TES Wins March Madness!

The voting took place in the Leaving A Legacy Facebook Group and was run by Warren Connell. These were the rules:
  1. You should be able to view the bracket in Google Sheets. Make a copy of it and you should then be able to make predictions on your local copy of the bracket. Ship me a link to your bracket and I'll keep track of it for scorekeeping purposes. Deadline to get the bracket to me will be the morning that the first vote starts. One bracket per person. I don't have time to sift through multiple updates for people.
  2. Scoring will use basic bracket scoring. So, 1 point for every matchup you get right in the first round, 2 points for every matchup in the second, etc. There may or may not be fabulous prizes for participants and winners, such as limited edition Legacy March Madness swag or commemoration in a dank meme.
  3. Winners of each match will be determined by forum vote. You can be scientific about it, you can vote for or against the deck you love or hate, you can vote for a meme deck, and you can lobby for your cause in the comments. It's not meant to be super-scientific.
  4. In the rare case of a tie when I close voting, we will go into SUPER SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME. I will make a post about SUPER SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME and the first comment will get to choose the winner. So it pays off to mash that refresh button.
  5. Voting will go more or less according to the schedule in the bracket. I will give what time each round of voting should close but each poll will usually be about 24 hours. I reserve the right to adjust the schedule at any time due to me travelling or otherwise being crushed by work. I think that covers just about everything. Remember, this is in no way shape or form scientific, or at least it wasn't last year. Any questions or comments about the rules, leave them here.