Hello Legacy Storm Players! Since our last Infernal Tutoring, Wizards released their latest limited set War of the Sparks. War of the Sparks has already made a huge impact on Legacy by printing some incredibly powerful planeswalkers; Karn, The Great Creator, Ugin, The Ineffable, Narset, Parter of Veils, and Tefari, Time Raveler to name just a few. Bolas's Citadel has birthed a new experimental Storm list, which Michael Cliffy wrote about here. Delver decks got Dreadhorde Arcanist, which offers an insane amount of card advantage if not dealt with. If all of those changes weren't enough, Modern Horizons is just around the corner to hopefully reprint some amazing new cards for Eternal Formats. I think it is safe to say that the Legacy meta is in for a huge shakeup!
For this month's scenarios, I opted to play a Chain of Vapor in the flex spot over the eighth discard spell, which has helped deal with the huge influx of Karn, The Great Creator decks in the last month. Other than that, the other notable change is a Mizzix's Mastery in the Sideboard. Without further ado, let's jump into our three scenarios!

Special GuestMax Gilmore (@MXGOnline):
The "Max" of www.minmaxblog.com, is a Legacy Jack-of-all-Trades with an affinity for Artifacts. Max is always on the lookout for the next broken thing and works to keep himself at the forefront of Legacy innovation. Whether he's slinging Delver of Secrets, Dark Ritual, or Chalice of the Void, you can be sure that whatever he's playing contains the hottest Legacy technology.
Deck List
Main Deck
SITUATION #1 - B/R Reanimator
In our first scenario, we are playing against B/R Reanimator! Reanimator looks to put a big creature like Griselbrand in the graveyard using either Faithless Looting, Entomb or Unmask, and then attempts to cheat the big creature into play using Reanimate, Exhume or Animate Dead. With cards like Lotus Petal, Chrome Mox, and Dark Ritual, they are often able to put a creature into play on turn one easily. B/R Reanimator also has turn zero hate with Chancellor of the Annex, and a full suite of discard spells to slow us down. The fact that the deck is so explosive and also disruptive makes it one of our toughest match-ups.
-2 Ponder, -1 Empty the Warrens
+1 Chain of Vapor, +2 Echoing Truth
We are currently in game two against B/R Reanimator. On turn one we were able to Thoughtseize our opponent, taking their Entomb. On our opponent’s turn one, they played a Scrubland and passed. We now have the opportunity to Cabal Therapy our opponent. Do you take the opponent’s two copies of Exhume or their two copies of Faithless Looting? Why?
SITUATION #2 - Death & Taxes
In our second scenario, we are playing against Death & Taxes! Death & Taxes has been making a huge comeback on Magic Online ever since the reprinting of Rishadan Port. While Death & Taxes has traditionally been an easy matchup for The EPIC Storm, they have recently added cards like Ancient Tomb and Chalice of the Void, which has made the matchup way more challenging after game one. Against Death & Taxes traditionally, we would just need to win through creature and land-based hate, where now they are attacking us on a whole different axis with artifact hate cards.
-4 Ponder, -2 Duress
+4 Echoing Truth, +1 Chain of Vapor, +1 Cabal Therapy
We are currently in game three against Death & Taxes. Our opponent just tutored Thalia, Guardian of Thraben with Recruiter of the Guard. Since we know that Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is coming down next turn, we need to do something now. How do you either win or put yourself in a winning situation?
SITUATION #3 - Sneak & Show
In our last scenario, we are playing against Sneak & Show. Sneak & Show is a very consistent combo deck that looks to use Show and Tell or Sneak Attack to cheat a Griselbrand or an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn into play. Sneak & Show plays a ton of cantrips and countermagic, to both assemble and protect their two-card combo. Many of the recent lists will also run some number of Cunning Wish, which can be very powerful against The EPIC Storm, because it unlocks cards like Surgical Extraction, Flusterstorm, and Kozelik's Return in game one. While this matchup can be a challenge at times, we have all of the tools needed to beat it, especially in games two and three.
+3 Hope of Ghirapur
-1 Empty the Warrens, -1 Ponder, -1 Chrome Mox
We are currently in a pretty tight spot in game three! On our previous turn, we took our opponent’s Vendilion Clique with Thoughtseize. The opponent then drew their fourth land and played Sneak Attack. Looking back, we should have definitely taken Sneak Attack, but now we have to adjust. We need to take action this turn, or we are dead. How do you play out this turn to either win or put yourself in a winning situation?
In closing, I want to encourage Storm pilots to not get frustrated with the current meta. It seems like the meta has shifted towards Narset, Parter of Veils decks vs. Karn, The Great Creator decks. While this can be annoying to be caught in the middle of, things should stabilize again soon. I am crossing my fingers that Storm gets something amazing from Modern Horizon, but we will see what happens! Until next time, keep storming on!