Not much has changed about The EPIC Storm since our last Infernal Tutoring in November. We have been experimenting with a third copy of [[Abrupt Decay]], however, since the control decks of the format are leaning on [[Damping Sphere]] as cross-hate for Storm combo as well as [[Cloudpost]]-based ramp decks.
Some of us on the team have been trying out lists with zero copies of [[Rite of Flame]] to varying success. Because of that, we've included one situation below without the fan-favorite. Alex McKinley talks through some of the ideas behind not playing the card in his article titled, "Beyond Rite of Flame".

Special Guest
Luis Scott-Vargas
(Twitter: @lsv | MTGO: LSV)
With 10 Pro Tour Top 8's, LSV is in the running for best players of all time. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2013, and currently is a member of the Rivals League. He is also a prolific content creator, and does two weekly podcasts (Limited Resources and Constructed Resources), alongside articles and videos on Despite all that, he is perhaps best known for his excellent taste in humor.
Deck List
the epic Storm
Main Deck
- 4 [[Burning Wish]]
- 4 [[Wishclaw Talisman]]
- 4 [[Brainstorm]]
- 4 [[Ponder]]
- 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
- 1 [[Ad Nauseam]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 4 [[Veil of Summer]]
- 2 [[Defense Grid]]
- 4 [[Rite of Flame]]
- 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
- 4 [[Lion's Eye Diamond]]
- 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
- 3 [[Mox Opal]]
- 3 [[Chrome Mox]]
- 3 [[Verdant Catacombs]]
- 2 [[Bloodstained Mire]]
- 2 [[Polluted Delta]]
- 1 [[Underground Sea]]
- 1 [[Tropical Island]]
- 1 [[Volcanic Island]]
- 1 [[Taiga]]
- 1 [[Badlands]]
- 1 [[Swamp]]
- 4 [[Carpet of Flowers]]
- 3 [[Abrupt Decay]]
- 1 [[Thoughtseize]]
- 1 [[Grapeshot]]
- 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
- 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
- 1 [[Massacre]]
- 1 [[Pulverize]]
- 1 [[Echo of Eons]]
- 1 [[Peer into the Abyss]]
SITUATION No. 1 — Yorion BUG Control
We're facing a bit of a brew, a [[Yorion, Sky Nomad]] deck based around [[Green Sun's Zenith]] for hate creatures such as [[Collector Ouphe]] and [[Leovold, Emissary of Trest]]. We don't have much information on this deck, other than that there's a strong hunch that they have a full-compliment of [[Force of Negation]] on top of the standard set of [[Force of Will]]. Going into the second game, [[Force of Vigor]] is a card that the opponent may also have.
-4 [[Rite of Flame]], +3 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Grapeshot]]
How do you sequence this hand to best play around [[Force of Will]], [[Force of Negation]], and possible copies of [[Force of Vigor]] (if you should choose to play around them)?
SITUATION No. 2 — Miracles
Modern day Miracles looks a lot like Snow Control. The biggest difference is additional blue sources to support [[Mystic Sanctuary]] and, in this specific list, a Legacy classic in [[Jace, the Mind Sculptor]] for the few copies of [[Terminus]] still seeing play.
-4 [[Chrome Mox]], -3 [[Mox Opal]], +4 [[Carpet of Flowers]], +3 [[Abrupt Decay]]
We're in game two after a speedy first-turn kill in game one. Our opponent is attempting to lock us out of the game with an [[Ethersworn Canonist]]. What's the play from here? How do you play this turn or set up for the future?
For this submission, the person was trying a no [[Rite of Flame]] list with a main-deck [[Cabal Ritual]].
SITUATION No. 3 — Oops! All Spells
Oops! All Spells is a deck that aims to win by accelerating into [[Undercity Informer]] or [[Balustrade Spy]] to mill their entire library since they play zero land cards! After that, the deck sacrifices a trio of [[Narcomoeba]] to [[Dread Return]] to bring back a [[Thassa's Oracle]] to win the game with no library.
-2 [[Defense Grid]], -2 [[Veil of Summer]], +3 [[Abrupt Decay]], +1 [[Thoughtseize]]
We're in a wild second game! After a failed [[Ad Nauseam]], we've recovered by using the main deck copy of [[Echo of Eons]]. In response to our [[Echo of Eons]], our opponent cast a [[Veil of Summer]]. Now trying to build towards [[Grapeshot]], how would you add six more Storm from here?
Want to see your play?
We're now allowing for fan-based submissions for "Infernal Tutoring!" In order to submit, scroll down to the footer to the contact form. Attach your screenshot, describe the situation in detail, and press submit!
Disclaimer: Regarding the details of the scenarios, we do not want what the outcome of the situation is. For example, if the question is, "Do I go for it here?" do not tell the team if your opponent had [[Force of Will]] or not. This information honestly doesn't matter for our purposes and it doesn't change the answer if it's correct or not to cast the business spell. Thank you for your understanding.
- Use the subject line of "Infernal Tutoring"
- Write what list you are playing and if there's anything special about your list compared to the current stock version. Scenarios that contain the current list are more likely to be selected.
- If possible, please resize your images to be no larger than 1400px wide and preferably under 125kb. This will make our job easier, if you're unfamiliar how to do this that's okay too. Still message us with your scenarios!