Josh Hughes
As we continue to crawl our way out of this hole, we were able to resolve an Ad Nauseam. Whether going for it was correct or not, which was the topic of our last scenario, it happened and we got there. Now we have to figure out how to win this turn through a Counterbalance, and potential countermagic that could have been found from our opponent's Predict and Brainstorm. Let's look at some of the obvious observations. The opponent played a Plains, which is amazing for us! That means that from a countermagic perspective, we are only playing around Force of Will. In addition to that, all three of our red lands are in play, so we can't fetch up another red source. This will be extremely important if the opponent reveals a land with their Counterbalance because we would have no other red sources. I would start by playing a Chrome Mox:If the opponent reveals a zero converted mana cost (CMC) card, I would play out my Fetchland, grab a black source, and cast Duress. Assuming it resolved, and the coast was clear, I would play both copies of Rite of Flame, all of our zero CMC cards, and then Empty the Warrens for 18 Goblins.If the opponent revealed a one CMC card, I would play out a Fetchland and cast Cabal Ritual. If the opponent counters it, I would play out my other zero CMC artifacts and go for the Infernal Tutor chain for a natural storm kill. I am taking a gamble that the opponent doesn't have a second Force of Will, but I am okay with those chances. If the opponent does not counter my Cabal Ritual, I would play out the zero CMC cards and go for an Empty the Warrens. I would then end things with an Infernal Tutor cracking my three copies of Lion's Eye Diamond to try to get the natural storm kill. If the opponent does have a Force of Will for our Infernal Tutor, we will still have Goblins to fall back on.If the opponent reveals a two CMC card, I would start by fetching for a black source to Duress the opponent. Assuming the coast was clear, I would cast both copies of Rite of Flame, play out our 0 CMC cards, cast Duress, and then Empty the Warrens.
Bryant Cook
Eh, not a fan of this scenario. There's a winning line regardless of what your opponent put on top. You still have a land drop and a variety of spells. I'd start by playing my land and then I'd check with an artifact, to check for zero. Then if it's countered you have a clean protected kill with Rite of Flame, Cabal Ritual, Duress, and Infernal Tutor. If all of your artifacts resolve, I'd cast Rite of Flame to check for one, if this resolves your opponent most likely put a two mana spell on top. Cast the other copy of Rite of Flame. I'd cast Cabal Ritual as bait, if it resolves I'd cast Duress, and then the Empty the Warrens. It's possible your opponent put Terminus on top if everything resolves, so then you Infernal Tutor for Burning Wish and win. There is no losing line here.
AJ Kerrigan
Start with Chrome Mox and see if it resolves. If it does follow-up with a Lion's Eye Diamond so we can be certain their isn't a slow-rolled zero on top. Imprint a Thoughtseize on Chrome Mox and Duress as necessary to clear some space. If they reveal a one, then play out the relevant parts of our hand, and play Cabal Ritual into Empty the Warrens into Infernal Tutor looking to set up Tendrils of Agony. If the discard spell resolves too and we can clear the coast, then we can use Rite of Flame to build up red mana. From there, we can cast Cabal Ritual. If it gets countered, we are all-in on Empty the Warrens. If it doesn't we can just run the same line as before where we Empty the Warrens into Infernal Tutor.
Anthony LaVerde
The three possible mana costs of the card on top of our opponent's library is zero, one, or two. If they left a one on top, they are most certainly dead unless they have Force of Will. If they left a zero, then have the tools to make goblins with Empty the Warrens anyways. If they left a two, same as above except we can also Duress them. My bet is that they left a zero on top. In any of these cases though, I would lead off with a Lion's Eye Diamond to see if he flips. If he doesn't reveal, I would immediately play Rite of Flame. I think his only ways out here is having either Force of Will in hand or having an answer to a horde of goblin tokens.

Landon Sworts
In this situation I would start by casting Chrome Mox (Storm 1) to see if opponent checks with Counterbalance. If Chrome Mox is countered by Counterbalance I would cast the remainder of the free spells I have left in my hand to build up to a storm count of five, play Polluted Delta, fetch Swamp (2 life), cast Rite of Flame (Storm 6; 2R) from Badlands, use Swamp and one red from Rite of Flame to cast Cabal Ritual (storm 7; 1R, 5B). I would cast Duress (Storm 8; 1R, 4B) before exposing Infernal Tutor to a possible Surgical Extraction from our opponent. Cast Infernal Tutor (Storm 9; 1R, 2B) find our third copy of Rite of Flame and cast both copies that are in our hand (Storm 11; 6R, 2B). Cast Infernal Tutor, retain priority, sacrifice Lion’s Eye Diamond (Storm 12; 5R, 4B) search for and cast Burning Wish (Storm 13; 3R, 3B) Kill them with Tendrils of Agony (Storm 14; 1R, 1B).If our initial Chrome Mox (Storm 1) isn’t countered I doubt they would reveal to us that the top card of their library has a converted mana cost of one so I would most likely imprint a copy of Thoughtseize and cast a Duress (Storm 2) to both see if the opponent is going to divulge anymore information about the top of their library and to check their hand for anything they might have drawn from their previous turns Brainstorm that could potentially thwart the remainder of our combo turn. It is possible the opponent wont reveal the top card of their library to us. At this point I would cast another copy of Chrome Mox (Storm 3) if they didn’t reveal to the first Chrome Mox it is likely that they also won’t reveal to this copy, I would imprint another copy of Thoughtseize, and play out our Lotus Petal (Storm 4). I would play and sacrifice Polluted Delta (2 Life) searching for Swamp giving us access to 4 mana sources. From here I would cast Rite of Flame (Storm 5) and for the purpose of this exercise we will assume that opponent reveals a card with converted mana cost one which is great! Cast Cabal Ritual (Storm 6; 5B) Cast Infernal Tutor (Storm 7; 3B) for the last copy of Lion’s Eye Diamond, play out all three copies of Lion’s Eye Diamond (Storm 10; 3B) Cast Infernal Tutor and retain priority sacrifice two copies of Lion’s Eye Diamond (Storm 11; 3R, 4B) grab Burning Wish and cast it for Tendrils of Agony (Storm 13; 1R).
Alex Poling
I would lead off with casting a Lion's Eye Diamond as a bait card hoping for a Counterbalance reveal. The problem with that is even if the opponent is floating a zero they may choose not to reveal because they know our 2nd and 3rd Lion's Eye Diamond isn't as important to our hand, but I'd give them the opportunity to reveal. If they chose not to reveal then I would try the copies of Chrome Mox and then finally the Lotus Petal. If all of these resolve there is most certainly a 1 or a 2 on top. To check if there's a 1 on top I would cast the Rite of Flame off the Badlands. This would certainly force a reveal if there's a 1 on top. If he doesn't reveal here I would assume there's a 2 and be forced to cast a Thoughtseize off of 1 Chrome Mox and the other Rite of Flame and cast Empty the Warrens for like 18 goblins. If he reveals a 1 on top we have an easy kill using our Infernal Tutor for Burning Wish for Tendrils of Agony.

Alex McKinley
Given the opponent knows what is on top of their library, they will not reveal it until it matters. This means that they could potentially let spells resolve that otherwise could have been countered. I would start by playing out all of the zeros. The best case scenario is that there is a zero on top of the opponents library, as all of the artifacts can be countered and there is still enough to win the game, through the land drop, rituals and the Lion's Eye Diamond already in play. If all of the artifacts resolve, I would assume that the opponent does not have a zero on top. This leaves five initial mana available. I would first cast the Rite of Flames. If they both resolve, I would then cast a discard spell to double check the opponent's hand for a Force of Will. If the opponent reveals to counter the discard spell, I would cast Empty the Warrens before the Infernal Tutor, to hedge against a Force of Will. If all of the one costed spells resolve, I would assume that there is a two on top. At this point, there is seven initial mana available, with three Lion's Eye Diamonds. I would cast the Cabal Ritual and then the Empty the Warrens regardless of what resolves. If the Cabal Ritual Does resolve, then I would try casting an Inferal Tutor for Burning Wish for Tendrils of Agony to finish the game on the spot.
Peter Raab
If we look at the scenario from the other side of the table, your opponent has only the options to block your spells that cost zero or two mana, which is highlighted by our opponent taking forever to resolve the Brainstorm. Thankfully we can test the water for cheap with a Lion's Eye Diamond and a Rite of Flame to provoke a reaction. If both resolve, you can assume that your opponent has attempted to stop Infernal Tutor & Burning Wish with a two casting cost spell and your Empty the Warrens will win most likely regardless. The opposite is also true, if your opponent blocks your zero mana spells. I believe we can pretty much rule out a one casting cost spell in general, as both players know that would have next to no effect.