TES Matchup Battles: Ad Nauseam Tendrils
Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT) is a combo deck that focuses on breaking the Storm mechanic to cast a game-winning Tendrils of Agony. This is done by combining mana rituals, tutors, and engines, such as Past in Flames and Ad Nauseam, to cast 10 spells in a single turn. Because ANT is a ...
Read MoreTES Matchup Battles: 4c Control II
4c Control is a control deck that’s trying to use all of the best disruptive cards like Thoughtseize, Force of Will, Snapcaster Mage, and planeswalkers. There are many flavors of 4c Control, but with the recent printing of Wrenn and Six most are traditional Grixis Control decks, but ...
Read MoreTES Matchup Battles: Grixis Delver II
Grixis Delver’s primary game plan is to stick an early threat, such as Delver of Secrets or Young Pyromancer, and use cards like Daze and Wasteland to disrupt the opponent’s initial development while killing the opponent quickly. There are, and have been, many different flavors of Delver ...
Read MoreTES Matchup Battles: Eldrazi Ramp
Eldrazi and ramp decks have existed ever since the printings of Cloudpost and Glimmerpost and the Eldrazi in legacy, and even in modern while they were legal. The goal is to assemble these posts along with artifact mana to accelerate out bigger expensive cards like Ugin, The Spirit Dragon and ...
Read MoreMatchup Mulligan: Maverick
UW Stoneblade Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Keep I was a little shocked at how many of you would mulligan this hand, you’re only an initial mana source away from winning while being protected by our best disruption spell. I would lead off on Chrome Mox ...
Read MoreMatchup Mulligan: UW Stoneblade
UR Delver Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Keep Most people correctly answered this scenario. With a scry and being on the draw, your odds of finding a red source are much better than your odds of winning the game on five cards. It’s difficult to ask for more than a first...
Read MoreTES Matchup Battles: Death & Taxes II
Death & Taxes looks a lot like white weenie to the casual observer. In reality, D&T is a creature-based control deck that focuses on invalidating the opposing deck. The goal is to aggressively land creatures while creating a difficult time for the opponent to execute their game plan. ...
Read MoreSideboard Theory: Extirpate and Surgical Extraction
Before we dive into this article I want to introduce myself. My name is Steve Vultaggio. I am a 25-year-old Masters student living in New Orleans. Who Dat! Originally, I am from Boston, Massachusetts and am a life long Bruins and Patriots fan. I have been playing Magic the Gathering since 2000, ...
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