Final London Mulligan Hand Answer
Hand 10: (on the play)
4C "Snow" Control
In our last article about 4C Control, Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe were still legal!? It's certainly been some time. We're here for a refresher and an update on an older archetype, with the new 4C "Snow" Control.
Daryl Ayer's list from Star City Games: Philadelphia
While his list only plays two copies of Plague Engineer, a third copy is very common and something you should consider when playing against the deck. Take note of how the only disruption that we as Storm players care about is four copies of Force of Will and a pair of Thoughtseize in the main deck. Post-board, the number of interactive spells goes up quite a bit, meaning that the importance of Defense Grid also increases.
Pre-boardHand 1: (on the play)
Hand 2: (on the draw)
Hand 3: (on the play)
Hand 4: (on the draw — mulliganed once)
Hand 5: (on the play)
Recommended sideboarding:
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