Welcome back to the Infernal Tutoring series!After a fair amount of testing, we decided that (v4.2) is the list we still want to be playing, at least for the time being. If you haven't, I highly recommend checking out Bryant's article The Importance of Confidence, as it goes into more detail regarding the switch back to the (v4.2) deck list. Personally, I am a fan of switching back. Pulverize is still a fantastic card right now, and with Steel Stompy on the rise since Grand Prix Birmingham, I think it is getting even better.As for our guest this month, he is none other than a fellow TES pilot and good friend of mine – Landon Sworts. He is fresh off a first-place finish at a Duel for Dual's tournament. When he is not crushing it at paper tournaments he is dream crushing your would have been 5-0's on Magic Online. In any case, definitely watch out for Landon on Legacy tournament coverage in the future.
Special GuestA few words on Landon Sworts (StonedForgeMystic):
Landon first started playing Magic with the release of M10 and made his move to Legacy around Innistrad. A life long interest in degenerative gaming strategies and an affinity for the combination of Gitaxian Probe and Cabal Therapy made The Epic Storm an almost too appropriate deck choice for Landon. After a near two year hiatus from Magic; ranked as the number one Pokémon Go player in the United States, Landon has returned returned to his roots in Magic: The Gathering and The Epic Storm, spending the majority of the last eight months counting to twenty on MTGO.
For this week, the latest version of The EPIC Storm (TES) was used from the website.
Deck List
Main Deck
- 4 Burning Wish
- 4 Infernal Tutor
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Ponder
- 4 Gitaxian Probe
- 3 Cabal Therapy
- 3 Duress
- 1 Empty the Warrens
- 1 Ad Nauseam
- 4 Polluted Delta
- 3 Bloodstained Mire
- 1 Underground Sea
- 1 Volcanic Island
- 1 Badlands
- 1 Swamp
- 1 Island
h4>SITUATION #1 - 4c Control (Czech Pile)4c Control is a very even matchup I'd say. While they usually only have Force of Will in the main deck when it comes to counter magic, they also run other forms of disruption such Hymn to Tourach, Thoughtseize, and Leovold, Emissary of Trest. In most matchups with a lot of discard, I like to play out my copies of Lion's Eye Diamond to avoid them being discarded, however, this is very risky in this matchup due to Kolaghan's Command. Generally, I like Empty the Warrens in the matchup. It helps get under Hymn to Tourach and Leovold, Emissary of Trest. That being said, expect your opponent to have post board answers to Empty the Warrens, such as Marsh Casualties and Toxic Deluge. Other sideboard cards to watch out for are Flusterstorm, Surgical Extraction, and even sometimes Hydroblast.How I Sideboarded:

Special GuestA few words on Landon Sworts (StonedForgeMystic):
Landon first started playing Magic with the release of M10 and made his move to Legacy around Innistrad. A life long interest in degenerative gaming strategies and an affinity for the combination of Gitaxian Probe and Cabal Therapy made The Epic Storm an almost too appropriate deck choice for Landon. After a near two year hiatus from Magic; ranked as the number one Pokémon Go player in the United States, Landon has returned returned to his roots in Magic: The Gathering and The Epic Storm, spending the majority of the last eight months counting to twenty on MTGO.
Main Deck
- 4 Burning Wish
- 4 Infernal Tutor
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Ponder
- 4 Gitaxian Probe
- 3 Cabal Therapy
- 3 Duress
- 1 Empty the Warrens
- 1 Ad Nauseam
- 4 Polluted Delta
- 3 Bloodstained Mire
- 1 Underground Sea
- 1 Volcanic Island
- 1 Badlands
- 1 Swamp
- 1 Island
-1 Burning Wish, -1 Ponder+1 Empty the Warrens, +1 Cabal TherapyWe are in game three, we played a Cabal Therapy targetting our opponent. They played a Snapcaster Mage and used it to flashback their Flusterstorm on our Cabal Therapy for three copies. Our opponent now has three cards in hand and now three creatures in play, and now one available mana source with Deathrite Shaman being untapped. Our hand has all of the tools we need to be able to combo off. We pretty much have two options in this scenario. The first one is to respond to the Flusterstorm copies with Dark Ritual, and pay for the copies in order to attempt to resolve our Cabal Therapy, which would leave us with exactly enough mana to combo into an Empty the Warrens for potentially eighteen Goblin tokens. If we get Cabal Therapy to resolve, we have a few options as far as what to name with it, with one mana source open our opponent has enough mana to cast another Flusterstorm or a Hydroblast, both of which would prevent us from going off this turn. This all being said, Force of Will isn't the only card that stops us here.The second option is to let Cabal Therapy get countered and take our chances with our opponent only having three cards in hand, this option would let us combo into a natural Tendrils of Agony kill to end the game on the spot. We can also opt to pass the turn if we do let the Cabal Therapy get countered, however, I don't believe the state of the game gets much better for us after this turn.How would you play this out? If you get Cabal Therapy to Resolve what would you name?

Special Guest

SITUATION #2 - RB Reanimator
Ahh, the Legacy online boogeyman deck. If you play The EPIC Storm on Magic Online, you will play against this deck a lot, and I mean A LOT. It truly is one of our more difficult matchups, as this deck has the potential to completely run us over, especially when Chancellor of the Annex is in their opening hand. The matchup seems simple and easy to figure out, however there is a lot of variance and thought that goes into it. When playing against RB Reanimator, two of the questions I ask myself the most are "What can my hand do if my opponent has a Chancellor of the Annex?" and "I can't go off this turn after playing this Brainstorm, how should I resolve it in case my opponent gets a Griselbrand into play and gets a little greedy with draw seven activations?". Believe it or not, a lot of my wins in this matchup are from my opponent going down to four or five life from drawing seven cards with Griselbrand after casting Reanimate on it, then I just Grapeshot them for lethal after they wiff or if I hid Burning Wish on the top of my library with Brainstorm. Other than that, go off as fast as possible and avoid going for Empty the Warrens unless you absolutely have to.Now, this being a deck that has a lot of discard, it is good to play out your copies of Lion's Eye Diamond and Lotus Petal to avoid them getting discarded. That being said, ewlandon is the most prominent and successful pilot of RB Reanimator, and he has actually brought in copies of Ancient Grudge and Wear // Tear from the sideboard against me before for exactly this reason. I would still always play out copies of Lion's Eye Diamond and Lotus Petal anyways unless I know he has it, but it's still important to keep in mind regardless.How I Sideboarded:
-4 Ponder, -1 Empty the Warrens+2 Chain of Vapor, +1 Echoing Truth, +1 Cabal Therapy, +1 Chrome MoxWhile there was recently a new edition of Matchup Mulligan for this matchup, I do think this is one of our hardest matchups when it comes to hand evaluation, therefore I'd like to keep the conversation going. We are in game two on the play, and facing a mulligan decision. This hand has all of the things I like to see in this matchup...except for a business spell. We have a Duress for disruption, as well as Chain of Vapor in case of an early Chancellor of the Annex or Iona, Shield of Emeria. Not only that, but this hand has the ability to play around a Chancellor of the Annex in our opponent's opening hand, due to being able to throw away the Chrome Mox. Finally, this hand has a good amount of fast mana, with Dark Ritual and Lion's Eye Diamond. Generally, I value having Lion's Eye Diamond in the opening hand very highly as we can play it out without the fear of it being discarded. Like I said though, the main problem with this hand is that it doesn't have any business and we'll have to draw into an Infernal Tutor, Burning Wish, or Ad Nauseam to win.Would you keep this hand?

Special Guest

SITUATION #3 - Steel Stompy
Steel Stompy has been on the rise since it reached the Top 8 of Grand Prix Birmingham, it is quite popular online as of right now. Where do I begin with this deck, it is vicious. Not only do they run Chalice of the Void and Thorn of Amethyst, but some lists also play four copies of Thorn of Amethyst as well four copies of Lodestone Golem, both in the main deck. Their creature package actually looks similar to an Affinity deck. They have the ability to go wide with creatures like Vault Skirge, Steel Overseer, and Arcbound Ravager. I will say, Pulverize is amazing in this matchup. Not only does it destroy all of their hate pieces, but it also destroys all of their threats, making the path for Goblin tokens all the more clear. They also usually have Ratchet Bomb in the sideboard, so keep that in mind if you plan on casting Empty the Warrens after sideboarding. Regardless, it is still a stompy deck, so going off quickly in this matchup is important.How I Sideboarded:
-4 Ponder, -2 Cabal Therapy+3 Echoing Truth, +2 Chain of Vapor, +1 Chrome MoxWe are in game two on the play and it is our first turn. We can either just combo into ten Goblin tokens, or we can cast Duress or Cabal Therapy and try to go off next turn. I believe there is an argument for either, unlike other stompy decks, Steel Stompy has the ability to go wide with their creatures, so only ten Goblin tokens could very well be beaten in my opinion, not only that but they also run Ratchet Bomb, so it isn't a guaranteed kill. However, Steel Stompy also has a wide range of hate pieces, if we Duress away a Chalice of the Void, we could still lose to a Thorn of Amethyst or at the very least have to burn our Lotus Petal to play Cabal Therapy on the potential second hate piece.Which line would you take?

Special Guest