynn with UR Delver
Game One:
It’s a long game where I allow myself to take some hits from Evan’s [[Delver of Secrets]] as I develop lands, protection, and getting [[Wishclaw Talisman]] onto the battlefield. We get to a crucial turn where I have all five of my searchable lands in play, and I decide I may be dead on the next turn, I make my move.
The turn before I want to go off, I cast a [[Defense Grid]] which is met by Evan’s [[Force of Negation]]. On the next turn, I cast another copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and then a [[Burning Wish]] for [[Echo of Eons]]. I take a hit from Evan’s creatures on his turn. At this point, I decide I need to go for it — my life total is getting low and Evan has already used two “Force” effects. I cast [[Echo of Eons]] the hard way which is the target of [[Force of Will]]. But not before Evan casts a [[Brainstorm]] in an attempt to find his third [[Force of Will]].
I’m reading Evan’s body language, and I think he’s trying to bait me into using [[Wishclaw Talisman]] for [[Veil of Summer]]. This way, [[Daze]] would effectively counter both of my spells. Instead, I allow [[Echo of Eons]] to be countered, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to get [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and Flashback [[Echo of Eons]]. In response to this, Evan casts a [[Daze]].
[[Echo of Eons]] resolves and my hand is awful, I die.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
I’m never really in this game. I had a window on the second turn but I stacked my [[Ponder]] poorly so that I didn’t have double [[Burning Wish]] in hand, but instead three copies of [[Rite of Flame]]. This makes the [[Surgical Extraction]] Evan casts very embarrassing on my [[Ponder]]. I sit there for a few turns while [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]] is sealing the game up for Evan. As I’m about to lose, a judge runs up to the table and pauses us.
They ask me to step away from the table, I assume it’s because I forgot to exile my [[Defense Grid]] in game one and then got [[Echo of Eons]] which wasn’t intentional (it was corrected before it mattered). They begin to ask me questions about Evan’s sequencing and announcing of cards cast/cards drawn. I answer the questions honestly, he was very clear and deliberate.
They talk to Evan for about 10 minutes and come back. Evan has been disqualified from the event and the judge leaves the choice to Evan if he wants to tell me why. Evan tells me he didn’t realize he drew four off of the [[Brainstorm]] in the first game. I tell him that I had no chance of winning the second game and I’m sorry this has happened. Evan reveals his hand of all counterspells and a [[Blazing Volley]] for any possible [[Goblin Token]]s. He apologizes and then has to fill out the disqualification paperwork. I honestly don’t believe it was malicious, accidents happen. I’ve faced Evan a number of times and he’s always been very clear, honest, and up-standing.
10-5 | 6-1Round Eight — Louis Gentile with UG OmnitellI sat next to Louis throughout the day, he had quite a number of spectacular draws. I didn’t want to force a playoff against him knowing that he’s been drawing hot all day. I also knew that Freya was going to be playing out the last round. I did not know that Matthew Orfanellow would be doing the same. I accepted the draw offer from Louis knowing that I could possibly be drawing myself into ninth place if everything went the wrong way.
Fortunately for me, both Freya Sanford and Matthew Orfanellow won as did a few of my other opponents. This solidified me in fifth place. With Louis in fourth, it meant we would face each other to start off the top eight…
10-5 | 6-1-1Top Eight — Louis Gentile with UG Omnitell [[Force of Will|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Grapeshot|]]
Game One:
Louis mulligans to five and is on the play. Louis plays a [[Misty Rainforest]] and passes. I play an [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Ponder]]. On Louis’s turn, he plays a second land and passes. I decide I’m going to move in.
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], and [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. At this point, Louis stops me to cast [[Force of Will]], but I’m sitting on [[Veil of Summer]]. Louis casts [[Impulse]] in response to my green instant. All I have to do from here is cast [[Burning Wish]] into [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
Game Two:
Once again, Louis mulligans very low and I begin to wonder if he’s just digging for a [[Force of Will]] or not. I cast a bait [[Wishclaw Talisman]] on the second turn, which is countered by [[Force of Will]]. Louis then promptly casts [[Surgical Extraction]] on the [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. He’s a bit shocked that I sideboarded in [[Grapeshot]], but I had a gut feeling that Louis would bring in his singleton [[Surgical Extraction]]. On my next turn, I [[Burning Wish]] for [[Infernal Tutor]]. Louis isn’t really doing anything which signals to me that his hand is clunky or full of [[Veil of Summer]]. I cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Veil of Summer]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Ad Nauseam]], and a lot of spells into [[Grapeshot]]. On to top four!
12-5 | 7-1-1Top Four — Matthew Orfanello with UG Omnitell
These games aren’t super interesting, there was a brief moment where I thought I had a chance of stealing game one. I mostly just get crushed in an embarrassing fashion. Congratulations to both Matthew Orfanello and Freya Sanford for making the finals!
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
12-7 | 7-2-1 Totals & Stats
- Games & Record: 12-7 | 7-2-1
- The Die Roll: 2-5
- Mulligans: 6
- Turn One Combos: 3
- Ad Nauseam Wins: 6
- Echo of Eons Wins: 2
- Empty the Warrens Wins: 3
- Natural Grapeshot Wins: 1
Closing & General Thoughts
This puts me at 4-of-6 Leaving A Legacy Open Top 8’s (I’ve played in five, I didn’t attend the one that Gerald James Mee III decided to schedule on the same day as a Star City Games open in the northeast…)! I’ll admit, this one feels less earned than the others due to the disqualification. That said, it’s something I can’t control. The turnout for the event was terrific at 145 players and the GamingEtc is a fantastic location despite someone propping open the door every other round in the dead of winter in Boston.
All of that paranoid over Jeskai Breach and I didn’t face any of the five pilots in the room. I actually never used [[Tormod’s Crypt]] a single time either. That said, I’d probably register the same list all over again if I had to play the event again tomorrow.
The trip back to Syracuse, N.Y. was pretty easy on me, but I imagine much tough on everyone else. I filled up on ribs and fell asleep five minutes after we left the barbecue place and woke up as we were arriving in Syracuse at 3 a.m.. Almost a full 24-hour trip!
Until next time, keep storming!
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game One:
I finally win a die roll on the day! It’s also in a matchup where I know that I need it. This hand is painted in my brain as went back and forth on if I should keep it:
This hand is really punished by the [[Island]] manabase over the [[Swamp]]. I ultimately decide to keep the hand against better judgment, cast [[Ponder]] off of the [[Volcanic Island]]. I look at:
This doesn’t quite do it. We have no way of generating black mana. That said, we do have a guaranteed [[Echo of Eons]] with a [[Mox Opal]] in play as long as we aren’t hit by [[Wasteland]]. I decide this is probably better than shuffling praying to hit something miraculous.
Tom casts [[Mother of Runes]] before shipping it back to me. I take the line as described above. My seven cards are:
I’m forced to pass the turn back as Tom is very eager to slam Thalia, Guardian of Thraben on the table. I try to battle back using [[Burning Wish]] to grab [[Grapeshot]]. I cast about four cantrips over the next few turns looking for [[Chain of Vapor]], but never find it.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Veil of Summer]], -2 [[Defense Grid]], +2 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Two:
I mulligan and my six cards are:
I’m thinking to myself, “Dammit, first you fail me against Lands and now this?!” I play my [[Island]] and pass. Tom plays a [[Plains]] and I draw a [[Rite of Flame]] for turn and pass. On Tom’s second turn, he casts [[Phyrexian Revoker]] naming [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. I knock on my deck… [[Infernal Tutor]]!!!
I cast [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], and then [[Chain of Vapor]] targeting my own [[Lotus Petal]]. Sacrifice [[Island]], copy it, and return [[Phyrexian Revoker]] to Tom’s hand. Play [[Lotus Petal]], cast [[Infernal Tutor]], retrieve [[Burning Wish]], and cast [[Empty the Warrens]] for 18 [[Goblin Token]]s.
Game Three:
I mulligan, Tom plays a [[Plains]] before passing the turn. After my draw-step, my hand consists of:
I cast the pair of [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and then [[Mox Opal]]. At this point, I think to myself on if I want to risk losing the mana source of any color to cast [[Brainstorm]] or cast it off of the basic [[Island]]. I decide on tapping [[Mox Opal]].
These are pretty good cards to draw off of [[Brainstorm]]. I put back the [[Island]] and [[Abrupt Decay]] and use [[Scalding Tarn]] to grab the [[Island]] again. At this point, I cast [[Ponder]] looking at three cards I don’t want. Shuffle. Unfortunately, I drew [[Ad Nauseam]]. Knowing what’s about to happen, I’m wishing this card was on top of my library.
I’m going to pull a “Sworts.”
For those of you unfamiliar, there’s little in this world that makes Landon Sworts as happy as going all in on a cantrip.
I sacrifice the [[Lotus Petal]] and cast [[Brainstorm]], in response, sacrifice both [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for . As I do this, I say to Tom, “Landon would be so proud right now.”
Cast [[Burning Wish]] for [[Empty the Warrens]], creating 18 [[Goblin Token]]s.
I had some people much better at math than I am take the liberty of figuring out the probability that I hit. With 51 cards in the deck and seven outs (4 [[Burning Wish]], 2 [[Empty the Warrens]], and 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]) the odds are roughly 36.4 percent or #neverdidnthaveit at 100 percent.
Round Six — Brett Spinelli with Golgari Depths [[Collector Ouphe|]] [[Force of Vigor|]] [[Echo of Eons|]]
Game One:
Brett kicks off round six with a [[Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth]] and passes. Unfortunately for him, my hand is bonkers.
[[Underground Sea|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Rite of Flame|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]I play the cards as listed, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to find [[Ad Nauseam]] and cast it. For safe measures, I decide to storm up to 20 for [[Grapeshot]] to play around [[Elvish Spirit Guide]] onto an opposing [[Veil of Summer]].
Sideboarding: -2 [[Defense Grid]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
Game Two:
Brett shuffles down to four cards, I tell him, “I’ve lost to a number of mulligans to four online recently”. I should really learn how to shut my mouth and stop jinxing myself. Brett plays a first turn [[Thoughtseize]] discarding my [[Chain of Vapor]]. I play my hand onto the table that can possibly be a second turn [[Ad Nauseam]] if I draw anything, including a land, that makes mana. Brett quickly puts [[Collector Ouphe]] into play. I die from a whole lot of attack steps.
Sideboarding: -2 [[Veil of Summer]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game Three:[[Polluted Delta|]] [[Lotus Petal|]] [[Dark Ritual|]] [[Lion’s Eye Diamond|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Wishclaw Talisman|]] [[Scalding Tarn|]]
One mana off of [[Ad Nauseam]]! In theory, we can [[Echo of Eons]] but I don’t want to risk it. I decide that I want to empty my hand onto the battlefield and then [[Ad Nauseam]] on the next turn. Accepting losing to [[Force of Vigor]] or [[Pithing Needle]]. Brett searches up a [[Bayou]] and casts [[Thoughtseize]]. I’m feeling pretty good about this…
Brett stops me on my upkeep and casts [[Force of Vigor]] on a copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. I sacrifice the [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and activate the [[Wishclaw Talisman]] that Brett is targeting. I get another copy of [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]. If I draw [[Dark Ritual]] here we win… It’s [[Mox Opal]] which isn’t bad. I play the artifacts into a Flashback [[Echo of Eons]].
My seven cards isn’t good enough to win, I cast [[Brainstorm]].
[[Lotus Petal|]] [[Burning Wish|]] [[Abrupt Decay|]]Finding both [[Lotus Petal]] and [[Burning Wish]] allow me to sequence into a [[Tendrils of Agony]] out of the sideboard.
10-4 | 5-1Round Seven — Evan Flynn with UR Delver
Game One:
It’s a long game where I allow myself to take some hits from Evan’s [[Delver of Secrets]] as I develop lands, protection, and getting [[Wishclaw Talisman]] onto the battlefield. We get to a crucial turn where I have all five of my searchable lands in play, and I decide I may be dead on the next turn, I make my move.
The turn before I want to go off, I cast a [[Defense Grid]] which is met by Evan’s [[Force of Negation]]. On the next turn, I cast another copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and then a [[Burning Wish]] for [[Echo of Eons]]. I take a hit from Evan’s creatures on his turn. At this point, I decide I need to go for it — my life total is getting low and Evan has already used two “Force” effects. I cast [[Echo of Eons]] the hard way which is the target of [[Force of Will]]. But not before Evan casts a [[Brainstorm]] in an attempt to find his third [[Force of Will]].
I’m reading Evan’s body language, and I think he’s trying to bait me into using [[Wishclaw Talisman]] for [[Veil of Summer]]. This way, [[Daze]] would effectively counter both of my spells. Instead, I allow [[Echo of Eons]] to be countered, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to get [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and Flashback [[Echo of Eons]]. In response to this, Evan casts a [[Daze]].
[[Echo of Eons]] resolves and my hand is awful, I die.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
I’m never really in this game. I had a window on the second turn but I stacked my [[Ponder]] poorly so that I didn’t have double [[Burning Wish]] in hand, but instead three copies of [[Rite of Flame]]. This makes the [[Surgical Extraction]] Evan casts very embarrassing on my [[Ponder]]. I sit there for a few turns while [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]] is sealing the game up for Evan. As I’m about to lose, a judge runs up to the table and pauses us.
They ask me to step away from the table, I assume it’s because I forgot to exile my [[Defense Grid]] in game one and then got [[Echo of Eons]] which wasn’t intentional (it was corrected before it mattered). They begin to ask me questions about Evan’s sequencing and announcing of cards cast/cards drawn. I answer the questions honestly, he was very clear and deliberate.
They talk to Evan for about 10 minutes and come back. Evan has been disqualified from the event and the judge leaves the choice to Evan if he wants to tell me why. Evan tells me he didn’t realize he drew four off of the [[Brainstorm]] in the first game. I tell him that I had no chance of winning the second game and I’m sorry this has happened. Evan reveals his hand of all counterspells and a [[Blazing Volley]] for any possible [[Goblin Token]]s. He apologizes and then has to fill out the disqualification paperwork. I honestly don’t believe it was malicious, accidents happen. I’ve faced Evan a number of times and he’s always been very clear, honest, and up-standing.
10-5 | 6-1Round Eight — Louis Gentile with UG OmnitellI sat next to Louis throughout the day, he had quite a number of spectacular draws. I didn’t want to force a playoff against him knowing that he’s been drawing hot all day. I also knew that Freya was going to be playing out the last round. I did not know that Matthew Orfanellow would be doing the same. I accepted the draw offer from Louis knowing that I could possibly be drawing myself into ninth place if everything went the wrong way.
Fortunately for me, both Freya Sanford and Matthew Orfanellow won as did a few of my other opponents. This solidified me in fifth place. With Louis in fourth, it meant we would face each other to start off the top eight…
10-5 | 6-1-1Top Eight — Louis Gentile with UG Omnitell [[Force of Will|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Grapeshot|]]
Game One:
Louis mulligans to five and is on the play. Louis plays a [[Misty Rainforest]] and passes. I play an [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Ponder]]. On Louis’s turn, he plays a second land and passes. I decide I’m going to move in.
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], and [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. At this point, Louis stops me to cast [[Force of Will]], but I’m sitting on [[Veil of Summer]]. Louis casts [[Impulse]] in response to my green instant. All I have to do from here is cast [[Burning Wish]] into [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
Game Two:
Once again, Louis mulligans very low and I begin to wonder if he’s just digging for a [[Force of Will]] or not. I cast a bait [[Wishclaw Talisman]] on the second turn, which is countered by [[Force of Will]]. Louis then promptly casts [[Surgical Extraction]] on the [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. He’s a bit shocked that I sideboarded in [[Grapeshot]], but I had a gut feeling that Louis would bring in his singleton [[Surgical Extraction]]. On my next turn, I [[Burning Wish]] for [[Infernal Tutor]]. Louis isn’t really doing anything which signals to me that his hand is clunky or full of [[Veil of Summer]]. I cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Veil of Summer]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Ad Nauseam]], and a lot of spells into [[Grapeshot]]. On to top four!
12-5 | 7-1-1Top Four — Matthew Orfanello with UG Omnitell
These games aren’t super interesting, there was a brief moment where I thought I had a chance of stealing game one. I mostly just get crushed in an embarrassing fashion. Congratulations to both Matthew Orfanello and Freya Sanford for making the finals!
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
12-7 | 7-2-1 Totals & Stats
- Games & Record: 12-7 | 7-2-1
- The Die Roll: 2-5
- Mulligans: 6
- Turn One Combos: 3
- Ad Nauseam Wins: 6
- Echo of Eons Wins: 2
- Empty the Warrens Wins: 3
- Natural Grapeshot Wins: 1
Closing & General Thoughts
This puts me at 4-of-6 Leaving A Legacy Open Top 8’s (I’ve played in five, I didn’t attend the one that Gerald James Mee III decided to schedule on the same day as a Star City Games open in the northeast…)! I’ll admit, this one feels less earned than the others due to the disqualification. That said, it’s something I can’t control. The turnout for the event was terrific at 145 players and the GamingEtc is a fantastic location despite someone propping open the door every other round in the dead of winter in Boston.
All of that paranoid over Jeskai Breach and I didn’t face any of the five pilots in the room. I actually never used [[Tormod’s Crypt]] a single time either. That said, I’d probably register the same list all over again if I had to play the event again tomorrow.
The trip back to Syracuse, N.Y. was pretty easy on me, but I imagine much tough on everyone else. I filled up on ribs and fell asleep five minutes after we left the barbecue place and woke up as we were arriving in Syracuse at 3 a.m.. Almost a full 24-hour trip!
Until next time, keep storming!
Sideboarding: -2 [[Defense Grid]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
Sideboarding: -2 [[Veil of Summer]], +1 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
Game One:
It’s a long game where I allow myself to take some hits from Evan’s [[Delver of Secrets]] as I develop lands, protection, and getting [[Wishclaw Talisman]] onto the battlefield. We get to a crucial turn where I have all five of my searchable lands in play, and I decide I may be dead on the next turn, I make my move.
The turn before I want to go off, I cast a [[Defense Grid]] which is met by Evan’s [[Force of Negation]]. On the next turn, I cast another copy of [[Wishclaw Talisman]] and then a [[Burning Wish]] for [[Echo of Eons]]. I take a hit from Evan’s creatures on his turn. At this point, I decide I need to go for it — my life total is getting low and Evan has already used two “Force” effects. I cast [[Echo of Eons]] the hard way which is the target of [[Force of Will]]. But not before Evan casts a [[Brainstorm]] in an attempt to find his third [[Force of Will]].
I’m reading Evan’s body language, and I think he’s trying to bait me into using [[Wishclaw Talisman]] for [[Veil of Summer]]. This way, [[Daze]] would effectively counter both of my spells. Instead, I allow [[Echo of Eons]] to be countered, use [[Wishclaw Talisman]] to get [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and Flashback [[Echo of Eons]]. In response to this, Evan casts a [[Daze]].
[[Echo of Eons]] resolves and my hand is awful, I die.
Sideboarding: -4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]], -1 [[Ad Nauseam]], +3 [[Empty the Warrens]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
Game Two:
I’m never really in this game. I had a window on the second turn but I stacked my [[Ponder]] poorly so that I didn’t have double [[Burning Wish]] in hand, but instead three copies of [[Rite of Flame]]. This makes the [[Surgical Extraction]] Evan casts very embarrassing on my [[Ponder]]. I sit there for a few turns while [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]] is sealing the game up for Evan. As I’m about to lose, a judge runs up to the table and pauses us.
They ask me to step away from the table, I assume it’s because I forgot to exile my [[Defense Grid]] in game one and then got [[Echo of Eons]] which wasn’t intentional (it was corrected before it mattered). They begin to ask me questions about Evan’s sequencing and announcing of cards cast/cards drawn. I answer the questions honestly, he was very clear and deliberate.
They talk to Evan for about 10 minutes and come back. Evan has been disqualified from the event and the judge leaves the choice to Evan if he wants to tell me why. Evan tells me he didn’t realize he drew four off of the [[Brainstorm]] in the first game. I tell him that I had no chance of winning the second game and I’m sorry this has happened. Evan reveals his hand of all counterspells and a [[Blazing Volley]] for any possible [[Goblin Token]]s. He apologizes and then has to fill out the disqualification paperwork. I honestly don’t believe it was malicious, accidents happen. I’ve faced Evan a number of times and he’s always been very clear, honest, and up-standing.
Round Eight — Louis Gentile with UG OmnitellI sat next to Louis throughout the day, he had quite a number of spectacular draws. I didn’t want to force a playoff against him knowing that he’s been drawing hot all day. I also knew that Freya was going to be playing out the last round. I did not know that Matthew Orfanellow would be doing the same. I accepted the draw offer from Louis knowing that I could possibly be drawing myself into ninth place if everything went the wrong way.
Fortunately for me, both Freya Sanford and Matthew Orfanellow won as did a few of my other opponents. This solidified me in fifth place. With Louis in fourth, it meant we would face each other to start off the top eight…
10-5 | 6-1-1Top Eight — Louis Gentile with UG Omnitell [[Force of Will|]] [[Veil of Summer|]] [[Grapeshot|]]
Game One:
Louis mulligans to five and is on the play. Louis plays a [[Misty Rainforest]] and passes. I play an [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Ponder]]. On Louis’s turn, he plays a second land and passes. I decide I’m going to move in.
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], and [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. At this point, Louis stops me to cast [[Force of Will]], but I’m sitting on [[Veil of Summer]]. Louis casts [[Impulse]] in response to my green instant. All I have to do from here is cast [[Burning Wish]] into [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
Game Two:
Once again, Louis mulligans very low and I begin to wonder if he’s just digging for a [[Force of Will]] or not. I cast a bait [[Wishclaw Talisman]] on the second turn, which is countered by [[Force of Will]]. Louis then promptly casts [[Surgical Extraction]] on the [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. He’s a bit shocked that I sideboarded in [[Grapeshot]], but I had a gut feeling that Louis would bring in his singleton [[Surgical Extraction]]. On my next turn, I [[Burning Wish]] for [[Infernal Tutor]]. Louis isn’t really doing anything which signals to me that his hand is clunky or full of [[Veil of Summer]]. I cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Veil of Summer]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Ad Nauseam]], and a lot of spells into [[Grapeshot]]. On to top four!
12-5 | 7-1-1Top Four — Matthew Orfanello with UG Omnitell
These games aren’t super interesting, there was a brief moment where I thought I had a chance of stealing game one. I mostly just get crushed in an embarrassing fashion. Congratulations to both Matthew Orfanello and Freya Sanford for making the finals!
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
12-7 | 7-2-1 Totals & Stats
- Games & Record: 12-7 | 7-2-1
- The Die Roll: 2-5
- Mulligans: 6
- Turn One Combos: 3
- Ad Nauseam Wins: 6
- Echo of Eons Wins: 2
- Empty the Warrens Wins: 3
- Natural Grapeshot Wins: 1
Closing & General Thoughts
This puts me at 4-of-6 Leaving A Legacy Open Top 8’s (I’ve played in five, I didn’t attend the one that Gerald James Mee III decided to schedule on the same day as a Star City Games open in the northeast…)! I’ll admit, this one feels less earned than the others due to the disqualification. That said, it’s something I can’t control. The turnout for the event was terrific at 145 players and the GamingEtc is a fantastic location despite someone propping open the door every other round in the dead of winter in Boston.
All of that paranoid over Jeskai Breach and I didn’t face any of the five pilots in the room. I actually never used [[Tormod’s Crypt]] a single time either. That said, I’d probably register the same list all over again if I had to play the event again tomorrow.
The trip back to Syracuse, N.Y. was pretty easy on me, but I imagine much tough on everyone else. I filled up on ribs and fell asleep five minutes after we left the barbecue place and woke up as we were arriving in Syracuse at 3 a.m.. Almost a full 24-hour trip!
Until next time, keep storming!

Game One:
Louis mulligans to five and is on the play. Louis plays a [[Misty Rainforest]] and passes. I play an [[Underground Sea]] and cast [[Ponder]]. On Louis’s turn, he plays a second land and passes. I decide I’m going to move in.
[[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], and [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. At this point, Louis stops me to cast [[Force of Will]], but I’m sitting on [[Veil of Summer]]. Louis casts [[Impulse]] in response to my green instant. All I have to do from here is cast [[Burning Wish]] into [[Tendrils of Agony]].
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
Game Two:
Once again, Louis mulligans very low and I begin to wonder if he’s just digging for a [[Force of Will]] or not. I cast a bait [[Wishclaw Talisman]] on the second turn, which is countered by [[Force of Will]]. Louis then promptly casts [[Surgical Extraction]] on the [[Wishclaw Talisman]]. He’s a bit shocked that I sideboarded in [[Grapeshot]], but I had a gut feeling that Louis would bring in his singleton [[Surgical Extraction]]. On my next turn, I [[Burning Wish]] for [[Infernal Tutor]]. Louis isn’t really doing anything which signals to me that his hand is clunky or full of [[Veil of Summer]]. I cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], [[Veil of Summer]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Ad Nauseam]], and a lot of spells into [[Grapeshot]]. On to top four!
Top Four — Matthew Orfanello with UG Omnitell
These games aren’t super interesting, there was a brief moment where I thought I had a chance of stealing game one. I mostly just get crushed in an embarrassing fashion. Congratulations to both Matthew Orfanello and Freya Sanford for making the finals!
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
12-7 | 7-2-1 Totals & Stats
- Games & Record: 12-7 | 7-2-1
- The Die Roll: 2-5
- Mulligans: 6
- Turn One Combos: 3
- Ad Nauseam Wins: 6
- Echo of Eons Wins: 2
- Empty the Warrens Wins: 3
- Natural Grapeshot Wins: 1
Closing & General Thoughts
This puts me at 4-of-6 Leaving A Legacy Open Top 8’s (I’ve played in five, I didn’t attend the one that Gerald James Mee III decided to schedule on the same day as a Star City Games open in the northeast…)! I’ll admit, this one feels less earned than the others due to the disqualification. That said, it’s something I can’t control. The turnout for the event was terrific at 145 players and the GamingEtc is a fantastic location despite someone propping open the door every other round in the dead of winter in Boston.
All of that paranoid over Jeskai Breach and I didn’t face any of the five pilots in the room. I actually never used [[Tormod’s Crypt]] a single time either. That said, I’d probably register the same list all over again if I had to play the event again tomorrow.
The trip back to Syracuse, N.Y. was pretty easy on me, but I imagine much tough on everyone else. I filled up on ribs and fell asleep five minutes after we left the barbecue place and woke up as we were arriving in Syracuse at 3 a.m.. Almost a full 24-hour trip!
Until next time, keep storming!

These games aren’t super interesting, there was a brief moment where I thought I had a chance of stealing game one. I mostly just get crushed in an embarrassing fashion. Congratulations to both Matthew Orfanello and Freya Sanford for making the finals!
Sideboarding: -1 [[Chain of Vapor]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
- Games & Record: 12-7 | 7-2-1
- The Die Roll: 2-5
- Mulligans: 6
- Turn One Combos: 3
- Ad Nauseam Wins: 6
- Echo of Eons Wins: 2
- Empty the Warrens Wins: 3
- Natural Grapeshot Wins: 1