Library of Alexandria (05/24/2008) — 1st Place

About a week ago, I was looking for a ride to Hadley, MA and was trying to get some of my teammates to go — that wasn't happening. I was trying to persuade Zach Tartell into coming, when I said this:

Entry fee is $10 and gas will be around $15. You can't afford 25$ for a Library? Fuck! Dude, do you know how many books are in a Library?

After giving up hope on The EPIC Syndicate, I found a ride to the event with Nick Wowelko (Nickrit2000) and Jason Wallace (Sacaruse). There was another car from Syracuse also going — Hollywood (A legend), Geoff Smelski (Konsultant), and Tariq White (Spiderfreak). The day of the event came and I needed to wake up at 7:00 AM on a Saturday! I quickly got ready and ate some left over pizza (best breakfast ever) and our car was off to Hadley, MA! We arrived early and played some "Skittles" (a highlander, peasant format, where you must play all five colors split evenly) to pass the time. Other players in the event kept on asking if that's what we were playing, the response was "Yeah, it's a five-color aggro-combo-control deck with a very favorable Dreadstill match-up."

the epic Storm

Main Deck

  • 4 [[Burning Wish]]
  • 4 [[Infernal Tutor]]
  • 4 [[Brainstorm]]
  • 4 [[Ponder]]
  • 4 [[Orim's Chant]]
  • 2 [[Infernal Contract]]
  • 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
  • 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
  • 1 [[Ill-Gotten Gains]]
  • 1 [[Diminishing Returns]]
  • 4 [[Simian Spirit Guide]]
  • 4 [[Rite of Flame]]
  • 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
  • 4 [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]
  • 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
  • 4 [[Chrome Mox]]
  • 4 [[City of Brass]]
  • 4 [[Gemstone Mine]]
  • 1 [[Undiscovered Paradise]]
  • 1 [[Tarnished Citadel]]


  • 4 [[Vexing Shusher]]
  • 3 [[Shattering Spree]]
  • 2 [[Xantid Swarm]]
  • 1 [[Pyroclasm]]
  • 1 [[Cleanfall]]
  • 1 [[Diminishing Returns]]
  • 1 [[Ill-Gotten Gains]]
  • 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
  • 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]

Library of Alexandria Event at Off the Wall Games

Round One - Lucas with Quinn, the Mighty Eskimo

[[Ill-Gotten Gains|]]
[[Sensei's Divining Top|]]

Game One:

Lucas wins the die roll and plays "[[Plains]], [[Sensei's Divining Top]], go." I play [[City of Brass]] and [[Brainstorm]]. Lucas activates [[Sensei's Divining Top]] during the upkeep, plays a [[Plains]]. I draw a [[Gemstone Mine]], cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Infernal Contract]], then [[Orim's Chant]]. At this point, play [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Brainstorm]]), [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Simian Spirit Guide]]), and then [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Tendrils of Agony]].

Sideboarding: None

Game Two:

Lucas once again has "[[Plains]], [[Sensei's Divining Top]], go." I look at my hand of: [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Burning Wish]], and [[Ill-Gotten Gains]]. I draw [[Lotus Petal]] for turn. Play both copies of [[Lotus Petal]], remove [[Simian Spirit Guide]], cast [[Rite of Flame]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and then cast [[Ill-Gotten Gains]] (sacrifice [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] for ). At this point, return [[Burning Wish]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Dark Ritual]]. Cast them these cards into a [[Tendrils of Agony]] for 20 life.

2-0 | 1-0

After this round, I was able to meet Jaynel and JanValentine00! Very cool guys and we did some trading — I got a Japanese [[Undiscovered Paradise]], which I was pretty excited about. It felt cool, I was asked to sign a [[Tendrils of Agony]] and an [[Empty the Warrens]].

Round Two - Justin (Sunshine) with Dredge

[[Infernal Contract|]]
[[Chalice of the Void|]]
[[Lion's Eye Diamond|]]

Game One:

Justin wins the die roll and then plays [[Cabal Therapy]] targeting themselves. This is good news as I kept a no-land hand, but if I drew a black card, blue card, or a land I was going to win. I draw a [[Gemstone Mine]] and then play it to cast [[Dark Ritual]] into [[Infernal Contract]]. I draw a few less than desirable cards off of it. I then play out a pair of [[Chrome Mox]], remove a [[Simian Spirit Guide]], cast [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and then [[Burning Wish]] for [[Empty the Warrens]] for 14 [[Goblin Token]]s. Justin's Dredges aren't very good and it's enough to squeak out a win.

Sideboarding: -3 [[Orim's Chant]], +3 [[Shattering Spree]]

Game Two:

He opens up with [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Chalice of the Void]], [[Gemstone Mine]], and then [[Breakthrough]]. Alright then.

Game Three:

I kept a hand that I probably shouldn't have... [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Ponder]], and [[Brainstorm]]. I play [[Lotus Petal]] and then cast [[Brainstorm]] into [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. I end up making 14 [[Goblin Token]]s and praying. They end up being good enough.

4-1 | 2-0

Round Three - Mike Keller (A Legend) with RB Painter

[[Burning Wish|]]
[[Diminishing Returns|]]

Game One:

I win the die roll. I knew I was fighting an uphill battle, especially after Mike plays a pair of [[Thoughtseize]] on key cards. I end up resolving a [[Diminishing Returns]], into a pretty bad hand. Mike plays three discards spells into a [[Tombstalker]] that ends up killing me.

Sideboarding: None

Game Two:

I play [[Gemstone Mine]] and pass. Mike casts [[Thoughtseize]], I [[Brainstorm]] in response.[[Thoughtseize]] discards a [[Dark Ritual]]. A few turns later, I draw [[Ill-Gotten Gains]] and try winning with the [[Brainstorm]] I used earlier. I play [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Rite of Flame]] into [[Ill-Gotten Gains]]. The [[Brainstorm]] misses. The thing is, Mike has been stuck on a single [[Swamp]] the whole game. I cast a pair of [[Simian Spirit Guide]] and begin my assault! I end up attacking Mike down to 12 life when I draw through the [[Brainstorm]] lock into a [[Burning Wish]]. I end up playing out the cards returned from [[Ill-Gotten Gains]] into a [[Tendrils of Agony]].

Game Three:

I mulligan to five and those cards are: [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Burning Wish]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Simian Spirit Guide]], and [[Gemstone Mine]]. Geoff Smelksi (Konsultant) is looking on and says, "A mull to 5!?! Those hands must've been terrible, you're lazy with mulligans!" We laugh and then Mike plays a [[Thoughtseize]]. I draw another [[Gemstone Mine]] play and then play it. Mike has a second [[Thoughtseize]] and my [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] is gone. I then play a [[Burning Wish]] for [[Diminishing Returns]]. He plays [[Duress]] discarding [[Diminishing Returns]]. I draw [[City of Brass]], play it, and pass. Mike plays [[Tombstalker]], I thought this was a [[Painter's Servant]] deck?! I draw [[Dark Ritual]], remove [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Infernal Tutor]], cast [[Diminishing Returns]] with nothing floating. The top ten cards removed from the game have a few Burning Wish in there which isn't good. I draw [[Lotus Petal]], [[Brainstorm]], [[Chrome Mox]], [[City of Brass]], [[Gemstone Mine]] [[Burning Wish]], and [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. I then cast [[Lotus Petal]] into [[Brainstorm]], drawing [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Lotus Petal]] and [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. I put a [[City of Brass]] and [[Chrome Mox]] on top of the library. Lay the [[Gemstone Mine]], remove [[Simian Spirit Guide]], play [[Lotus Petal]], cast both [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Burning Wish]] for [[Tendrils of Agony]].

6-2 | 3-0

Round Four - Dylan with Mossnaught

[[Ill-Gotten Gains|]]

Game One:

Dylan wins the die roll. We play land go for a few turns, until the third turn when [[Phyrexian Dreadnaught]] breaks the silence. I cast an [[Orim's Chant]] in response, [[Daze]] from Dylan, I remove [[Simian Spirit Guide]] and pay. On my turn, I cast [[Diminishing Returns]] into a decent hand and then decided to go for it. The issue is, my hand creates exactly four mana and has [[Tendrils of Agony]], if there is a [[Daze]] on [[Dark Ritual]], we're in trouble. It turns out there was one and I eventually lose to a [[Tarmogoyf]] backed by [[Pernicious Deed]].

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Contract]], -2 [[Ponder]], -1 [[Chrome Mox]], +2 Xantid Swarm, +2 Vexing Shusher

Game Two:

I have a second turn [[Vexing Shusher]] while having this in hand: [[Orim's Chant]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Ill-Gotten Gains]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Simian Spirit Guide]]. The big thing is I can't win with both storm engines in hand. I need to draw more acceleration or a [[Brainstorm]]. Dylan plays a [[Phyrexian Dreadnaught]] and attacks on the following turn. I'm praying to draw another [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], or [[Brainstorm]]. I draw [[Brainstorm]] and attempt to win while fearing [[Stifle]] in the opponent's hand, I'm lucky enough to get there.

Game Three:

I open up the absolute nuts! [[Gemstone Mine]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Orim's Chant]], [[Ponder]], and [[Infernal Tutor]]. I decide to take the slower path to victory as I [[Ponder]] into [[City of Brass]], [[Lotus Petal]], and [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. I draw the [[City of Brass]]. On the next turn, I play [[City of Brass]], tap it, and cast [[Orim's Chant]]. To my surprise, it resolves. I cast [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Infernal Tutor]], and [[Ill-Gotten Gains]] (Dylan discards a pair of [[Stifle]]). Return [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Infernal Tutor]]. Play them all and cast [[Tendrils of Agony]].

8-3 | 4-0

Round Five - Rich Meyst with Goblins

[[Goblin Lackey|]]
[[Chalice of the Void|]]
[[Dark Ritual|]]

Game One:

Goblins is on the play and we both mulligan to six. Rich plays land into [[Goblin Lackey]]. My first turn is slightly better! [[Gemstone Mine]], [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Tendrils of Agony]]), [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Burning Wish]] for [[Diminishing Returns]], and then cast it. I draw [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Chrome Mox]], [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Burning Wish]], [[Brainstorm]], and [[Orim's Chant]]. I play the pair of [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Orim's Chant]]), remove [[Simian Spirit Guide]], and cast [[Burning Wish]] for [[Tendrils of Agony]].

Sideboarding: -3 [[Orim's Chant]], +3 [[Shattering Spree]]

Game Two:

Rich opens with with [[Rishadan Port]], [[AEther Vial]], and [[Chalice of the Void]]. A second [[Chalice of the Void]] on one comes down. I play another [[City of Brass]] and then pass. [[Goblin Warchief]] hits the table and then [[AEther Vial]] out a [[Goblin Piledriver]]. Attacks. I tap my deck and say, "please be there!" And it was! I drew the [[Shattering Spree]]. I remove [[Simian Spirit Guide]] and kill both copies of [[Chalice of the Void]]. Another brutal attack step from Rich. I [[Empty the Warrens]] for 10 [[Goblin Token]]s to create a stalemate. I use [[Infernal Tutor]] for my one copy of [[Orim's Chant]] to use as a [[Time Walk]]. The turn after, Rich plays another [[Chalice of the Void]] at one. I swing all out and then [[Tendrils of Agony]] Rich down to 2 life. The math says that I'm going to win if Rich attacks out or stays back to block on the next turn cycle. Rich's draw-step changes it all with a [[Goblin Sharpshooter]].

Game Three:

I'm on the play and my opening hand is: [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Gemstone Mine]], [[Infernal Contract]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Infernal Tutor]]. This is sort of unreal! I cast all three [[Dark Ritual]], play [[Infernal Contract]] and raw into [[Rite of Flame]] and three lands. I cast [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Ill-Gotten Gains]]. Rich concedes.

10-4 | 5-0

Round Six - Aaron Sciore (Slay) with Moon Stompy

10-4-1 | 5-0-1

Top Eight - Nick Wowelko (Nickrit2000) with RUG Threshold

[[Xantid Swarm|]]
[[Vexing Shusher|]]

Game One:

Nick wins the die roll. My hand consists of [[Dark Ritual]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Ponder]], and [[Brainstorm]]. I probably should've mulliganed this. Nick plays a [[Nimble Mongoose]] and I then immediately draw [[Gemstone Mine]] for turn — how lucky. I cast [[Dark Ritual]] into a [[Daze]]. Nick plays a few lands and attacks over the course of the next few turns. I draw another land at some point to cast [[Brainstorm]] through [[Daze]] and then next turn [[Ponder]]. I [[Brainstorm]] into [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Rite of Flame]], and [[Empty the Warrens]]. I put back [[Ponder]] and a [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. I [[Ponder]] the next turn into [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Brainstorm]]. I draw the [[Rite of Flame]]. I play a [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: Simian Spirit Guide), cast [[Rite of Flame]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and now I am holding both [[Empty the Warrens]] and [[Infernal Tutor]] in hand. I cast [[Empty the Warrens]] for what could be 14 [[Goblin Token]]s, but Nick has [[Stifle]]. I then cast [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Tendrils of Agony]] for 18 life. Nick then reveals [[Force of Will]], but no blue card.

Sideboarding: -1 [[Infernal Contract]], -2 [[Ponder]], -2 [[Simian Spirit Guide]], -2 [[Chrome Mox]], +4 [[Vexing Shusher]], +2 [[Xantid Swarm]]

Game Two:

He plays a first turn [[Nimble Mongoose]] again. I play a land. Nick attacks and then plays [[Ponder]]. I play [[Vexing Shusher]]. Nick is stuck on only a [[Tropical Island]]. We trade attacks down until we're at 10 and 11 life. I have a [[Tarnished Citadel]] and [[City of Brass]] in play. Nick finally draws a red source to kill the [[Vexing Shusher]]. I play [[Xantid Swarm]] and then it suffers the same fate. I cast an [[Orim's Chant]], which is met by [[Force of Will]], I go all in on [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Tendrils of Agony]]. Nick is holding a [[Stifle]].

Game Three:

Nick keeps a five card hand, I keep an insane seven cards: [[Gemstone Mine]], [[Brainstorm]], [[Xantid Swarm]], [[Infernal Tutor]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Lotus Petal]]. I play [[Xantid Swarm]] and Pass. Nick plays [[Tropical Island]] and [[Ponder]]. I draw [[Chrome Mox]], attack with [[Xantid Swarm]], and then [[Brainstorm]] into [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Rite of Flame]], and [[Ill-Gotten Gains]]. I put [[Ill-Gotten Gains]] and [[Chrome Mox]] back. I remove [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Infernal Tutor]]. Nick concedes.

12-5-1 | 6-0-1

Top Four - Justin (Sunshine) with Dredge

[[Diminishing Returns|]]
[[Infernal Contract|]]

Game One:

We both Mulligan. I don't remember much of this game. I [[Diminishing Returns]] into a pair of [[Infernal Contract]] and a bunch of acceleration. I cast [[Infernal Contract]] into [[Simian Spirit Guide]], [[Dark Ritual]], [[Chrome Mox]], and [[Burning Wish]]. I end up casting [[Tendrils of Agony]] for 26 life.

Sideboarding: -3 [[Orim's Chant]], +3 [[Shattering Spree]]

Game Two:

Justin doesn't mulligan into [[Chalice of the Void]], but instead, keeps a fast hand. A first turn [[Putrid Imp]]. I play a [[Ponder]]. Justin discards most of their hand and then casts [[Breakthrough]], but it falls short. I take my turn and play a pair of [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], and [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Ill-Gotten Gains]].

14-5-1 | 7-0-1

Finals - Rich Meyst with Goblins

[[Mox Opal|]]
[[Wishclaw Talisman|]]
[[Echo of Eons|]]

Game One:

I keep a [[Chrome Mox]] and [[Ponder]] as my play kind-of-hand.. Yikes! I end up playing my first land on turn three. I then cast another [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Simian Spirit Guide]]), [[Rite of Flame]], and then [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]. At this point, play [[Diminishing Returns]] (sacrifice [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] for ). [[Diminishing Returns]] draws into: [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Chrome Mox]], [[Chrome Mox]],[[Brainstorm]], [[Orim's Chant]], and the seventh card is... [[Infernal Tutor]]! I play the pair of [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] and the two [[Chrome Mox]] (Imprint: [[Brainstorm]] and [[Orim's Chant]]). Cast [[Infernal Tutor]] for [[Ill-Gotten Gains]], returning [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], [[Lion's Eye Diamond]], and [[Infernal Tutor]]. Cast them all into [[Tendrils of Agony]].

Sideboarding: -3 [[Orim's Chant]], +3 [[Shattering Spree]]

Game Two:

[[AEther Vial]] into [[Chalice of the Void]]. [[Chalice of the Void]] one on the next turn. As if I wasn't out of this enough, an [[Earwig Squad]] comes down. I concede.

Game Three:

I keep a hand that makes 10 [[Goblin Token]]s on the play, hoping that its enough. It is!

16-6-1 | 8-0-1

I am the proud winner of a Library of Alexandria! Sorry, the picture is kind of bad — but I now know how many books are in a Library.

Until next time, keep storming!