TES Infernal Tutoring #73

SCG CON Philadelphia has never looked so good! Our very own Bryant Cook rose to the challenge and put up a Top 8 finish on March 10th. The deck he played? The EPIC Storm, of course! Let’s break down the updates to the deck and why.

Since the release of Murders at Karlov Manor (MKM), Surveil lands infiltrated into nearly every Legacy archetype that uses a fetchland mana base. With a relatively low deck-building cost, these card selection tools improved consistency of many decks. Like our previous Infernal Tutoring detailed, the Surveil trigger can feed graveyards important cards. Namely [[Reanimate]] targets and [[Echo of Eons]] for our latest variant of The EPIC Storm.

The EPIC Storm found its rhythm with the addition of TWO Surveil lands: [[Undercity Sewers]] and [[Commercial District]]. It turns out, the dynamite pairing of [[Underground Sea]] and [[Taiga]] got better with more text! The EPIC Storm can certainly still be a fast deck, capable of quick kills. In fact, the deck has sped up slightly with the addition of three maindeck [[Echo of Eons]]. The decklist is reminiscent of [[Mind’s Desire]] builds with “3X” of all maindeck action cards. In this case: [[Beseech the Mirror]], [[Galvanic Relay]], and [[Echo of Eons]]. I wonder if that was a conscious parallel?

Surveil lands made several positive impacts on the Legacy format, not least of which is in Combo decks. How crazy-cool it is to see taplands positively adjusting Storm decks? Let’s see what else this deck can do in our three scenarios for the month. Enjoy!

Chris Banuchi

Special Guest

Chris Banuchi

(TWITCH/YouTube: 90sMTG | Discord: 90sMTG)

The founder/host of 90sMTG, based in New York City, Chris Banuchi is usually found at the local cafe chatting with the baristas about debated Magic topics like the “Storm scale”.

Deck List

the epic Storm

Main Deck

  • 4 [[Ponder]]
  • 4 [[Brainstorm]]
  • 4 [[Burning Wish]]
  • 3 [[Galvanic Relay]]
  • 3 [[Beseech the Mirror]]
  • 3 [[Echo of Eons]]
  • 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
  • 1 [[Song of Creation]]
  • 1 [[Gaea’s Will]]
  • 4 [[Veil of Summer]]
  • 4 [[Dark Ritual]]
  • 4 [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]
  • 4 [[Lotus Petal]]
  • 4 [[Chrome Mox]]
  • 2 [[Mox Opal]]
  • 2 [[Cabal Ritual]]
  • 4 [[Misty Rainforest]]
  • 3 [[Bloodstained Mire]]
  • 1 [[Undercity Sewers]]
  • 1 [[Commercial District]]
  • 1 [[Underground Sea]]
  • 1 [[Bayou]]
  • 1 [[Volcanic Island]]


  • 2 [[Echoing Truth]]
  • 2 [[Boseiju, Who Endures]]
  • 4 [[Thoughtseize]]
  • 1 [[Consign // Oblivion]]
  • 1 [[Grapeshot]]
  • 1 [[Galvanic Relay]]
  • 1 [[Empty the Warrens]]
  • 1 [[Beseech the Mirror]]
  • 1 [[Tendrils of Agony]]
  • 1 [[Echo of Eons]]

SITUATION No. 1 — Boros Initiative

Even though Boros Initiative has seen a slight decline in recent months (pilots switching to Turbo Goblins, targeted hate from Control decks, and new card printings in other strategies), Boros Initiative reamains a top deck in the format. With an abililty to sustain their strategy in the long-term, thanks to [[Fable of the Mirror-Breaker]], there are Prison elements and Aggro elements that can be shuffled around as needed to prepare a lethal cocktail of cards, regardless of what an opponent is playing.

As expected, Boros Initiative is quite good against Storm strategies. With a playset of [[Archon of Emeria]] alongside [[Chalice of the Void]] and other hateful permanents, even game one can be challenging. Thankfully, the speed with which The EPIC Storm operates (thank you [[Echo of Eons]]!) can offset some of the early-game power in the [[Ancient Tomb]] and [[Chrome Mox]] deck.


+3 [[Thoughtseize]], +2 [[Boseiju, Who Endures]], +2 [[Echoing Truth]]; -4 [[Veil of Summer]], -3 [[Galvanic Relay]]

Oh to be a Storm deck and not play in a metagame with playsets of [[Rule of Law]] hatebears in the Stompy decks’ mainboards. However, this isn’t the end of the world for us! It is the start to our third turn in a post-board game. We just drew an [[Echo of Eons]] for turn, but don’t have a [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]; unfortunate. Is there a way we can combo this turn or otherwise prepare for a successful game?

Situation 1

Special Guest

Chris Banuchi

Chris Banuchi

Venturing into Undercity would be irrelevant in Legacy if not for cards like [[Chalice of the Void]] and [[Archon of Emeria]]. In game ones, we can often combo off after our opponent starts the game with Storm defenses down. Post-sideboard, we have to prepare to fight through the hate.

This opponent only deployed one lock piece: a lone [[Archon of Emeria]] can be beaten but another card on the table like [[Chalice of the Void]] or [[Null Rod]] could potentially checkmate. Whatever land [[Bloodstained Mire]] tutors for will enter tapped.


Jordan Karim

Jordan Karim

We have the option of the “Surveil Trick” , a potentially good idea. We can crack [[Bloodstained Mire]] for a Surveil land. With the trigger on the stack, cast [[Brainstorm]]. As long as we resolve the spell so that [[Echo of Eons]] is on top of our library, we can put it into our graveyard with the Surveil trigger. Hopefully, the [[Brainstorm]] provides another land or additional means at working through our deck. We’re not under a lot of pressure, so we can take it slow. One card from our opponent is not concerning.

Bryant Cook

Bryant Cook

We’re not under much pressure, I would [[Brainstorm]], then search a Surveil land with [[Bloodstained Mire]] providing five looks at [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for the following turn. From there, cast [[Echoing Truth]] into [[Dark Ritual]], [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]], etc.

Alex McKinley

Alex McKinley

One option is fetching a Surveil land, then with the trigger on the stack, cast [[Brainstorm]], then mill away the [[Echo of Eons]] to set up for a win in two turns. Since the [[Archon of Emeria]] causes all of our lands to enter tapped, there is no way to remove it on this turn cycle. Another option is to cast [[Brainstorm]], hope to hit enough to combo and then cast [[Echoing Truth]] this turn cycle. We have a 22 percent chance of finding a [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] in the Brainstorm, so taking the slower, but more guaranteed line is better.

Oliver Everhard

Oliver Everhard

Our opponent is effectively empty-handed and we are not in imminent danger. I don’t think there’s a reasonable way to combo this turn — we could get lucky off of our [[Brainstorm]] if we bounce [[Archon of Emeria]] with [[Echoing Truth]], but the fail case is too likely. I like bouncing the [[Archon of Emeria]] on the opponent’s next end step and untapping with a fresh card. Worst case scenario, tutor for [[Consign // Oblivion]] with [[Burning Wish]] to try again if they don’t present a clock.

SITUATION No. 2 — Temur Delver

[[Delver of Secrets]] never truly goes away does it? Even with the onset of a popular new Tempo deck, the one-mana 3/2 flyer keeps on ticking. You have to admire the dedication. So many cheap threats have come and gone: [[Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer]], [[Deathrite Shaman]], [[Dreadhorde Arcanist]], and more. But [[Delver of Secrets]] remains constant and perfect.

This iteration of Temur Delver plays [[Questing Druid]] for card advantage and mid-sized threat. Since it can be cast at instant speed to find a [[Force of Will]] in moments of desperation is unique. [[Expressive Iteration]] couldn’t do that! Generally speaking, The EPIC Storm is favored against Temur Delver. Lists play [[Stifle]] as more ways to interact, but that can easily be played around. Overall, this iteration of [[Delver of Secrets]] is not a broken or ban-worthy pile of cards, but never underestimate the raw efficiency of a good Tempo deck.


+2 [[Boseiju, Who Endures]]; -2 [[Cabal Ritual]]

For this situation, we are post-board and on our third turn. [[Galvanic Relay]] provides six additional cards. We have a land drop available and our opponent has six cards in hand — no known cards. How should we approach this position?

Situation 2

Special Guest

Chris Banuchi

Chris Banuchi

Storm mages will, of course, arrive to Legacy tournaments well prepared for [[Delver of Secrets]]. We’ve been down this road before. It’s possible they have multiple counter spells in hand. [[Veil of Summer]] is often our MVP in these situations.

Maybe the top of our deck has some goodies?


Jordan Karim

Jordan Karim

Before playing a land, cast [[Brainstorm]]. We may have to cantrip further, but need the shuffle. Committing to [[Underground Sea]] is too hasty. From there, if our hand changes (like with a [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] or [[Dark Ritual]]). [[Veil of Summer]] is good, but I don’t like the idea of simply “going for it” — too much can go wrong. It may suck losing two [[Beseech the Mirror]], but that’s the cost of doing business.

Bryant Cook

Bryant Cook

I feel its a trap to assume [[Veil of Summer]] into [[Beseech the Mirror]] will just resolve. We can deduce they likely do not have [[Stifle]] in their hand based on the previous turn. I would likely play [[Bloodstained Mire]] and then cast [[Ponder]]. Based on what we find or don’t find determines the rest of the game. If it’s a shuffle, [[Brainstorm]] gives us additional looks to cobble together a win. Ideally, we find either [[Dark Ritual]] or [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] to make things simple.

Alex McKinley

Alex McKinley

Start by snapping off [[Veil of Summer]]. Casting [[Beseech the Mirror]] with a backup [[Veil of Summer]] plays into [[Force of Will]] plus [[Daze]]. If the [[Veil of Summer]] resolves, we have an easy [[Gaea’s Will]] line or a [[Song of Creation]] line to play around graveyard hate. If [[Veil of Summer]] does not resolve, we can cantrip for another option.

Oliver Everhard

Oliver Everhard

I like starting with our cantrips here — at present, firing off a [[Beseech the Mirror]] loses to [[Force of Will]] and [[Daze]], simply not a combination of cards I’m willing to ignore out of Temur Delver with a six-card hand. Our path varies based on what [[Ponder]] and [[Brainstorm]] (and notably we will get the chance to shuffle off of our [[Bloodstained Mire]] if we need to) yield. More copies of [[Veil of Summer]] plus fast mana (in particular [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for our [[Echo of Eons]] in hand) might mean forcing the action now. More cantrips and lands might call waiting an additional turn. If we wait that additional turn, I might even cast an unbargained [[Beseech the Mirror]] to ensure having a [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] in hand for next turn.

SITUATION No. 3 — Bant Stiflenought

[[Stifle]], again? Strategies centered around [[Phyrexian Dreadnought]] have been popping up with more frequency, thanks to [[Doorkeeper Thrull]] — a flash prison threat that enables the large 12/12 creature. With [[Stifle]], [[Doorkeeper Thrull]], and [[Dress Down]], this powerful deck keeps growing its bag of tricks.

Facing down tricky dreadnoughts can be challenging for The EPIC Storm. [[Stifle]] is good, and [[Doorkeeper Thrull]] can incidentally stop [[Chrome Mox]]. Add playsets of [[Force of Will]] and [[Daze]], plus whatever additional sideboard interaction they might have, and it becomes a formidable foe. Thankfully, [[Thoughtseize]] and [[Veil of Summer]] offer several lines that can ignore [[Stifle]].


+3 [[Thoughtseize]], +2 [[Boseiju, Who Endures]]; -3 [[Echo of Eons]], -2 [[Cabal Ritual]]

[[Galvanic Relay]] continues to impress! In this scenario, we untapped for another turn three with six cards to work with. Drawing the additional fetchland was not ideal, but perhaps it won’t matter. Our opponent has extra lethal on-board and a [[Doorkeeper Thrull]] that shut down a [[Chrome Mox]] on our previous turn. They have three cards in hand. How can we establish control of this game and successfully bring it to a positive conclusion?

Situation 3

Special Guest

Chris Banuchi

Chris Banuchi

These Stiflenought decks can be extremely disruptive against combo but they are currently tapped out. Our back is still against the wall and we might have to take risks. Do we [[Thoughtseize]] now or after some new hands are drawn?


Jordan Karim

Jordan Karim

Do we have a sideboard [[Beseech the Mirror]]? YOU BET WE DO! Play the land and cast [[Thoughtseize]] (not the [[Mox Opal]], play around [[Mindbreak Trap]] — some people are crazy in Leagues, am I right?). We can check for interaction as needed, but we really only care about counter magic. We can naturally play around something like [[Surgical Extraction]] by having two “action” spells in [[Beseech the Mirror]] and [[Burning Wish]].

Once [[Thoughtseize]] resolves, play [[Mox Opal]], and [[Burning Wish]] for the sideboard copy of [[Beseech the Mirror]]. It can be cast with Bargain with mana from the [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and we have a clean [[Gaea’s Will]] line — even through a [[Surgical Extraction]]!

Bryant Cook

Bryant Cook

Oh, sideboard [[Beseech the Mirror]] how I love you. This is a straightforward win. Play a land from exile and [[Thoughtseize]]. Play [[Mox Opal]], [[Burning Wish]] for [[Beseech the Mirror]] into [[Gaea’s Will]].

Alex McKinley

Alex McKinley

This [[Burning Wish]] can find an [[Echo of Eons]] or the sideboard [[Beseech the Mirror]]. The [[Thoughtseize]] can check the opponent’s hand for graveyard hate or counter magic. If they have both, we cast [[Echo of Eons]], but otherwise its an easy deterministic [[Gaea’s Will]] loop.

Oliver Everhard

Oliver Everhard

I think we’re always starting with the [[Thoughtseize]] and hoping to dodge two copies of [[Force of Will]] and a third Blue card (an unlikely but possible scenario). If that’s what they have, we’re dead. Assuming the coast is clear, play our land and [[Mox Opal]] to cast [[Burning Wish]], hold priority and sacrifice [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] for , tutor and cast [[Beseech the Mirror]] bargaining the tapped [[Mox Opal]] for a [[Gaea’s Will]] kill.

Want to see your play?

We’re allowing for fan-based submissions for “Infernal Tutoring!” To submit, please visit the Contact Us page. Attach your screenshot, describe the situation in detail, and press submit!

Disclaimer: Regarding the details of the scenarios, we do not want what the outcome of the situation is. For example, if the question is, “Do I go for it here?” do not tell the team if your opponent had [[Force of Will]] or not. This information honestly doesn’t matter for our purposes and it doesn’t change the answer if it’s correct or not to cast the business spell. Thank you for your understanding.


  • Use the subject line of “Infernal Tutoring”
  • Write what list you are playing and if there’s anything special about your list compared to the current stock version. Scenarios that contain the current list are more likely to be selected.
  • If possible, please resize your images to be no larger than 1400px wide and preferably under 125kb. This will make our job easier, if you’re unfamiliar how to do this we’ll do it for you. Still message us with your scenarios!