Welcome back to the Infernal Tutoring series!My name is Alex McKinley and I take a break from thinking about math and card choices to actually play some magic! I think I've found some situations that are a bit off the beaten path, where we are not always looking to go off this turn. When I'm practicing the deck, I am often goldfishing in my spare time, and finding the lines that win the game on the combo turn are fun, but often, do not help as much in real game situations. Analyzing and practicing setting up for the combo turn are important parts of the deck that often get overlooked. Let's see how some of the best handle a couple of set up turns!
Special GuestCyrus Corman-Gill (cyruscg):
Cyrus has been playing Magic for 13 years. You may remember him as a Storm novice looking up to the big dogs on how to cast Rite of Flame while hosting this very article series a year ago! However, he later succumbed to the dark side and dropped Rite of Flames and Burning Wishes in favor of Magic cards with WAY more skulls on them #banCabalRitual. Since then he has made it "big time" with his own stream, podcast, and even a Google Doc sideboard guide! Despite all of his newfound fame, he can still appreciate a good Grapeshot for 20.
Deck List
Main Deck
- 4 Thoughtseize
- 4 Duress
- 4 Polluted Delta
- 4 Bloodstained Mire
- 1 Underground Sea
- 1 Volcanic Island
- 1 Badlands
- 1 Bayou
- 1 Swamp
- 1 Island
Burn is a harder matchup than most people believe it to be. While they do not have countermagic, they do have an incredibly fast clock to shut down our Ad Nauseam.How I Sideboarded:

Special GuestCyrus Corman-Gill (cyruscg):
Cyrus has been playing Magic for 13 years. You may remember him as a Storm novice looking up to the big dogs on how to cast Rite of Flame while hosting this very article series a year ago! However, he later succumbed to the dark side and dropped Rite of Flames and Burning Wishes in favor of Magic cards with WAY more skulls on them #banCabalRitual. Since then he has made it "big time" with his own stream, podcast, and even a Google Doc sideboard guide! Despite all of his newfound fame, he can still appreciate a good Grapeshot for 20.
Main Deck
- 4 Thoughtseize
- 4 Duress
- 4 Polluted Delta
- 4 Bloodstained Mire
- 1 Underground Sea
- 1 Volcanic Island
- 1 Badlands
- 1 Bayou
- 1 Swamp
- 1 Island
+2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Echoing Truth-4 DuressSo this is game two, where each player has mulliganed to five. Our five was relatively week, while our opponent has put quite the clock on. Our opponent has one card left, which is likely to be a land given they did not play it last turn for the prowess trigger. We have the option to remove the Monastery Swiftspear and look to go off with Empty the Warrens or we could shuffle and look for a more deterministic kill.Would you shuffle the Ponder? If not what do you do with these cards? If you do shuffle, what are you looking for?

Special Guest

SITUATION #2 - 4 Color Loam
Another non-blue deck, 4 Color Loam looks to cut us off our mana with Wasteland, while having hateful permanents, such as Chalice of the Void or Gaddock Teeg.How I Sideboarded:
+2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Echoing Truth-4 PonderOur opponent had a turn two Gaddock Teeg preventing our turn two win. I wished for Grapeshot on the previous turn. Clearly, we need to kill the Gaddock Teeg before we can attempt comboing.Do you go off this turn, just kill the Gaddock Teeg, or simply pass the turn? Why?

Special Guest

SITUATION #3 - Grixis Delver
While it got hit hard by the banning of Deathrite Shaman and Gitaxian Probe, Grixis Delver is still a strong force in the metagame. With lots of soft permission and a quicker clock, Empty the Warrens is at its strongest in this matchup.How I Sideboarded:
+2 Empty the Warrens-1 Infernal Tutor -1 Burning WishIt has not been a fun match. Our opponent seems to be able to find 3 pieces of countermagic off of every Brainstorm. They currently have a couple of pieces of soft permission and the beginnings of a clock. On top of our library is Ad Nauseam, from a Brainstorm on our previous turn. Hopefully, we can cast Ad Nauseam next turn and have it resolve.What do you do this turn to set up for Ad Nauseam next turn?

Special Guest