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TES Matchup Battles: Jeskai Control

Matchup Battles

Jeskai Control plays all of the typical control cards in counterspells, card draw, planeswalkers, and removal spells. The deck, which ultimately wins the game with Monastery Mentor, has become the main control deck of the format since the printing of Expressive Iteration and Prismatic Ending. ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Moon Stompy II

Matchup Battles

Moon Stompy is named after playing Magus of the Moon and Blood Moon with aggressive creatures like Legion Warboss and Goblin Rabblemaster. In addition to turning off the opponent’s lands, Moon Stompy also uses Chalice of the Void and Trinisphere to prevent the opponent from casting ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Elves II

Matchup Battles

Elves is an creature based combo deck, obviously built around the Elf creature type. The main cards it’s trying to abuse are Glimpse of Nature, Gaea’s Cradle, and Natural Order. They also play a tutor package with Natural Order and Glimpse of Nature to search for any disruptive ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Ad Nauseam Tendrils II

Matchup Battles

Ad Nauseam Tendrils is a deck like TES trying to win with the Storm mechanic using Tendrils of Agony. The main difference is Ad Nauseam Tendrils is built to be a little slower of a deck, using cards like Cabal Ritual and Past in Flames, to play into the later turns of a game. It...

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