Special GuestMax Carini
Max Carini is an IT auditor hailing from the Bay Area and a self-described “rectangles-with-text” hobbyist. After watching Ad Nauseam resolve during coverage of an SCG Open in 2014, Max decided to wade into Legacy Storm combo under the MTGO nome-de-planeswalker “wonderPreaux.” A half-decade later, Max endeavored to leave his house and attend paper events, finishing in the Top 8 of two 3Ks, taking second at the SCG CON Play-4-Power event, and scoring a Top 16 finish at GP Atlanta. Outside of work and wizard-duelery, Max has an abiding interest in music and energy drinks.
Deck List
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Main Deck
- 4 Burning Wish
- 4 Infernal Tutor
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Ponder
- 4 Thoughtseize
- 1 Defense Grid
- 2 Duress
- 1 Empty the Warrens
- 1 Ad Nauseam
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SITUATION No. 1 - RUG Delver
In our first scenario, we are playing against RUG Delver. RUG Delver picked up in popularity with the printing of Wrenn and Six. RUG Delver can be a very challenging matchup because they have so much countermagic, disruption (Wasteland and Stifle), and a pretty fast clock. While Wrenn and Six was a huge boon for the deck, I think it made our matchup slightly better because Wrenn and Six is generally a pretty dead card against The EPIC Storm. RUG Delver often has a hard time answering 10+ Goblin Tokens, so this is the matchup where we want to board in two Empty the Warrens if possible.HOW I SIDEBOARDED:
-1 Burning Wish, -1 Infernal Tutor, +2 Empty the Warrens
We are on the play in game two. Our opponent mulliganed to four. We have an incredibly explosive hand with no protection. Would you go for it here? Does the London Mulligan impact your decision?
SITUATION No. 2 - Hogaak Zombardment
We are currently playing against Hogaak Zombardment. Hogaak Zombardment is a new take on a classic Legacy deck, where the opponent creates a ton of Zombie Token and then ultimately hurls them at the opponent for one damage using Goblin Bombardment. Generally, this is a pretty good matchup for The EPIC Storm, but there are many times where you can get caught on the wrong side of a Cabal Therapy or the opponent outraces your Goblin Token with their Zombie Token. You almost have to approach this matchup like Dredge, where you want to stay away from Goblin Token if possible.In this scenario, we are in turn two about to resolve our Burning Wish. We need to decide what we want to get with our Burning Wish. The two scenarios that I see are Empty the Warrens for 14 Goblin Tokens or Echo of Eons with two mana floating. Both are risky, but what would you choose here and why?
SITUATION No. 3 - RUG Delver
In our final scenario, we are playing against RUG Delver again (it's everywhere!!)HOW I SIDEBOARDED:
-1 Burning Wish, -1 Infernal Tutor, +2 Empty the Warrens
In this scenario, we went for an Echo of Eons line (floating). Our Echo of Eons resolved, and our new seven cards were Duress, Polluted Delta, Badlands, Infernal Tutor, Burning Wish, Dark Ritual, and Ad Nauseam. I started by playing Badlands and then Dark Ritual. I then cast my Infernal Tutor, which resolved, grabbing my second copy of Duress. Duress number one was Dazed, I didn't pay. Duress number two was met with another Daze. At this point, we have access to six mana. Do you let Daze resolve, and go for the Burning Wish, or pay for Daze and then Ad Nauseam from eight life?