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TES Matchup Battles: UR Delver II

Matchup Battles

UR Delver is obviously a blue-red deck that combines Aggro-elements of Burn, with Tempo-elements of RUG Delver. Utilizing its red cards to be aggressive and kill the opponent quickly, and the blue cards for interaction and to be tempo based with counterspells. It can be described as a ...

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Matchup Mulligan: UR Delver

Matchup Mulligan

Grixis Phoenix Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan If you were smart enough to ignore my sideboarding advice and decided to keep in Empty the Warrens, I think this is a soft keep. The issue is that the Arclight Phoenix decks have anywhere between three and five answers ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Grixis Phoenix

Matchup Battles

Grixis Phoenix is the new kid on the block, as far as Legacy decks go. This is due to the recent printing of Arclight Phoenix. The reason this card is legacy playable is because of an older card, Buried Alive. Being able to cast a couple of spells and then a Buried Alive to retrieve...

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Matchup Mulligan: Grixis Phoenix

Matchup Mulligan

Turbo Depths Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Mulligan Yes, we’re on the draw and have roughly 17 live draws (9 that flat out win the game), which is about 33% to win the game for every draw step. The big issue here is that we’re on the draw and that discard...

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Matchup Mulligan: Turbo Depths

Matchup Mulligan

4c Loam Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Keep I’m a little shocked by the number of people that thought this hand was a mulligan. Burning Wish represents both an answer to Chalice of the Void (assuming you draw another Mountain or fetchland) as well as an answer ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Landstill

Matchup Battles

UX Landstill has been one of the older decks of the Legacy format. Being around for nearly two decades, older than many players, but has been getting less popular over the past several years. Landstill is a blue-based control deck that gets its name from the combination of Standstill and ...

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Matchup Mulligan: 4c Loam

Matchup Mulligan

Dredge Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Keep This isn’t a fast hand, which is an issue. That said, you’re on the play with a discard spell on the first turn which should buy you a little bit of time. What’s interesting with this hand to me is that it ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Grixis Control

Matchup Battles

Grixis Control was the most played Legacy deck at Pro Tour 25th Anniversary a couple months ago. One of the reasons it’s so popular is due to it having a slightly higher than 50% matchup against most decks in the field. It plays out like a classic Jund-style deck. These type of decks tend to...

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Matchup Mulligan: Dredge

Matchup Mulligan

Grixis Control Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Keep I would likely keep this hand, but I wouldn’t just jam on the first turn if I drew a land. I would cast Duress. Your opponent likely has Flusterstorm, Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, and Force of Will, ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Grixis Control

Matchup Mulligan

Death’s Shadow Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Keep I would hope most people would keep this, but recently I’ve found less experienced players addressing their concerns about keeping “no-land hands” against blue decks. I think this comes from the Ad ...

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