Jeskai Breach is the newest deck to join the Legacy scene due to the printing of Underworld Breach. The goal is to use blue draw spells and Enlightened Tutor to assemble a combo. The deck casts Underworld Breach with a few cards in the graveyard, then use Lion’s Eye Diamond to cast Brain Freeze from the graveyard. The first Brain Freeze will put about 9-12 cards into the graveyard. Three of them can be used to “Escape” and cast the Lion’s Eye Diamond from the graveyard. The mana lets you “Escape” Brain Freeze, this time for 15-18 cards. By the third time you do the loop, you’ll have no cards left in your library and all you need to do is “Escape” your one copy of Thassa’s Oracle to win the game. There have been many variations of this Breach deck, but as people figure the deck out and the decklist becomes more tuned, it seems to be settling on Jeskai. I don’t think this deck is just a hot fad and it will be around for some time. In order to do well in Legacy today, we must have a game plan for Jeskai Breach.
How does Jeskai Breach matchup against TES?
Underworld Breach, Lion’s Eye Diamond, Grinding Station, Brain Freeze, Thassa’s Oracle – These are the cards that make up the combo. In the previous section, I explained how they all interact. This deck is very consistent, and since the pieces can be found through milling yourself and then recasting cards from the graveyard, it means this Jeskai Breach can go off with very little resources, unlike a traditional Storm deck.Silence, Force of Will, Pact of Negation – This suite of cards is what protects the combo and also disrupts the opponent long enough to assemble the combo. Jeskai Breach is fast compared to most other Legacy decks. That’s why this package has Silence and Pact of Negation because they will mostly be cast on their turn while they’re trying to combo off. Both Silence and Force of Will are great at preventing us from comboing off. If we go all-in on some Storm path just to be hit with a Silence halfway through, it is devastating. That’s probably even worse than a Force of Will because we have some lines that are fine with getting something countered.Enlightened Tutor, Engineered Explosives – Jeskai Breach having access to a tutor that can search for any piece of the combo for just one mana is really good. This is the glue that puts it all together and allows Jeskai Breach to be so consistent. Enlightened Tutor basically counts as more copies of each of the combo and finds the missing pieces. It can also find utility cards such as like Engineered Explosives, for permanents. This might not sound that relevant for us, but it means Empty the Warrens is off the table.
Deck List
Main Deck
- 4 Burning Wish
- 4 Wishclaw Talisman
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Ponder
- 4 Veil of Summer
- 2 Defense Grid
- 1 Chain of Vapor
- 1 Ad Nauseam
- 1 Echo of Eons
- 4 Polluted Delta
- 4 Bloodstained Mire
- 1 Badlands
- 1 Underground Sea
- 1 Volcanic Island
- 1 Bayou
- 1 Swamp