"Do we actually need Chain of Vapor?"
My immediate reaction is yes, but upon sitting down and thinking about it for some time, I'm not so sure. By being fast enough, we can eliminate the need for bouncing things - especially since the match-ups where Chain of Vapor is good, they don't have Force of Will.
Match-ups where Chain of Vapor is valuable:
- Lands
- Death & Taxes / Maverick
- MUD/Chalice of the Void decks
- Burn
Consider Thoughtseize for these reasons:

- Against Lands I tend to side out Cabal Therapy and keep in Duress as they either have Thorn of Amethyst, Sphere of Resistance, Chalice of the Void or Trinisphere and it's tough to guess which one is correct. That said, Thoughtseize helps here and comes down proactively rather than costing a turn. Keep in mind, we bring in Abrupt Decay in this match-up anyway. Which would mean, the loss of Chain of Vapor isn't as important. The second Empty the Warrens here has little effect as the card isn't very good in this match-up for a few reasons.
- The current plan for Death & Taxes is to take out two Duress and two Ponder or Void Snare, two Thoughtseize and Empty the Warrens. If you decided to, you could also bring in the Bayou and the copies of Abrupt Decay. This plan would lean slightly heavier on Burning Wish for Massacre, but would be very aggressive, proactive and more effective with the basic Swamp (six discard spells and Massacre). The downside is resolved hate would be a slightly larger pain, due to this, I would bring in Abrupt Decay on the draw but not on the play. Either way, I think this plan is good here.
- For Chalice of the Void decks, Chain of Vapor isn't great since the artifact is often set on one. It's really only there to deal with Trinisphere or Lodestone Golem, which don't come down before discard in most cases. I think the difference is marginal here, especially when paired with Abrupt Decay.
- Against Burn, Thoughtseize admittedly isn't very good. We need to go from siding in Chain of Vapors to Abrupt Decay - a marginal loss.
- Now is where we start to gain matchups. With two Thoughtseize, we gain a Burning Wish target for game one and most post-sideboard games.
- In the storm mirror, we have the option of going up to eight discard spells (taking out Empty the Warrens and a Chrome Mox) or seven disruption spells leaving one as a Wish target.
- Lastly, discard can come in against control decks such as Miracles or Stoneblade to discard key cards like Counterbalance, Force of Will or even things like Batterskull (Where Chain of Vapor is useless).
Deck List
- 4 Burning Wish
- 4 Infernal Tutor
- 4 Brainstorm
- 4 Ponder
- 4 Gitaxian Probe
- 4 Cabal Therapy
- 2 Duress
- 1 Empty the Warrens
- 1 Ad Nauseam