1. The EPIC Storm The EPIC Storm
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TES Matchup Battles: Esper Stoneblade

Matchup Battles

Esper Stoneblade and other Stoneblade variations have been around for a long time ever since the printing of Stoneforge Mystic and Jace, the Mind Sculptor. It has gone through waves of success from being one of the best decks, down to pretty bad, and then back up to good again. Because of the ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Death’s Shadow

Matchup Mulligan

Burn Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? Keep I read a lot of back and forth on this hand. While I’m not sure of a definite answer, I’d probably keep it knowing I had a scry and a draw step to help fix things. The downside is the earliest you can...

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Matchup Mulligan: RUG Delver

Matchup Mulligan

BR Reanimator Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan?   Most people correctly answered that this was a keep. This article’s theme will be “Do not live in fear”, and this is a great example of that. While your opponent could have a discard spell or ...

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TES Matchup Battles: RUG Delver

Matchup Battles

With the recent banning of Gitaxian Probe and Deathrite Shaman people have been moving away from Grixis Delver for the more traditional version of RUG Delver. RUG Delver is a tempo deck that tries to use all of its resources to keep the opponent from gaining traction to set up their game plan, ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Death’s Shadow

Matchup Battles

Death’s Shadow the card has existed for a long time, but never really saw much play until the past couple of years. It’s really been a staple of the Modern format over the past 2-3 years, but recently it’s been picking up in legacy. Because it’s a fairly newer deck in ...

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Matchup Mulligan: BR Reanimator

Matchup Mulligan

Moon Stompy Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the play) Keep or Mulligan? Keep Most people correctly answered that this hand is a keep and that’s great. However, about half of these individuals missed a crucial line. With your first Gitaxian Probe if you hit a blue-producing land, ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Maverick

Matchup Battles

Maverick is a green white based deck that combines elements of aggression while being able to attack the opponent’s strategy. The draw to this deck is the flexibility in the deck list, being able to play cards like Green Sun’s Zenith along with silver bullets. This allows Maverick ...

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Matchup Mulligan: Moon Stompy

Matchup Mulligan

Elves Final Hand Answer Hand 10: (on the draw) Keep or Mulligan? I read a few responses saying they thought this hand was a mulligan due to multiple copies of Chrome Mox, no blue source, and no real business spell. Well, I disagree. The blue source can be issues by drawing any land either fron ...

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TES Matchup Battles: Elves

Matchup Battles

Elves is an aggro/combo engine deck that uses synergy and many small incremental advantages to build up an enormous amount of cards and mana, like storm, in order to play giant monsters and win the game in a single turn. However, while elves is most commonly known for its ability to combo off ...

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