For those of you unfamiliar, I have posted a yearly update of my deck in the Pimp Legacy Decks thread on MTGthesource ever since 2008 (I keep links to each year’s update on the home page at the bottom of the additional information tab under “other”). Within the last year, I’ve made a bunch of signed card connections due to the Givememana’s Signed Magic: the Gathering cards group on Facebook. I was fortunate enough to be invited by an old friend – Jay Palmer, who is also into signed cards. Through him I met Asuka Joy Goess, Paul Luxton and a few other wonderful individuals (I can’t thank these people enough!), I now manage to find myself very close to my goal of 75/75 signed cards in my already Japanese foil Legacy Storm deck. As I make this post, I am currently at 70/75.Below you will find my storm deck’s main deck, sideboard, additional cards and as a bonus, you can view my EDH deck!