Since our last article, the Legacy metagame has had another big shift with the banning of [[Underworld Breach]]! Wizards of the Coast stated this as the reason for the banning, "In many cases, we'd allow a new breakout combo deck some time to see if the metagame can adapt. But as these decks were refined, it became clear from the rising win rates that [[Underworld Breach]]'s interaction with [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] would remain problematic in Legacy going forward". While decks have still been adjusting to the new metagame, things have stayed pretty static in The EPIC Storm. The real big change has been adding [[Carpet of Flowers]] to the sideboard to help combat [[Delver of Secrets]] decks.

Special Guest
Anuraag Das
(Twitter: @anzidmtg | MTGO: AnziD)
Hey everyone, Anuraag here for some good ol' Infernal Tutoring. I'm an ex-Miracles mage turned Breach pilot, banned into Snowkoblivion by WotC. I spend most of my Magic time streaming on (subscribewithtwitchprimesubscribewithtwitchprimesubscribewithtwitchprime). Today, I streamed the MTGO Legacy Challenge with my new 4-Color Uro deck. In between rounds, Bryant asked me to join him for this article, and I thought it'd be a great idea to ask the smartest person I know for advice on some TES plays... my Twitch Chat! Without further ado... TWITCH CHAT (and Anu) MAKES THE PLAY!
Deck List
the epic Storm
Main Deck
- 4 [[Burning Wish]]
- 4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]]
- 4 [[Brainstorm]]
- 4 [[Ponder]]
- 1 [[Ad Nauseam]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 4 [[Veil of Summer]]
- 2 [[Defense Grid]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 4 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
- 4 [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]
- 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
- 3 [[Chrome Mox]]
- 3 [[Mox Opal]]
- 4 [[Bloodstained Mire]]
- 4 [[Polluted Delta]]
- 1 [[Badlands]]
- 1 [[Bayou]]
- 1 [[Underground Sea]]
- 1 [[Volcanic Island]]
- 1 [[Swamp]]
- 3 [[Carpet of Flowers]]
- 2 [[Abrupt Decay]]
- 1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
- 1 [[Thoughtseize]]
- 1 [[Infernal Tutor]]
- 1 [[Grapeshot]]
- 3 [[Empty the Warrens]]
- 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 1 [[Pulverize]]
SITUATION No. 1 - 4-Color Loam
4-Color Loam is a midrange deck that has a mix of hatebears like [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]] and [[Gaddock Teeg]] as well as other prison elements such as [[Chalice of the Void]]. While this deck isn't as land dependent as RUG Lands, the deck has lots of singleton lands that synergize with [[Life from the Loam]]. Some versions of the deck run [[The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale]], meaning [[Goblin Token]]s aren't the best option in post-board games. While this matchup can be very dependent on who goes first, it generally is a deck The EPIC Storm doesn't mind seeing.
-2 [[Defense Grid]], -2 [[Veil of Summer]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Empty the Warrens]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
We are currently in game three on the play. Our opponent played a turn-two [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]], and on our opponent's end-step, we bounced [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]] with a [[Chain of Vapor]]. On turn three, we drew a [[Bloodstained Mire]] and played it out. While we might have jumped the gun by bouncing [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]], we hoped to draw practically any other card besides a land, but it happened. Luckily for us, we have a ton of options! How would you play out this turn to either win or put yourself in a winning situation?
SITUATION No. 2 - Dredge
Dredge can be a very tough matchup for The EPIC Storm because Dredge is extremely explosive while also being able to efficiently leverage [[Cabal Therapy]] to rip apart hands. Before the printing of [[Echo of Eons]], [[Burning Wish]] hands were almost unplayable because [[Empty the Warrens]] doesn't pair well against a deck that can make an army of 2/2 [[Zombie Token]]s very quickly and efficiently with [[Bridge from Below]]. [[Echo of Eons]] forces all of the cards in each player's graveyard to be shuffled back into each player's library and gives both players a fresh start with seven cards. While this line can definitely backfire, it gives us a whole new angle of attack, which is always exciting!
We win the die roll, mulligan, and lead off with [[Volcanic Island]] before passing the turn. When our opponent started going off on the first turn, I thought I was going to see an [[Empty the Warrens]] or a [[Goblin Charbelcher]]. Luckily for us, our opponent was on a weird variant of Dredge! Our opponent was able to play out a [[Faithless Looting]] and recast it from the graveyard with a [[Lion's Eye Diamond]] to fill up the graveyard. Our opponent sacrificed a [[Narcomoeba]] to flashback [[Cabal Therapy]]. We cast [[Brainstorm]] in response to avoid losing both copies of [[Brainstorm]]. We reveal: [[Lotus Petal]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Chain of Vapor]], [[Chrome Mox]], and a [[Brainstorm]]. Our opponent named [[Daze]] and passed. On our turn, we play [[Brainstorm]] again to find another [[Rite of Flame]] and the [[Ad Nauseam]] that we hid. How would you resolve this [[Brainstorm]]? How would you play out the rest of the turn?
SITUATION No. 3 - Eldrazi Aggro
Eldrazi Aggro is one of the most popular prison decks in the Legacy format. With cards like [[Thought-Knot Seer]] and [[Reality Smasher]], Eldrazi Aggro is capable of killing TES very quickly, In addition to the fast clock, Eldrazo Aggro also has prison cards such as [[Chalice of the Void]] and [[Thorn of Amethyst]] that can lock TES out — even in game one. This is definitely a matchup where [[Empty the Warrens]] shines because usually Eldrazi has a hard time dealing with eight or more [[Goblin Token]]s.
-2 [[Defense Grid]], -2 [[Ponder]], +2 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Empty the Warrens]], +1 [[Chain of Vapor]]
We are currently in game two against Eldrazi Aggro on the draw. Our opponent had a pretty slow clock and only had a [[Chalice of the Void]] and a [[Leyline of the Void]] for hate cards. When the opponent played the [[Chalice of the Void]], we played our [[Chain of Vapor]] in response to bounce the [[Leyline of the Void]]. We were then able to go off with an [[Ad Nauseam]], but got stuck at one life without a great line. What would you do here?
This has definitely been a crazy month for Magic players between a ban and a major health pandemic. I hope everyone stays safe and still finds ways to play Magic, even if "gatherings" are currently prohibited. Until next time, keep storming on!