Special GuestA few words on Caleb Durward (@calebdmtg):
Caleb Durward is an ex-professional grinder turned full-time streamer. He has three GP top eights to his name (one Limited, two Legacy), a slew of SCG open top eights, and several SCG Invitational and TCGChampionship top eights. Recently, he won the first MTG Twitch Rivals. He'll be representing team Tempo Storm at the Mythic Invitational at the end of this month. As a player, he does a fair bit of brewing and tuning, but he has some finishes with meta decks as well.Caleb lives in Madison, WI where he rarely leaves his apartment. You can find him at twitch.tv/calebdmtg or @calebdmtg.
Deck List
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Main Deck
- 4 Burning Wish
- 4 Infernal Tutor
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Ponder
- 4 Thoughtseize
- 3 Duress
- 1 Empty the Warrens
- 1 Ad Nauseam
- 4 Polluted Delta
- 3 Bloodstained Mire
- 2 Badlands
- 1 Volcanic Island
- 1 Underground Sea
- 1 Island
- 1 Swamp
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SITUATION #1 - B/R Reanimator
In our first scenario, we are in game three against B/R Reanimator! Reanimator looks to put a big creature like Griselbrand in the graveyard using either Faithless Looting, Entomb or Unmask, and then attempts to cheat the big creature into play using Reanimate, Exhume or Animate Dead. With cards like Lotus Petal, Chrome Mox, and Dark Ritual, they are often able to put a creature into play on turn one easily. B/R Reanimator also has turn zero hate with Chancellor of the Annex, and a full suite of discard spells to slow us down. The fact that the deck is so explosive and also disruptive makes it one of our toughest match-ups.HOW I SIDEBOARDED:
-4 Ponder+3 Echoing Truth, +1 Chain of VaporWe are currently in game three on the play! We open up with a very interesting hand consisting of Badlands, two copies of Chrome Mox, two copies of Rite of Flame, Brainstorm, and Empty the Warrens. While Goblins is usually bad against a deck that can cheat a 7/7 life link creature into play, this hand definitely has some advantages because it can play around Chancellor of the Annex. Would you keep or mulligan this hand? Why?
SITUATION #2 - Grixis Delver
In our second scenario, we are playing against Grixis Delver! Grixis Delver is a tempo deck that looks to put pressure on the opponent by playing an early game creature threat that can be protected with Daze or Force of Will. Grixis Delver also looks to disrupt their opponent by attacking their mana base with Wasteland, and in some builds, they look to rip apart their opponent's hand with Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek. With all of those disruptive elements combined with a fast clock, this matchup can definitely be troublesome for The EPIC Storm.We are currently in game one, on turn one. Our opponent cast Thoughtseize, taking our Dark Ritual. We retaliated by casting a Thoughtseize of our own. The opponent revealed True-Name Nemesis, Daze, Ponder, Brainstorm, and Wasteland. What would you take and why?
SITUATION #3 - Red Prison
Our third and final scenario is against Red Prison! Red Prison was a deck that rose to be one of the top tier decks right before the banning of Deathrite Shaman. After the banning, the deck almost disappeared and Eldrazi became the most popular Legacy prison deck. As the Legacy meta finally stabilized, Red Prison has made a sizable comeback to prey on Combo and Delver decks alike. On the surface, any deck that plays Chalice of the Void and Trinisphere seems like an insanely bad matchup for The EPIC Storm. Fortunately for us, we have a lot of game against Red Prison. Thanks to cards like Burning Wish, we can grab Sideboard cards like Pulverize in game one. This makes Blood Moon much worse against us, as sometimes turning one of our lands into a Mountain is exactly what we need to deal with our opponent's artifact hate.In this scenario, we are in a very rough spot. The opponent had everything, and we were stuck behind a turn one Chalice of the Void and a turn two Trinisphere. After multiple turns of passing and discarding cards to hand size, we were able to get a third land and Burning Wish for a Pulverize. Things were starting to look up for us, and then our opponent played a Fiery Confluence, putting us to one life. How would you play out this turn to either win or put yourself in a winning position?