Welcome to Pauper, the format with most of the fun fast mana of Legacy, but without the unfun answers like [[Force of Will]], [[Chalice of the Void]], and [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]]. The Storm mechanic has had a complicated history in Pauper, with most of the Storm cards that can directly win the game, like [[Grapeshot]], [[Empty the Warrens]], and [[Chatterstorm]], are banned. The remaining Storm cards act as engines for their respective decks. Cycle Storm, one of the premier combo decks in Pauper, is based around an innocuous seeming [[Raise Dead]] with Storm: [[Reaping the Graves]].
What is cycle storm?
[[Songs of the Damned|]]
[[Reaping the Graves|]]
[[Drannith Stinger|]]
Cycle Storm
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Main Deck
- 4 [[Drannith Healer]]
- 4 [[Drannith Stinger]]
- 4 [[Horror of the Broken Lands]]
- 4 [[Street Wraith]]
- 4 [[Imposing Vantasaur]]
- 3 [[Striped Riverwinder]]
- 4 [[Reaping the Graves]]
- 2 [[Exhume]]
- 2 [[Repository Skaab]]
- 1 [[Blood Celebrant]]
- 1 [[Dihada's Ploy]]
- 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
- 4 [[Songs of the Damned]]
- 4 [[Cabal Ritual]]
- 3 [[Lotus Petal]]
- 4 [[Ash Barrens]]
- 4 [[Barren Moor]]
- 2 [[Island]]
- 2 [[Swamp]]
- 4 [[Pyroblast]]
- 2 [[Exhume]]
- 2 [[Darkness]]
- 2 [[Repeal]]
- 2 [[Gnaw to the Bone]]
- 1 [[Flaring Pain]]
- 1 [[Mountain]]
- 1 [[Forest]]
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The Combo Turn
[[Dihada's Ploy|]]
[[Repository Skaab|]]
[[Blood Celebrant|]]
Combo Pieces
[[Mystical Teachings|]]
[[Dihada's Ploy|]]
[[Blood Celebrant|]]
[[Repository Skaab|]]
Cycling Tricks
[[Ash Barrens|]]
[[Dark Ritual|]]
[[Barren Moor|]]
Set up turn linesKeeping a hand of good spells, but while only having [[Lotus Petal]] and [[Ash Barrens]] is reasonable. Cracking the [[Lotus Petal]] to basic landcycle and find a [[Swamp]] or other basic is good enough. Evaluating hands like this as an already mulligan to six is the easiest way to think about them.One of the other good times to cycle [[Ash Barrens]] tends to be on the upkeep. This is especially true for a hand that has [[Barren Moor]] and [[Ash Barrens]] as its only lands. Cycling on the upkeep rather than in a main phase removes a potential land draw from the deck. It's a small optimization, but most of playing this deck is combining a lot of small optimizations together to create the best chances for winning.There are a couple types of cyclers in the deck: colorless creature cyclers, colored creature cyclers, and non-creature cyclers. Cycling the creatures with colored mana is best because the color of mana that one has to commit to those cyclers and getting creatures into the graveyard early helps improve [[Songs of the Damned]]. This leads to cycling generic cyclers next and non-creature cyclers last. Playing [[Barren Moor]] versus cycling it depends on how many lands one ends up with after cycling most of the other cards. Getting to three lands can be important for a lot of combo turns because having one black mana to bait a counter spell, another to really resolve a ritual, and a spare blue mana is a preferred set up.When digging for a [[Reaping the Graves]], burning a [[Dark Ritual]] to cycle a couple of cards ahead of schedule is a common play. [[Dark Ritual]] tends to be the worst ritual on the combo turn because it makes the least amount of mana. Investing one early ensures Threshold for [[Cabal Ritual]] and more creatures for [[Songs of the Damned]] while digging for combo pieces.
Combo Turn TacticsThe most important and common line is the "Cycle Trick", as mentioned above. Most combo turns utilize it a few times. In addition to cycling each creature as one returns it to their hand, the order in which the creatures are targeted is important. In situations with a high life total, returning all copies of [[Street Wraith]] before any other cycler is correct. On MTGO, this means targeting any non-[[Street Wraith]] creature with the initial copy of [[Reaping the Graves]] and then clicking on each copy of [[Street Wraith]] in the graveyard.As a corollary to the cycle trick, when one has plenty of mana, but Storm count is too low, casting [[Songs of the Damned]], holding priority, and then casting [[Reaping the Graves]] increases the Storm count and is kind of like drawing a [[Songs of the Damned]] after cycling all of the possible creatures. Getting to return an extra creature and potentially making more mana can be valuable in a lot of situations. This tactic tends to be more case by case as the limiting factor most of the time is mana. Look for this line in the middle of the combo turn rather than at the beginning of it.At the end of the combo turn, there are a couple of small optimizations that can help avoid fizzling. Drawing [[Ash Barrens]] mid-combo tends to be unfortunate, but with enough mana available, cycling those extra [[Ash Barrens]] to remove basic lands from the deck can be valuable. Because the combo turn draws such a high percentage of the deck, removing basics so that normal cyclers can draw live cards can be important. Mid-combo, casting [[Mystical Teachings]] to find [[Songs of the Damned]] as an expensive ritual can be good to avoid running out of mana. Doing this too often, such as flashing back [[Mystical Teachings]], can cause the deck to run out of [[Songs of the Damned]] and thus run out of mana completely, fizzling the combo turn. Playing [[Drannith Healer]] in order to gain life with a [[Blood Celebrant]] play or just "reduce" the cost of cycling [[Street Wraith]] helps avoid running out of life to filter mana to play [[Drannith Stinger]]s. Once the deck is cycling with a couple of [[Drannith Stinger]] in play, it is so hard to lose the game and the whole combo can be done at instant speed. If an opponent chooses to play a large life gain spell when there is a [[Drannith Stinger]] in play, one can often win in response. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});Mulligan decisions
Hands with Cycle Storm tend to look weird. There are lots of cards that just read cycling and despite not being the best cards in the deck, they tend to be the best to open with. The deck needs a mix of rituals in hand and creatures in the graveyard, so opening on a bunch of creatures that then become those rituals tends to be good. A hand that is all rituals, lands, and a [[Reaping the Graves]] might not even be a keep, depending on the matchup, because the hand has nothing to do with all of that mana and storm.Cycle Storm needs a lot of cards to function and tends to not mulligan amazingly. Fortunately, almost every card is a cantrip, so one landers and two landers are acceptable because churning through the deck quickly is so easy. Hands that contain lots of the clunkier cards like [[Reaping the Graves]], [[Repository Skaab]], or [[Exhume]] tend to be mulligans because one wants to find those cards later on the combo turn. No landers are rarely keeps, as hitting land drops and cycling with every mana is important to hit Threshold and increase the amount of mana that [[Songs of the Damned]] makes.Sideboarding & match ups
[[Spellstutter Sprite|]][[Slippery Bogle|]][[Prismatic Strands|]][[Fireblast|]]Faeries
There are a couple different types of Faeries decks — Blue Red, Blue Black, and Mono Blue. Most of the time, Cycle Storm approaches the match up the same way. Being patient and looking for a window to go off with a piece of protection when the opponent taps out for something is the best game plan. - -2 [[Drannith Healer]]
- -2 [[Imposing Vantasaur]]
- -1 [[Barren Moor]]
- -1 [[Dihada's Ploy]]
- -1 [[Lotus Petal]]
- +4 [[Pyroblast]]
- +2 [[Exhume]]
- +1 [[Mountain]]
Generally, the Faeries decks do not have that many ways to answer a [[Striped Riverwinder]]. Reanimating one with [[Exhume]] can work both pre-board and post-boardBogles
Bogles is a matchup that is all about racing. They do not tend to play that much interaction outside of [[Gut Shot]] in post-board games. Keeping hands that can win as fast as possible is key. - -2 [[Striped Riverwinder]]
- +2 [[Darkness]]
[[Darkness]] can be akin to [[Time Walk]] in the matchup. In the past, this slot was taken by [[Spore Frog]], which worked better with [[Songs of the Damned]] and [[Reaping the Graves]], but Bogles playing four copies of [[Gut Shot]] makes the [[Spore Frog]] plan non-viable.Boros Bully
Boros Bully is one of Cycle Storm's best matchups. They tend not to have that much interaction and are incredibly slow at winning the game. They may have main deck [[Prismatic Strands]], but that card is beatable even without [[Flaring Pain]]. - -3 [[Striped Riverwinder]]
- +1 [[Flaring Pain]]
- +2 [[Repeal]]
It does not matter when one casts [[Flaring Pain]] relative to [[Prismatic Strands]]. The damage will not be prevented regardless. Postboard, the only card that Boros Bully picks up is [[Pyroblast]], which can make [[Repository Skaab]] slightly riskier. [[Repeal]] can help buy extra time or answer a graveyard hate piece like [[Relic of Progenitus]].Burn
Burn can be a scary matchup! They race Cycle Storm aggressively with tools like [[Fireblast]] and all of the other best burn spells throughout Magic's history. Choosing when to cycle [[Street Wraith]] can be difficult, but having lots of life gain in game one through [[Dihada's Ploy]] is crucial. - -2 [[Striped Riverwinder]]
- -1 [[Island]]
- +2 [[Gnaw to the Bone]]
- +1 [[Forest]]
As with other matchups [[Pyroblast]] can make [[Repository Skaab]] riskier. [[Gnaw to the Bone]] buys so much time, especially with how many creatures one could cycle by turn three.Bryant's 10-0 Challenge Run
[youtube id=MFsMU2TOOeE]If you have enjoyed this primer, there's still more content! If you join the Storm Discord, there will be a message in the thread for this article about how to beat an onboard piece of graveyard hate like [[Relic of Progenitus]]!
[[Spellstutter Sprite|]]
[[Slippery Bogle|]]
[[Prismatic Strands|]]
There are a couple different types of Faeries decks — Blue Red, Blue Black, and Mono Blue. Most of the time, Cycle Storm approaches the match up the same way. Being patient and looking for a window to go off with a piece of protection when the opponent taps out for something is the best game plan.- -2 [[Drannith Healer]]
- -2 [[Imposing Vantasaur]]
- -1 [[Barren Moor]]
- -1 [[Dihada's Ploy]]
- -1 [[Lotus Petal]]
- +4 [[Pyroblast]]
- +2 [[Exhume]]
- +1 [[Mountain]]
Bogles is a matchup that is all about racing. They do not tend to play that much interaction outside of [[Gut Shot]] in post-board games. Keeping hands that can win as fast as possible is key.- -2 [[Striped Riverwinder]]
- +2 [[Darkness]]
Boros Bully
Boros Bully is one of Cycle Storm's best matchups. They tend not to have that much interaction and are incredibly slow at winning the game. They may have main deck [[Prismatic Strands]], but that card is beatable even without [[Flaring Pain]].- -3 [[Striped Riverwinder]]
- +1 [[Flaring Pain]]
- +2 [[Repeal]]
Burn can be a scary matchup! They race Cycle Storm aggressively with tools like [[Fireblast]] and all of the other best burn spells throughout Magic's history. Choosing when to cycle [[Street Wraith]] can be difficult, but having lots of life gain in game one through [[Dihada's Ploy]] is crucial.- -2 [[Striped Riverwinder]]
- -1 [[Island]]
- +2 [[Gnaw to the Bone]]
- +1 [[Forest]]